InuLuna of The Moon Profile Page
InuLuna of The Moon

About Me



October 24th 2022

It got really rough and worse. Because of electric company I lost $3,000.00 worth of ducks, chickens, geese, guinea, and turkeys. Neighbors killed 1 of our dogs by putting rat poison in a dead rabbit and tossing it near the fence. My dad havd gotten deathly ill with sepsis. For many months. Took him 6 to 8 months to get over it. Then we were Illegally evicted from homes of 20+ years because someone lied in court saying it was abandoned for over 3 months.

Almost 3 or 3 1/2 months after that, then an officer targeted my father and I so we have to go to court. For our own dogs and some strays that showed up. They took all of our dogs and the strays. When we willingly relinquished them as we had just been evicted and were told we would not be charged. I have even called all animal rescues in the city and nearby states they have been booked and full for 3 years. The officers killed one healthy girl dog by excessive force and let a couple of them out. And the officers are still trying to charge us and lying on their arrest warrant.  We are still waiting on preliminary hearing.

Temporarily living in a tent. I could not resist writing since it has been so long. My jump drive is still broken possibly lost as I don't know where my dad put it.

My original computer is missing possibly stolen and new computer destroyed by water damage.

I only have a phone. Love you all!

December 26th, 2020

(Teary eyed) I have not lost my muse I promise! But all my stories are stuck on a broken jump drive. As my laptops are also broken. I am nearly homeless and broke. And the electric company almost killed my dad and I by charging us $2,800 in one month for two separate houses that had nothing on except for our fridges and one or two LED light bulbs. Even our water heaters were off so we only had cold water. By shutting off our electricity 10 days before the actual due date and also shutting off our water well. (They charged us a bill from 12 years prior from a deceased person/grandparents) I have been toting water for nearly two years. And my father has been hospitalized because of his stomach going septic from an injury he had in the military that the military never fixed in the past 22 years. City and state won't do anything unless my father is needing oxygen, in jail, or dead. My sister's and I only just got my father out of the hospital a day or two before Christmas. We rarely have any internet. Maybe one day, my dad can help me fix my jump drive. If nothing changes we might only have a year or two left in us.

Thank you for letting me leave these stories here.

October 25th, 2018 Lost internet and the charger cord to my laptop is broke. Computers dead.

August 30th, 2018

First my laptop fell off my bed and bent (nearly broke) my jump drive that has my stories in it. I get the back up jump drive and transfer then and when I take it out I find that the new back up jump drives frame cracked and made it almost unusable (because it had gotten so hot or something), got a new jump drive and then I come back to find it snapped in half.... I don't know if I will ever get my stories back.


And then because of some idiot in town, my dogs got parvo and I lost 3 puppies and 3 teen pups that I was going to find homes for this year...

And to top it. Some idiot corrupt judge signed off on some paperwork and I am losing my families home and land because a corrupt company conned my dying grandmother saying her insurance wont cover her cancer medicine. (Which is a lie) So she took out a second morgage while ubder the influence of medicine. (Which is illegal on their part in the first place) When she passed they tried to force the last small amount onto my fathers shoulders while refusing that he was grandmas son. Dad refused and filed the paperwork to send them to court. But the company had enough money to get the paperwork stuck in the courts for these past 8 to 10 years and added my famlies home onto it. They have been trying to take it since my grandparents died. No one at the court is answering our phone calls or questions and all the lawyers in town are refusing to help. Saying my dad had been served 3 times and signed it when when (That never even happened and it is a forgery). They even screwed up what part of the property they were demanding untill the courts explained it. I have to leave my home of 20 years... and i may be homeless because I am on disability and physically can not live in town because of my high functioning Asperger's and have no ability to get a loan...all my dogs and chickens, ducks, geese, guinea, and turkeys will have to die or be sold... so... this might be my goodbye for good... I'll just leave my stories here if that is okay..

If nothing changes, then I will either be dead or just unable to do anything more or wondering around. I'll see about trying one or two more chapters if its possible. Bye my dear dokuga, you gave me hope.

June 16th, 2018

4:50pm Just got home from the tooth removal. The tooth was infected and cracked somehow. I already feel a great difference and my head has cleared and my ear doesn't hurt as bad as the pressure is letting up. And the swelling in my neck and throat are going down as the tooth is draining. No more shaking, extreme sharp pain, and crazy semi high fever! Though the doc did end up having to use three shots of that numbing stuff because it was so sensitive. So my right ear is a little numb lol I am good to go.

