Reviews for Blood Stained by Madison

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REDWOLF (Chapter 53) - Sun 26 Sep 2010

AWwwwwwww, dog gon' it! That was sweet! The sane Sesshoumaru can't help his pycho side. Give him a chance Kagome, making kids with this new Sesshoumaru will be fantastic.



Miss_Clockworks (Chapter 53) - Sun 26 Sep 2010

EEEEEK! omg omg omg!!!!!!  sorry, did NOT expect THAT. I mean, romance, of course, the title said as much. but BRO....He just like...proposed to her. like...just now.  


All spazzing aside, I love this story! I can't wait for them to have their happy ending! :)

Fluffy Lady (Chapter 52) - Sat 18 Sep 2010

lol the little turd of a pup is going to be the key to bringing his parents together, isn't he? This is a really good story and i'm eagerly awaiting more!

sesshyskoi (Chapter 52) - Fri 17 Sep 2010

Yay! The family is finally complete. ~sighs in bliss~ I am sooo happy that there bond is getting stronger! I can't wait for their feelings for eachother finally be said out loud to the other! It's taking to long! Fucking koga needs to push harder to make them see that they are in love. I feel bad for Koga that he still has feelings for Kag, but hopefully he will find someone in the story as it progresses.~ smiles at daydream~ Thank you soooo much for updating the chapters so periodically. I really appericate this! thank you again! I can't wait to read about the families trip to the mall! lmao

helikesitheymikey! (Chapter 52) - Fri 17 Sep 2010

awww...we got ourselves a lil matchmaker eh?

smart little guy...and SO CUTE! *squees happily*

man I bet he'll be a mischief maker...not unlike Shippo was...except he'll be more discreet methinks.


btw, why did he melt the blanket? was he too hot or did he want to see more or something? and I'm assuming he made the poison not hurt his mommy because it did sound like it touched her.

methinks he'll have very terrible twos if it effects him at all.

oh...I bet he'll refuse for them to not cohabitat...his granny won't like that I bet.*snickers*



glad he has some youkai in him at least. he's SO CUTE! I wonder if he can turn into a puppy...

REDWOLF (Chapter 52) - Thu 16 Sep 2010

Glad Sesshoumaru is finally starting to feel, now, if Kagome could figure it out!

Kristina Kimball (Chapter 52) - Thu 16 Sep 2010

oh my...i think it will get better...good was well done...

SashaMarie (Chapter 52) - Thu 16 Sep 2010

Please Update soon. I love this story. it is awesome. I cant wait to see what happens next.

Aki (Chapter 52) - Thu 16 Sep 2010


Kagome and sesshoumaru should stop being sooo stubborn. lol

update soon

darkangel05 (Chapter 52) - Thu 16 Sep 2010

I loved this chapter. I love how you described the feelings that Seshsoumaru was going through. I  am now starting to realize that he really does want to be with Kagome he's just scared, even if he doesnt realize it. Its going to be interesting to see his reactions when Kouga is around Kagome. I mean that display of jealousy was quite surprising. I also cant wait to read more about the mating mark that is just now making itself known to Kagome and Sesshoumaru hence the change in body temperature. Thanks for this chapter and cant wait for the next one to come out! PLEASE UPDATE SOON!

MissTeak (Chapter 52) - Thu 16 Sep 2010

*fangasms at the first scene!!* OMG Sesshoumaru will make the perfect, most amazing, most awesome father on earth. like seriously. He is sooooooo instinctive despite being a first-time father! XD But of course, Kaggy is not going to lose in any way, and she is totally on par with his awesome speed! They can have the 'I'll race you to the crib' moment soon in the future!! XD

Hahaha. There you have it, Sesshy darling. It's not because you're a dysfunctional Inuyoukai who cannot stand the idea of interaction. It's just that you haven't met the right people to interact with!! XD Now he loves the idea of being pack, and Kiyoshi is just the perfect thing to happen to the two of them! I am totally hyped up now.

Kagome is much loved by me, but she should stop being so unsure of herself! Kiyoshi loves his Mama lots, I am sure, so it is not good to dwell on what has happened in the past:( Of course, I cannot wait to see where you bring Kagome's emotional development; it is something I definitely look forward to reading about. She is now no longer a single entity, she is Kiyoshi's mom and also, Sesshoumaru's mate, be it in the most technical way.

Kiyoshi sounds sooooo sweeeet~ I would totally buy him lots of cute little stuff! <3 I thought it was very realistic that you had that aspect in the story, you know, the aspect of him not having enough stuff because the parents just did not prepare for it due to the situation they were in.

