Reviews for Blood Stained by Madison

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TKE (Chapter 65) - Tue 22 Feb 2011

I love the direction this is heading towards!

Jekya (Chapter 65) - Tue 22 Feb 2011

thnk you so much im glad tht things r getting better betwwn sess and kag cant wait for the nxt chap ;)

Hairann (Chapter 1) - Mon 21 Feb 2011

Congratulations, Blood Stained has won first place best canon for the 4th Quarter 2010 at Dokuga. You can find your winner banner here: Congrats again and keep up the great work!

REDWOLF (Chapter 64) - Sun 13 Feb 2011 about two messed up souls. One wouldn't/can't live without the other. I don't know what Sesshoumaru and Kagome's child seems to have figured out, but, I believe that kid has the answers. Great story.

TKE (Chapter 64) - Sun 13 Feb 2011

I love the direction this is heading!

summerbirdy (Chapter 64) - Sun 13 Feb 2011

I think I just read one of the few most impressive chapters in my life.

eagerly waiting for more, again.

YukiAi (Chapter 63) - Sun 13 Feb 2011

Hey, I LOVE the way you write and the fact that you take your time on the progression of Kagome and Sesshomaru. I believe it was worth the wait. I would never rush you; according to your A/N's you have a life. Lol, please take your time and try not to break your fingers. lol thanks for the story! ;)

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 63) - Wed 09 Feb 2011

hm... well he DID say he would be human for her. So I guess this is something like a trial of that. Should be interesting.

Thanks for writing!

Maurice (Chapter 63) - Mon 07 Feb 2011

I have been reading this story from the get go and I love it. The comment you made about us hating you by the end of the chapter was funny. I acutally like what you did with this chapter. It showed the progress the Sesshomaru and Kagome has made, especially Kagome with her fear about Sesshomaru's true appearance. I really like this story and I wish you the best of luck with it. =)

Nilee1 (Chapter 63) - Sun 06 Feb 2011

Okay Beast, "Come out, come out,wherever you are." I did not see that one coming--is his beast really gone. I did from time to time think the same thing that the woman told him. How ould his beast have all the control unless he permitted that level of control. Sesshoumaru still has some soul searching to do. Will Kagome be as forgiving yet again when the truth is known?

lara (Chapter 62) - Sat 05 Feb 2011

I really am about to have a panic attack!!!!!!!!!!!!!! evil you are to leave us hanging like this..............PLEASE !!! PLEASE !!! PLEASE !!! I'm going to cry if you don't update soon.  This is so hard. I'll be dying  a little  bit each day untill you update & everything is okay!!!!!!!!!I really want him & Kagome together & this is Kagome & Sessh fic so please tell me that they'll be okay & end up alright???????????? can this woman tell him if he's merging with his beast??????????? if he leaves without finding out if everything that this woman tell him I'll freak !!!!!!!!!!I hate when people do that,introduce a character who appears as if they might have information,answers,ideas,clues ,...etc & they leave the character at this place with a person that might help & when they pick up the story again,either nothing is changed or the character leaves without even asking or trying & you get that empty feeling like....what the??????????

this person looking at the watch....please have her give Sessh some answers or info please....I would love to see them back together & I'd love for someone, a seer, anyone to give them info on Kioshi's powers & abilities & if possible info into whether they'll find happiness.....& more pups........

...rit's not just her but Kioshi & Sessh all suffering at this point so I really do hope you don't drag it out.......I love your writing & the way you take your time to build your characters & make the story come alive & I'm sure I've said it before about your writing ......I find myself crying,happy & angry for the characters but since I've had the chance to back up & reread some of the story again ....the angst is becoming overwhelming, I'm really looking forward to this story showing some hope for the characters........there has been so much confusion ,pain,suffering , inner turmoil & personal conflict in this story that I'm sooooo looking forward to things changing............I really hope Sessh's beast was just overwhelmed by the sudden onlsaught of emotion but that he accepts responsibilty by realizing how much time has been wasted apart & how much the world has changed & understands that without apologizing & accepting responsibility both he & Sessh will lose their Mate & pup.......I mean for Sessh & his beast it's been 500yrs of waiting ,watching & suffering if his beast isn't willing to give in & see that Sessh can handle things & merge but relinquish control to Sessh the way it should be than not only will they lose their Mate & pup leaving themselves to suffer alone but they'll be leaving their Mate in pain & their pup & if the beast can't see how much this pup has suffered than he doesn't deserve to have a pup.