June 15th 2018

You know that tooth filling I had gotten? I had called 1 month later and asked them if it was normal for the tooth to still be so sensitive and they said it might take 3 weeks to 3 months before it would subside. Well, it didn't. And because I got my other wisdom teeth taken out in April 2018 I found out those were impacted and causing a fever on and off. And I had briefly forgotten about the sensitivity of my tooth that got a filling. June 11th-15 I have been having extreme pain and swelling along my jaw, the right side of my neck all the way up to my ear. As it had just hit me suddenly worse on the 12th, and on the 13th it was so bad I could barely do anything all day and couldn't sleep all night. As I caught quite the fever- still do. It's kind of hard to concentrate writing this... and just today June 15th, 2018 my neck on the left started to swell two times larger than the right side... I am currently fighting through the pain and shaking on and off. Tomorrow morning I am immediately going to get the tooth with the filling taken out. I hope I get it done in time before it either bursts in my mouth or spreads an almost irreversible infection to the rest of my body and possibly dying from it. Wish me luck?

The year 2018,

Hadn't realized how my health had gone downhill when a tooth started to ache on occasion near the end of December in 2016. By January 2017 first, that ache started to happen more frequently. Then there was a small lack of energy. After that my tooth ached more often and I was lacking a lot of energy on top of a slow downhill of difficulty focusing and even thinking. To the point that in 2017 I was practically bedridden for 4 months at the end of the year.... and my jaw was killing me in frustrating pain. I truly didn't even know what was happening to me. Not even a little bit as I was constantly on and off wrought in fever. Rarely able to even get a small thought of concern in. It wasn't until I went to the dentist and I made an appointment to get a filling because one tooth cracked in the corner and it also got worse. (which I could do nothing because all I had was insurance that the state gave me since my knee injury) At that appointment, I immediately made another appointment to get my wisdom teeth removed on January 30th, 2018. They gave me antibiotics to reduce swelling and make sure there wasn't an infection. Instantly that week and a half before the surgery, when I took half of an antibiotic pill, my mind cleared, and I could think again. To my utter shock at how bad my health had gone down. And with greater relief I will tell you when I finally got those two teeth taken out of the right side of my jaw on the 30th of 2018, I could function mentally and my energy came back almost immediately. But, during the operation, the dentist said he had to be careful because 1 tooth was in the process of rotting "literally", and he didn't want to leave any of it behind or it can cause another bad infection. I wish to tell all of you, please be careful, and make sure you also don't have any wisdom teeth rotting in your jaw. As it literally, if I hadn't gotten it removed, the infection could have moved from the tooth to my jaw and to my brain. It would have killed me this year if nothing was done.

It all started with a small twang of pain on occasion.

Please be aware of your health and I hope you all the best with that.

PS: -I still wish to continue writing. Still, I fell like apologizing for not being able to post and write lately.

February 7th, 2017

I made it safely to the back house and thanks to my neighbors in town and dad, we got the water and heat running! My dog Crescent had, had 9 puppies on November 6th, 2016 Though 1 didn’t make it about 3 or 4 days later because she was the only premature one and had trouble nursing. So I have been pretty busy with the others now. Hoping to keep four of them because we have quite a large pack of coyotes out here and they are awesome alarm/guardian/family like dogs. As my dad will keep 1. So I need to find 3 of them homes. Lovely cross breed of (German Sheppard, Australian Shepherd, Husky, Boxer, and Blue healer) because of their parents Crescent and Farrow’s, and their parents Keyco and Duke’s genetics. Pretty cool, uh.. And quite a hand full as I have 10 total because of puppies and two parents.

If anyone is interested in a puppy, I live in Clovis NM, and you can send me a message. Free to good home.

I still need to get a fence up outside. I have a good spot fenced in on the porch and flower bed they have been in. But, not enough room. As you may have noticed, I have started updating on quite a few chapters recently, and I hope to continue.

"NEW CHAPTER/s ON, ""Pulse".

Working on both mentioned stories above and "The Rising Moon". I have also come up with a few more. Seems I can not type them quick enough.

I Love to read! Especially to go on walks at a park but preferably with a lot of trees. I guess you could say I don't do well just staying inside a house, sometimes but not many. The outdoors are something real and refreshing when you get the chance. Lol, I look like my profile picture. Though not in black and white. I have long dirty brown hair, brown eyes, and am 6ft tall. Graduated High School in 2009. Also took a few college classes. I just love to write and cannot resist! Ever since I could start writing and reading I would write random things. I'm still working on several books that I'm writing.