Sesshoumaru's honesty was very sweet! I don't know about others, but it struck me as a very clear indication of how their relationship has developed. It has definitely come a very long way from what it used to be, when silence and gloominess had been the main aspect of the interaction. The fact that he bothers to explain his actions make them sound so...husband and wife-ish! It's terrible adorable. Yet he goes all emo again in the subsequent part of the story, which makes me want to bludgeon him with a baseball bat. Sesshoumaru!! For GOODNESS' SAKE. STOP EMO-ING. You can have happiness too. YES. BELIEVE ME. It's right by your side!!!! *yells*




*calms down*

I hope the mating bond does its job and get those two seemingly-virginal individuals together NOW. LOL I like how Kagome referred to caring for Kiyoshi as...playing house!! LOL that's what I always thought when I see babies...they all look like dolls to me! But of course, it is no way as easy, and you can't chuck it aside because you've had enough fun. The breastfeeding experience was cute, and awww I wish Sesshoumaru would have a chance to...ummm...participate in it soon!! XD *fangirl squeals* It would be so sweet, Maddie!!!

Good job there on summarizing everything that had happened and giving us updates on Kagome's wellbeing in a short and sweet paragraph! :) I liked it very much indeed. And Sesshoumaru totally redeemed himself with the cuteness he displayed there!! How cute that he remembered for her that she could go back to drinking coffee and probably stuffing herself with everything unhealthy LOL. 

Kouga's words to Sesshoumaru about him being more than a sadist than what he was thought to be made me laugh out loud! The wolf boy can totally be infuriating, but of course, I forgive him for being so sexy LOL. Having his help with finding the shard and also, keeping Kagome and Kiyoshi safe is very reassuring; Sesshoumaru and Kagome couldn't have managed without the wolf pack! :)




*Re-grabs baseball bat* Now, Maddie, I know you love him but NOTHING'S GONNA STOP ME FROM CLOBBERING SESSHOUMARU NOW.

I am really hoping for him to get past his own insecurities and do something before Kagome decides that it is a lost cause between the two of them! After all, her actions have got to tell him more, eh? Like, leaning in and touching him more here and there :) So now I am in a state of wanting to strangle Fluffums and wanting to see him and Kagome get together for real!! <3 <3 <3 I enjoyed this chapter very, very much too, sweetie! Thank you for writing, allowing me to preview and also, posting it up now!! :)


Sala (Chapter 52) - Thu 16 Sep 2010

Although this baby is half youkai, half miko, I cannot imagine either Kagome or Sesshoumaru taking a premature newborn out into town.  Babies are very susceptible, so most people do not take them into public spaces for quite some time - several weeks, usually.

MissTeak (Chapter 51) - Thu 16 Sep 2010

FINALLY! Slowpoke me has arrived on this page with my reviews for chapter 51 and 52!!

Poor, poor Kagome...OMG the whole idea of giving birth is really, really scary. I cannot imagine having something come out of me like that, and I totally love the idea of being handed a baby by a stork, LOL. But okay, that's besides the point! Point is, poor Kagome is not doing too well now, and I hope she gets the help she needs ASAP.

It's so sweet that Sesshoumaru is doing the right thing as the father of the kid, staying by her side so supportively! But Sesshy is no doctor, so please, someone go fetch the doctor here!! NOW!!!

Kouga deserves a medal for being the nicest youkai around. Seriously, it's amazing how nice and helpful he is when his love interest is giving birth to another's baby!! Kudos to him for being so awesome! *hugggs Kouga* I totally like him too, just so you'd know LOL. Sure he was being a little jealous and uneasy at times, but STILL. *hands out medal*

As always, you did not deprive us of fluff moments! I was gushing when Kagome reached out for Sesshoumaru and touched his cheek. I can totally see the pretty picture it paints! <3 How sweet and cute! 

LOL then of course, we need the display of jealousy from Sesshoumaru! I totally knew it was too good to be true that Kouga was so involved, helping out here and Sesshoumaru does have his clear boundaries in place too! Go, Sesshy!! You are ACE! But of course, please keep your Dokkasou off Dr. Izumi...I think the poor dude didn't come all the way just so he could get sliced into shreds.

It's really cool to see how Kagome was kept in character - strong and resilient, even when she was having a baby! It's really good, my dear! I like the idea of her doing it by herself, but I wonder if Sesshoumaru might take it as if it is a rejection of him?

Our favorite demon lord has officially proved himself to be extremely efficient at multitasking!! LOL OMG I totally got flabbergasted when I saw how we were moving onto the subplot whereby he goes and take care of those vermin when Kagome is in labor. THIS IS WOW. JUST WOW. Thank goodness for Kouga and gang - the boys have been really helpful!