Honestly though I'm really ready for this story to have some hope & happiness......they have been through so much bad,hard & painful stuff & they still have alot to do & accomplish.

I can't wait till Kagome's mom meets the pup. I mean Kagome hasn't even called her mom & told her she gave birth or sent a picture online or anything & it's not like she's in the past this she's just out of the country. I am glad that Sessh didn't have to leave the country to find answers & I hope your next chap has some hope & happiness.

I'm still dying to know if the pup can transform into a pup & if he's Inu Youkai with Miko & his Miko power was hiding his youkai & that's why that doc Izumi couldn't tell...I mean it's obvious that the pup has youkai but you haven't shown if Kagome,Kouga,Sessh or anyone else can feel it & I'm confused about that.

lara (Chapter 60) - Sat 05 Feb 2011

I just read the little note you put up before this chapter & I almost had a panic attack when you mentioned you were worried because  you didn't get alot of reviews but I love your story & have been following it forever & on different sites. It is a  long story & very involved & I love it. You didn't speed thru the entire story & your characters have amazing depth ,they grow,they learn,they change & they develop. Your story is never boring or slow . It's quite intense ....while reading this story I've cried my eyes out, I've laughed & I've been happy  & I've been angry ....all for your characters because they feel so real so please no matter what you do ...........don't change your writing, the story,the characters,don't feel rushed or anything. I'm very excited about this story & seeing what happens next & how things work out, I wonder if that was a dream that Sessh had or if Kioshi was showing him a vision of the future to give hiim hope because Sessh was so worried. I think Kioshi has a lot of powers they have yet to learn about & he's so young yet aware of so much but he's still a baby & just like them being covered in a purple aura when they sleep & when he touches them ...I think he communicates like that in some ways & I would not be surprised if he can show people visions & share thoughts like that.It's obvious when he uses it with Kagome & Sessh individually he eases their emotions & gives them comfort by touching them & letting his hand glow purple. I bet as he grows he'll learn how to communicate more & more like that..the more he learns & grows I bet he's a very special child.It feels like he's an extremely powerful soul with & I wouldn't be surprised if he was some sort of immortal a Miko/Inu Youkai with many powers & abilities. I also think Kagome hasn't used all of her powers yet & I would love to see now that she's not sharing her body with the pup I would love to see her show her power now to Sessh even while they are looking for the shard..& realize she can heal & shoot arrows with the power in her hands & some Miko's have visions & some mated pairs can speak to each other mentally...I would like to see her & Sessh resolve the beast issue already so they can become  close ,be happy & grow together.Kagome is a very understanding,forgiving & strong individual & I think if the beast accepted he went around things wrong & apologized she would forgive him & accept. I also think Kioshi could communicate & I was surprised the beast didn't feel & smell him in the room & go to him.......I think it would also show Kagome that Kioshi has no fear of the beast...imagine if Kioshi transformed into an inu pup while communicating with the beast. 

 I would love to see them take him on a picnic or play with him sometime & see him transform into an Inu Youkai pup...I think the miko power hid it from the doc but I think he's pure Miko Inu Tai Youkai who can hide his markings, transform ,fly ,he's got poison & have both parents powers ......I just wish now that Kagome wasn't pregnant she'd be able to feel his youkai & miko power & Kouga could feel it & Sessh could feel it.....I really do, I know in this story Kagome was seperated from the Inu-Tachi fairly early on so I can't help but want to see Kagome's power,abilities & control increase & wonder what happened to Shippo???

lara (Chapter 59) - Fri 04 Feb 2011

I started reading this so long ago & then I took a break & now I know probably should go back & read more from the beginning but I'll do it another time. I really love this story. I think when I started reading it was on FF but I'm not positive but now because I skipped it for a few months things are a bit hazy. While I was reading today I started thinking that I know when Sessh first met Rin she was killed by Kouga's wolves & Sessh saw her & before he really thought about what to do,if I remember this correctly ,his sword pulsed & he used it to bring her back to life & I think it was the 1st time he'd ever used it to revive someone.... then  he let her follow him & stay with him....&  of course in this story Rin & Kagome were very close before she got away & thru the well....& Sessh being so close to Rin, as she was his ward & she had no family other than him & he'd cared for her & watched over her as she grew up & got married, had a family & passed on,he'd always felt in a way that to honor Rin after she lived,since he felt she had played a big part in changing his life by melting the ice around his heart a bit & was the 1st human he'd met on a close personal level that didn't fear him & she was always ,good,kind,loving, hopeful & didn't judge people or hold grudges (a lot like Kagome) but as he watched over her children,her childrens' children & so on turned out that Rin was Kagome's great,great,ancestor..........Now what I don't remember since this has been a long story & I have to go back many chapters to find I have to ask this......