Oh... to fanfiction! I used to watch InuYasha when I was little. I just adore Inuyasha's ears! But, there was just one character that I was curious about, "Sesshoumaru" and then the different types of demons, and Miko's etc. I was entrapped and awed! They are some of the beings that I've dreamt about since I can remember. Stuff like the plants and animals on Avatar, to dragons, before I've even read about them. It's amazing what the minds of yourself and others can create, see, and view. I appreciate what others write as they leave a part of themselves behind. An imprint for everyone to remember no matter how small. There is something that anyone can do. To inspire! To create and brighten a persons day! *I had originally posted some of my first stories and pairings on Then, I found A Single It was a shock when it disappeared for a while. Till Dokuga was made. For all of those people that believed, created, and wrote; Thank You!

-As a note sometimes I leave my computer on after I finish some of my work. So if I am not on when you send me something don't worry about not getting an answer right away.

My Stories List

Chapter Stories:


  1. "The Unexpected" Started writing (2006), Posted (10/26/2007), Last updated on (12/02/2007 On Hold)
  2. "Stray" Started writing (2002), Posted (1/02/2009), Last updated/edited on (10/05/2011 On Hold)
  3. "The Awakening Taiyoukai" Started writing (2008), Posted (1/02/2009), Last updated/edited on (10/05/2011 On Hold)
  4. "Puppy Troubles 1 Cursed" Started writing (1/13/2012), Posted (1/14/2012), Last updated on (7/08/2015) On - 21 Chapters
  5. "Youkai Freedom" Started writing (2/28/2012), Posted (3/03/2012), Last updated on (7/07/2018) On - 25+ Chapters
  6. "The Rising Moon" Started writing (11/10/2012), Posted (11/24/2012), Last updated on (6/22/2018) On - 9+ Chapters
  7. "Puppy Troubles 2 First Son" "Part 1 The Making" Started writing (12/22/2012), Posted (not yet), Last updated on (8/27/1018)  "Part 2 Time's Past" Started writing (2/21/2013), Posted (not yet), Last updated on (8/28/2018) Will be on - many chapters, not finished.
  8. "Puppy Troubles 3 Conclusion" Started writing on (12/05/2014), Last updated on (6/08/2015), Posted (not yet) Will be on - many chapters, not finished.
  9. "Puppy Troubles 4 The Teal and White Cat" Started writing on (6/08/2015), Posted (not yet), Last updated on (7/3/2015) Will be on - many chapters, not finished.
  10. "Twists Of Fate" Started writing (10/15/2012), Posted (1/18/2013), Last updated on (7/08/2015) On - 6 chapters
  11. "Through The Eyes Of Another" Started writing (2/13/2013), Posted (2/14/2013), Last updated on (2/14/2013) On -Tester, 1 Chapter
  12. "Circumstances By Law" Started writing (9/19/2013), Posted (2/07/2017), Last updated/edited on (2/07/2017) Chapter series up to 30-40+ chapters set out.
  13. "Frozen In Time" Started writing (7/16/2014), Posted (not yet), Last updated on (7/17/2013) Would be on - 1 Chapter, not quite finished.
  14. "Stranded In The Rain" Started writing (7/28-29/2014), Posted (7/29/2014), Last updated on (1/02/2016) On - 4 Chapters
  15. "Pulse" Started writing (1/16/2015), Posted (1/16/2015), Last updated on (10/19/2018) On - 3+ Chapters
  16. "All I See Are Stars" Started writing (01/16/2015), Posted (11/1/2017), Last updated on (11/07/2017) On - 3+ Chapters


One Shot Collection's:


  1. "A Spring's Challenge" Started writing (1/26/2012), Posted (1/27/2012), Last updated on (1/18/2013) On and - 4 Chapters
  2. "A Winter's Breeze" Started writing (1/26/2012), Posted (1/27/2012), (COMPLETE) On and - 1 Chapter
  3. "Cheesy Situations" Started writing (4/19/2012), Posted (4/20/2012), Last updated on (2/17/2013) On - 98 Chapters
  4. "Brake, Split, Run..." Started writing (4/29/2012), Posted (5/01/2012), (COMPLETE) On - 5 Chapters
  5. "Broken Wood" Started writing (7/28/2012), Posted (7/29/2012), Last updated on (7/29/2012) On - 10 Chapters
  6. "By The Sea" Started writing (12/24/2012), Posted (12/24/2012), (COMPLETE) On - 5 Chapters
  7. "The Ten Spices" Started writing (1/30/2013), Posted (2/01/2013), (COMPLETE) On - 27 Chapters
  8. "The Rabbit's Misgivings" Started writing (2/25/2013), Posted (2/25/2013), Last updated on (11/12/2017) On - 91 Chapters
  9. "Spicy Temptations" (#2 of The Ten Spices) Started writing (1/05/20124), Posted (8/17/2016), Last updated on (8/17/2016) On -1+ chapters, not finished
  10. "I Dream To Love" Started writing (6/06/2014), Posted (not yet), Last updated on (6/06/2014) Would be on - 4 chapters, not finished
  11. "Shatter" Started writing (09/18/2014), Posted (10/13/2014), Last updated on (12/18/2014) On - 68+ Chapters
  12. "The White Mare" Started writing (12/10/2014), Posted (12/15/2014), Last updated on (05/28/2018) On - 90+ Chapters
  13. "The Blood Mare" Started writing (2017-2018), "is number 2 of "The White Mare", Posted(), Last updated on () not on  yet- 50+ Chapters

Ratings are pretty much all MA. And anything that says (On Hold) means it was most likely stuck on my old computer. The only way I can look into it though is from an even, way, older version of the story that I can edit if I remember what I had written.



User Status

14 years ago
6 months ago
6 months ago
InuLuna of The Moon


-crosses fingers- Hope this works since I couldn't quite get the forum part to work. , , , , , , , , From Miss Stella's Spicy Challenge! In the story, "The Ten Spices" and I am working on a part 2. The 10th spice in the story was lemon! It wasn't really one of the challenges. ^-^


Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts32

Forum Posts
12/25/2014 22:38:10Writing a Book vs. Writing a PaperAuthor's Tools3724
11/19/2013 06:27:18Re:Skye's Weekly Challenge Ending July 26thChallenges6926
11/19/2013 06:22:34Re:What do you think?Fanfiction Help3503
06/30/2013 17:46:32Re:Phae's Word PromptsChallenges26805
04/18/2013 17:42:50What do you think?Fanfiction Help3503
04/16/2013 07:42:44Re:Art Supply Heaven or Hell....Recommendations7904
04/16/2013 06:54:42Re:You need to see this :DRecommendations8190
02/20/2013 18:39:02Re:Pup sesshoumaru claims kagome(belong to sesshomaruSearching for a Fic...11859
02/20/2013 14:39:33Re:Kagome has Sesshomaru's pup in a caveSearching for a Fic...10060
02/17/2013 18:44:36Re:Whatcha Listening to Right Now?Forum Games254701
02/17/2013 17:40:07Re:Spicy ChallengeChallenges86022
02/14/2013 14:21:03Re:Spicy ChallengeChallenges86022
02/04/2013 06:17:52Re:Chain ReactionForum Games260457
02/04/2013 06:13:07Re:The Person/Poster Below MeForum Games400999
02/04/2013 06:01:38Re:Whatcha Listening to Right Now?Forum Games254701
02/04/2013 05:59:43Re:Whatcha Listening to Right Now?Forum Games254701
02/03/2013 20:40:58Re:Spicy ChallengeChallenges86022
02/03/2013 20:05:30Re:Spicy ChallengeChallenges86022
02/03/2013 17:45:45Re:Spicy ChallengeChallenges86022
02/02/2013 16:39:54Re:Spicy ChallengeChallenges86022

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  Ash-Lee Draper
  Yuna Nara
  Silphire Inu