I was a little torn between being excited for the impending kill and the worry that he was going to leave her side. Like, "OMG what if the baby comes out when he was away??" He would totally miss the birthing and that would be such a shame, don't you think?? But oh well, he still went after those crappy individuals eventually, and boy, Sesshoumaru NEVER disappoints. He totally PWN-ed those creatures, albeit with a little help here and there, but still, managed to deliver what they deserved since a loooong time ago. I am glad he destroyed them! At least we will see no more of them. I was totally fearing those scenes whereby the hero goes easy on the bad guy out of the kindness of his heart, only to end up having them run back sometime and take revenge! Thankfully, Sesshoumaru is not one of those kind-hearted idiots. I totally don't feel sorry for tragic heroes like that.

Kouga deserves a medal AND a trophy for his efforts!! <3 The idea of Sess crushing the vermin's head with his boot is a little disturbing, though I love it LOL.

I am glad Sesshoumaru made such smart use of his time and totally took care of those gross individuals while Kagome was waiting and riding out contraction after contraction! LOL.

OMG OMG OMG MY KIYOSHI!! YOU ARE HERE!!! COME TO MAMA!!! *COOS MANICALLY* (death glare from Sesshoumaru) OK, OK...he's not mine. Damn. Whatever. I still want him.

It's soooooo cute that he is finally here!!! <3 I cannot hold my excitement back <3 You know how long we've been waiting for you, little one?? 

I wonder how you actually wrote the birthing, my dear! It's so vivid without being gory and scary for clueless creatures like myself, and I could actually feel the anxiety and the discomfort Kagome was experiencing! *shudders* Kudos to you on that! It must have taken LOTS of research, right? It's always nice for a reader to see a piece whereby the writer has clearly put in a lot of effort to make it good. It's even better when it is educational in a way; it totally enhances the reading experience. This is why I love Blood Stained!

And of course, comes the big question of 'What is this little thing??' LOL. I wonder what he is, really! Only you know, so I'll wait. I've bugged you long enough on that anyway LOL. *huggles*

Jekya (Chapter 52) - Thu 16 Sep 2010

eeeekkk thnk u thnk u thnk u i appreciate this sooo much :) i thnk sesshy is gonna make a great father

Sesshyskoi (Chapter 51) - Mon 13 Sep 2010

OMG kiyoshi is alive and healthy! Yay! I am so happy! But i am puzzled at the ending of this chap. "This was the life he wanted, but couldn't have." I can't believe that he still thinks that. I mean come on with the journey that him and kagome has had. There are sooo many clues that she likes him. I mean come on she turned Koga down. i mean that should be enough. But oh well ty for the updated chap! I love how everythings slowly coming together. But i stil have this question. How are they going to hunt for the shards with their son? sesshomaru's youkai is still sealed and Kagome isn't strong enough (in my opinion) to fight off the danger that is coming her way. I am hoping that that stupid watch breaks soon, because it just makes sesshomaru weak and vulnerable. Again ty for the update girl. i'm sorry that i'm so late in reading this.   

REDWOLF (Chapter 51) - Sun 12 Sep 2010

Oh my....the baby not even a little youkai? Well, I hope Sesshoumaru still cares about him. I guess the baby will only live as long as a human. Poor Sesshoumaru, alone again in the future. Great chapter.

MoxyMikki (Chapter 51) - Sat 11 Sep 2010

What I appreciated most about this chapter was that you made no doubt by the end that all was not automatically resolved with/by the birth of their child. I thought it was both responsible and well thought of you. With Kiyoshi born now, things will grow even more complicated (as is the nature of things, when you have brought a child in to the world) Its also nice to see the Sesshomaru's feelings for Kagome have evolved to the point where he can no longer explain away or deny what is happening. Now we just gotta get Kagome to stop being so gun shy, and maybe we'll see some progress. We still have one shard to go, so there is time! Yay! :)

NanashiTenshi (Chapter 51) - Sat 11 Sep 2010

Jane (Chapter 50) - Sat 11 Sep 2010



Kiyoshi is COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I cannot wait! Please, please update soon!

Karli (Chapter 51) - Fri 10 Sep 2010

Kiyoshi is HERE Kiyoshi is HERE

What no pointy ears dangit I like Sesshomaru’s ears. So let me get straight Kiyoshi has the markings of demon but has holy powers? Did Kagome’s power purify the demon side of him? I’m just curious the next few chapters are going to be interesting with Sesshomaru.

This was the life he wanted, but couldn't have.

Sesshomaru is going to have to fight for it if he wants it. Even though he did have the choice in the first place. Its going to be a hard path he is going to gave to walk to get Kagome. But I’m happy that Sesshomaru didn’t miss the birth I thought he might’ve when he went after the kidnappers. Why doesn’t Sesshomaru want to be himself again? Is it because of the guilt?

Hey Good work to the wolves who caught the kidnappers. Wolves Rock. They caught them Sesshomaru killed them. Good team work there. Kouga saved Sesshomaru’s life when he lost youkai. Good thing that he was there.

So are the wolves leaving now or they going to be around for the next few days.

What was with the mating mark pulse from chapter 50?


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