Has Sessh realized that if he had not saved Rin that day she died then Kagome would never have been born??? Has Kagome realized that if not for Sessh saving Rin she wouldn't be alive now ??? I know they both keep thinking & doubting & wondering & worrying about the past,the horrible things she went thru,her horrible fear & his overwhelming guilt over his beasts actions. In the beginning he could not understand or figure out why his beast was so obsessed with her & why it would take over. I know I've read before,but I don't remember what story or stories I read it in, that their inner beast only gets crazed if their life is in danger or they find their soul mate. As analytical as Sessh is & was I wonder why he never tried to see a seer back in the past when people like that were known to try to find answers. Now that it's been all this time & with his connection to Rin..being the one to bring her back to life & I mean...just the fact that he was the only individual that could have...the fact the sword spoke to him & he acted on it & that one act would make the difference in if Kagome would ever live & his connection & pull to the both of them,without realizing it at the time but looking would think they were fated to be together...?.?.?.? just something to think about when reading this...........?????could it be ????

 I was thinking about that when Kagome asked Sessh in this ch. or the last how he met Rin & he told Kagome it was after Inuyasha had injured him one of 2 times with the sword but he didn't bring up the bit about the wolves & I wondered if in this story he knew they were Kouga's wolves

REDWOLF (Chapter 62) - Thu 03 Feb 2011

I believe this is just who Sesshoumaru is now. A youkai who loves his mates and his beast has finally found that he can have Kagome without all the mean stuff he put her through. The beast knows that now, I believe, that the non-beast Sesshoumaru will not live and hurt her anymore. So, now, I think the beast had to converge to live, so, he could also have Kagome. Oh, this is so exciting, even if I am totally wrong. I have really enjoyed this fic.

Karli (Chapter 62) - Thu 03 Feb 2011

Knew there was something up with that watch.........Grr so im guessing the beast and sesshomaru have finially merged huh???

well that is a good ting if they have i mean Sesshomaru is now whole isnt he???


hmm i wonder if he is going to tell Kagome about the watch not working? but the watch not working just has made more questions like where is the beast? when did it stop working? how come he was still in his human form when the watch wasnt working.

Okies this is enough my rambling. See ya mate i really look forward to the next update *prays you answer some of my questions*



Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 61) - Sat 29 Jan 2011

I don't know... for some reason I keep thinking of a line from somewhere else (which is escaping me at the moment) something like "explain it, as you would to a child." Unfortunately... as socially inept as Sesshomaru is with ADULTS it's highly unlikely he'd have any understanding how to speak to a child. KAGOME might be able... but that brings us full circle to the problem again, doesn't it? :sighs:

Again I'm reminded with the way Kiyoshi attacked Kouga about how my son as a baby would cry when my ex hit on me but would stop as soon as interaction returned to a 'safe' friends-only level. Even now I wouldn't date someone he showed dislike or distrust.

Thanks so much for writing!

REDWOLF (Chapter 61) - Wed 26 Jan 2011

Oh so unfair...banging my head on my desk....I want to know more! I have never ever asked for a fast update, but this time I am. Sesshoumaru and his beast are gonna have to come to terms with this. Please update soon, please.

Karli (Chapter 61) - Wed 26 Jan 2011

Hey Mate

Another great chapter.  and did they Merge??? please please tell me.

Umm to answer your question about the story going on too long its not its going at a realistic paced which with the tone of the story you really cant have them falling in love to quickly. Maybe the reson for lack of reviews is people forgot i know i do when im exicited over a story updating.hence the reason i dont reply that offen anymore im either too busy in rl or just excitied.

Anyway Gotta run.

Ps the story is still going stronge mate.

Dragoness (Chapter 61) - Tue 25 Jan 2011

Another wonderful chapter.  This is such a wonderful story and no you have not had it going on too long to answer your question.  You have set a great pace, not going too slow but not moving to fast with the two of them.  That is much more realistic. ^_^.  I can't wait to see what is going on with his beast.  I don't know if anyone will ever be able to get through to it.  If anyone can I think it will be Kioshi. 

criticat (Chapter 1) - Fri 21 Jan 2011

'Surely, Sesshomaru wouldn’t eat her right? ' Thats just one of the greatest lines I ever read!

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