InuLuna of The Moon has 22 stories

As a child she didn't remember much, and as she grew into a teen, she was taught how to heal, and use a bow by two reluctant priestesses that have taken her in. And now, as she wondered off for the first time to a distant village that needed her help, she stumbles across something that she wished she never had, in hopes of escaping a flash flood.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 29 Jul 2014  -  Updated: 02 Jan 2016
Genre: Action, Angst, Dark, Friendship, Humor, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 4  -  Reviews: 14  -  Words: 18,146  -  Reads: 12,364
Kagome started a wood shop as soon as she could. Designing what she wanted to since she was 6. He was just a business man and architect specialist that had his half brother panned to him by his step mother. Put the two brothers together and they end up braking things. So who does he call?
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 29 Jul 2012  -  Updated: 29 Jul 2012
Genre: Action, Angst, Friendship, Humor, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 10  -  Reviews: 1  -  Words: 3,260  -  Reads: 13,958
In a world only controlled by people born as Enchanted beings, a girl, only in her 15th year searches for a stolen artifact given to her towns shrine. What else could go wrong in a forest infested by the Changed and even deformed humans turned into monsters only found in horror stories? With new friends found along the way, could that change her fate, or will it just chain her down on a road she will never forget? -I know ^-^ Corky huh-
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 14 Feb 2013  -  Updated: 14 Feb 2013
Genre: Action, Angst, Dark, Drama, Friendship, Humor, Kink, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 1  -  Words: 2,776  -  Reads: 5,716
To the point of having to flee and find another home. Where it is almost as bad. With the dragon populace becoming scarce in the provinces, and close to becoming bombarded by demons, and greedy land owners from all sides. What good will come when a single maid, for the kings son, appears to have caught the eye of one of the queens and a demon shows up? Could she really somehow put aside their differences to give the people a new hope while avoiding being prosecuted? (Edited chapter 5 it is much more smoother now!)
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 24 Nov 2012  -  Updated: 22 Jun 2018
Genre: Action, Angst, Dark, Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Kink, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 14  -  Reviews: 27  -  Words: 56,650  -  Reads: 18,562
What happens when Kagome wakes up in the middle of one of their shard hunting expeditions in the form of a dog? Only to find out she is cursed! Warning: if your blood squeemish you might not want to read. (Ch.2 Edited) Ps: If you find an error please pm me WHERE it is, because there is a lot of pages. lol. Thank you.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 14 Jan 2012  -  Updated: 08 Jul 2015
Genre: Action, Angst, Dark, Friendship, Humor, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 21  -  Reviews: 88  -  Words: 129,513  -  Reads: 97,371
It was time for a change, and that change drew out an even more fatal reaction. A new threat that can alter their very existence emerges. Lets just hope that the Western Lord can make it in time.
Rating: M  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 27 Jan 2012  -  Updated: 18 Jan 2013
Genre: Action, Angst, Friendship, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 4  -  Reviews: 6  -  Words: 1,883  -  Reads: 7,151
Just like his father Sesshoumaru seemed to muse. He just had to find Rin and that woman that seems to always attract trouble.
Rating: M  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 27 Jan 2012  -  Updated: 27 Jan 2012
Genre: Angst, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 4  -  Words: 1,283  -  Reads: 7,583
Demon kind has been enslaved for 5 century’s. The last of the Daiyoukai left were beginning to loose hope as humans became more vicious the past decade. Yet whispers of a woman that acts differently have reached their keen ears. One that was said to have a rare gift. A gift of freedom with one kiss. (Ch. 1,3, 9, 10, 14, 15, 20, & 21 Have been edited! Ch.2 re-edited. Thank's to the help of my betta RansLover for three of them!)
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 03 Mar 2012  -  Updated: 07 Jul 2018
Genre: Action, Angst, Dark, Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 27  -  Reviews: 104  -  Words: 158,386  -  Reads: 164,285
Just a group of drabbles/oneshots I wanted to type. Switching every 50 years Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru make a deal and this time Sesshoumaru lost the bet. Voluntarily staying in a smaller dog form till he can win the next bet. Who better than a miko onna to buy him from a pet store his brother owned?
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 20 Apr 2012  -  Updated: 17 Feb 2013
Genre: Action, Angst, Friendship, Humor, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 98  -  Reviews: 54  -  Words: 28,452  -  Reads: 133,097
What happens when Kagome has no choice but to steal from a private owner of a mini museum? And said owner offers her a job? (This is an experiment. MA for later chapters if I continue.)
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 01 May 2012  -  Updated: 01 May 2012
Genre: Action, Angst, Friendship, Humor, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 5  -  Reviews: 6  -  Words: 1,196  -  Reads: 10,354
To my dear readers and my stories, if this be my last chance, then I hope to write some of my poetry I had written in relation to and for a couple of my stories. Thank you bunches.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 13 Jun 2019  -  Updated: 13 Jun 2019
Genre: Angst, Dark, Drama, Friendship, Humor, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 2  -  Reviews: 0  -  Words: 602  -  Reads: 4,670
Kagome looses a special gift given to her by her late father. Who better to find it than another. Marry Christmas for 2012!
Rating: T  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 24 Dec 2012  -  Updated: 24 Dec 2012
Genre: Action, Friendship, Humor, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 5  -  Reviews: 1  -  Words: 1,761  -  Reads: 10,666
“In a land trapped to be in eternal darkness and despair a queen of light slumbers to one day awaken from her prism. When her time comes to walk the earth again their will be a power never before seen unleashed after hundreds of years. Her ancient abilities enlightened with her anger from being betrayed. Demon kind had taken it too far.” At least, that is what his father used to tell him when he was younger, and listening to bedtime stories. (I added a bit more to ch2)
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 18 Jan 2013  -  Updated: 08 Jul 2015
Genre: Action, Angst, Dark, Drama, Friendship, Humor, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 6  -  Reviews: 11  -  Words: 15,467  -  Reads: 11,218
With Inuyasha’s goading it’s Kagome’s cooking verses the killing perfection for ten days! Who will win? (This is for miss Stella's “Spicy Challenge" And I am also writing a #2. It's called Spicy Temptations)
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 01 Feb 2013  -  Updated: 14 Feb 2013
Genre: Angst, Drama, Friendship, Humor, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 27  -  Reviews: 35  -  Words: 6,153  -  Reads: 66,981
It was never a good idea for a fox youkai to get bored. Because, that always meant trouble. When one fox actually did, she made a vow. Poor Kagome gets in the crossfire. Now to keep her from getting eaten….New Chapters 82-93
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 25 Feb 2013  -  Updated: 12 Nov 2017
Genre: Action, Angst, Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 105  -  Reviews: 102  -  Words: 26,190  -  Reads: 193,983
It has been many years since the humans and demons had created a peace treaty. Only for tension to rise later on. After all, you can’t always control a demons blood lust. As an attempt to help alleviate that, a team of programmers created a game, Shikon Illusions. With the new game out, so does a Glitch that causes a few... problems for two unsuspecting players. (Inspired by ½ Prince Manga/Anime) (Warning! Gender Bender for Two characters, will be funny!)
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 27 Nov 2013  -  Updated: 27 Nov 2013
Genre: Action, Angst, Dark, Drama, Friendship, Humor, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 6  -  Words: 2,926  -  Reads: 5,990
It had been passed down in his family for generations. A child’s toy. Why then could he not stop looking through the snow globe's glass. Why was she so sad?
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 13 Oct 2014  -  Updated: 18 Dec 2014
Genre: Action, Angst, Dark, Friendship, Humor, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 68  -  Reviews: 34  -  Words: 23,515  -  Reads: 93,048
They didn’t believe him at all when he was a very young. About a white mare with a horn in the middle of her forehead. She saved his life. And she had done so on several other occasions. Now it was his brothers turn. But, will she agree to his terms. “A life for a life. As she had saved another. Will she be lost forever or return to her true form?”
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 16 Dec 2014  -  Updated: 02 May 2023
Genre: Action, Angst, Dark, Friendship, Humor, Kink, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 160  -  Reviews: 85  -  Words: 58,916  -  Reads: 138,528
In an odd event called a garage sale; Kagome goes, because her mother asked her to watch out for her grandfather and he wanted her to come. What she didn’t expect was to find something that was long lost in time. To repair the past, she must work with it to save her future, and keep the portal from destroying both.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 16 Jan 2015  -  Updated: 21 Oct 2018
Genre: Action, Angst, Dark, Drama, Friendship, Humor, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 4  -  Reviews: 5  -  Words: 13,179  -  Reads: 7,650
It seemed that Kagome won the bet against Sesshoumaru. Now what will happen since they are dating? More yummy foods to add to the desires! A peeved brother trying to figure out what had happened. Then the parents come into the mix! (This is #2 of “The Ten Spices” and it still has Miss Stella’s “Spicy Challenge”)
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 17 Aug 2016  -  Updated: 17 Aug 2016
Genre: Angst, Drama, Friendship, Humor, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 0  -  Words: 343  -  Reads: 5,794
Kagome is sent to "Midoriko’s School for Miko’s" when her adoptive parent got tired of her asking if she could find her real parents. After being in the school for 11 years what happens when she disappears for several months only to return with a youkai child? Read and Find out!
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 07 Feb 2017  -  Updated: 07 Feb 2017
Genre: Action, Angst, Dark, Drama, Friendship, Humor, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 4  -  Words: 1,346  -  Reads: 6,649
Left to be eaten by a group of demons attacking the village, the young girl looked up at the leader standing in front of her, reaching out blindly to stand back up. He asked, “Why don’t you run? Are you not afraid?” kneeling in front of her. At that level he realized she was blind. “I see…” His nose crinkled in distaste as an upper lip revealed a sharp fang. Sneering down at the human. What she didn’t know was who the demon was. Blinking her unfocused eyes to look up where she heard the voice. “No you don‘t.” Her tone startled all the demons. Slowly, and ever so minute, her eyes focused on him. Gauging him with an innocent intelligence. “All I see are stars and yours burns the brightest. Why is that?” The sneer disappeared immediately. Features looking at her inquiringly before turning into a calm gaze. “Wouldn’t you want to know, blind one.”
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 01 Nov 2017  -  Updated: 07 Nov 2017
Genre: Action, Angst, Dark, Drama, Friendship, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 2  -  Reviews: 17  -  Words: 10,002  -  Reads: 9,677


Total number of images: 4

For Dokuga and It's Writers
  • For Dokuga and It's Writers
  • Category: Banners
Elemental Youkai Taro
  • Elemental Youkai Taro
  • Category: Others
Youkai Freedom
  • Youkai Freedom
  • Category: Others

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 270

Tangerine cover art (WIP)
Sesshomaru - Human ver.
Lord Sesshomaru
I Wasn`t Done - Part 2
Talking and Bathing
Peaceful Sleep
The prince and the priestess
The Shikon Miko
the limelight
All Grown Up -Shippo
The puppet
Inktober 2016
Give Inu a Bone
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Name Entry

Created On: 12/20/2014 15:40:01

When Kagome originally met Sesshoumaru she fell for him. But as he married her and then treated her the way he did, that love turned to hate. Time has blunted that feeling, leaving her with deep distrust and dislike. But she is still attracted to him, and there are softer feelings for him buried deeply underneath all the anger and pain, though she doesn't yet realize that. But Sesshoumaru is going to have to work hard to bring that out and deepen it back into love again, and he's also going to have to take his lumps, because Kagome IS going to run him ragged and make him pay for his past actions. She's going to fight him every step of the way.

Eventually we will see Sesshoumaru's side of the story and the reasons for all his actions, but it will be a while. There will be little hints here and there throughout the story, though, for those who really pay attention.

Thank you for giving Trading Yesterday a try!


Luna C.

Created On: 02/05/2014 01:31:45

Thank you for your review on First Snow! I hope I could answer your questions regarding the story. There's that time gap between chapter 1 and 2 because I didn't want to get into tedious details about the beginnings of Kagome's reign without making it seem redundant. What's important is the fact she is fair, it's implied that her people are being treated fairly under her rule, which is way better than Naraku's rule, but with a war going on, it's merely turning some opinions around. Chapter 3 reveals some answers, I don't wanna say too much and spoil it.


Created On: 01/02/2014 20:01:43

Thanks for writing and reviewing my story ;] It was a nice surprise for the New Years.

As for DDN, it means Drabble/Drawble Night and it's a night were we gather in chat to write 100 words drabbles depending on the prompt given. There's one this Saturday so, think about it

Have a nice day!
Feedback from InuLuna of The Moon: Np, Hope you have a good year. Do you know if DDN is all day? Where's it at?


Created On: 12/30/2013 08:58:36

Thank you very much for your wonderful reviews on 'Temper Tantrums of an Inuyoukai'! Glad to know that you thought it was funny- and don't worry, there are going to be many more chapters to come

DN Silence

Created On: 09/21/2013 03:11:21

Thank you for your lovely comment on Words Unsaid
I really appreciate it


Created On: 04/13/2013 19:03:00

Sorry for the late reply!
thanks for the awsome reviews i really liked the suggestion you made ( maybe it might happen who knows ) anyways hope you enjoy the rest of the story


Created On: 03/29/2013 11:46:34

thanks for reading grandkids on demand and sorry for the late reply. really glad that you enjoyed it as much as i did writing it.

Stella Mira

Created On: 02/21/2013 08:28:43

It's my mission on this planet to make people laugh

Thank you for the review!

Stella Mira

Created On: 02/18/2013 19:11:25

Thank you for your lovely reviews!

Stella Mira

Created On: 02/15/2013 16:15:28

Thank you for reading and reviewing my latest drabble AUC! I'm glad you're enjoying it so far

Enjoy the updates ^^

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