Reviews for Blood Stained by Madison

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Koi (Chapter 66) - Mon 28 Feb 2011

What an intense chapter. I still can't believe that Sesshomaru's beast is gone. When is he comming back? I want the beast back soo badly. I don't like the fact that my poor Sesshy is afraid. Afraid is the word that sesshomaru is not suppose to know of or think of. Lol i CAN'T WAIIIT UNTIL THE NEXT CHAPTER!!! BRAVO Madison!! You have out done yourself with this story! 

Karli (Chapter 66) - Mon 28 Feb 2011

Strange Claw marks on the crib Sessohomaru bleeding??? is it the beast???? could he be haunting our favorite couple????


Okies ill catch ya at the next update its late and i need sleep.


Night Mate.

joyouki (Chapter 66) - Mon 28 Feb 2011

hot damn! This is one of the greastest stories I have read.  I am so glad to be able to leave feedback.  I have been reading this on my cell phone and it will not let me leave I am home and on a computer able to finally leave feedback...and I am still anxiously waiting for more more more...

LoveNabokov (Chapter 66) - Mon 28 Feb 2011

Great chapter Madison, I love that they're starting to come out of the processing phase. I really admire what you're doing with this story and that you cared enough to make the reactions and emotions surrounding her violation and subsequent feelings for Sesshomaru realistic. Keep up the amazing work! I'm looking forward to the next chapter <3


Mackaila (Chapter 66) - Mon 28 Feb 2011

Sesshomaru is becoming more and more a being with all the traits of a wonderful mate. He seems so tender and sweet and I just want to hug him and rock him in my arms while whispering sweet nothings in his ears. If I was Kagome I would have taken him to bed, hold him in my arms and let his head rest on my chest while I hugged him and caressed his hair. He sounds so lost, so vulnerable, so scared! I loved this chapter, your story is one of my favorites and I am so happy to see that you have not forgotten to update! Please wite another chapter soon!

crin_fausta (Chapter 66) - Sun 27 Feb 2011

The last part of the chapter was so touching! I really love how you portrayed Sesshomaru and his feelings, thoughts.

I wonder what Kai Kagome will many possibilities...

A new chapter if you have some time? Feed my addiction!

Kimiko Doll (Chapter 66) - Sun 27 Feb 2011

i kinda miss the beast. and ugh when will the lemon come ^__^

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 65) - Fri 25 Feb 2011

Ah... the joys and tortures of cuddling and sleeping with someone you love and find attractive. ^_^

*headtilts* You honestly didn't think people read this? I'm sorry if my sometimes lack of reviews aided in that feeling. In my case... just sometimes I can't think of something worthwhile to say and I'm not much one for writing something simple like 'great chapter, keep them coming' only.

oh. note: Sesshomaru accidently asks Kagome if she has a 'selfish' wish instead of a 'selfless' one. It's find the next time the wish is mentioned but you might want to fix that.

Thanks for writing!

Fluffy Lady (Chapter 65) - Thu 24 Feb 2011

I can assure you that this piece is still being read by more than one person! I'm just a horribly lazy person and often don't log in to read updates, thus the lack of reviews on my part. 

Anywho, great chapter! Very interesting altho I have a feeling I know what Kagome's wish will be, I'm eager to see if I'm right or not. Can't wait for more and congrats!



Rin Akarui (Chapter 65) - Wed 23 Feb 2011

You know I always read everytime you update! This is my favorite S/K Canon story and so far so goood! I love Blood Stained! Sorry I don't comment every chapter, but please keep up the good work!

I can't wait for the next chapter! :D

Orchid (Chapter 65) - Wed 23 Feb 2011
I'm reading it! I like it. It's bookmarked on my phone so I can read it whenever. Keep up the good work! My old name was O.R. But I'm switching to Orchid.

REDWOLF (Chapter 65) - Tue 22 Feb 2011

Oh my, I am worried about the blood. Please fix Sesshoumaru, he really seems to have changed. Except, I still can't forget the last chapter what that woman said to him and Sesshoumaru exploded on her. Sesshoumaru is having problems with him killing Inuyasha. If Kagome wishes Inuyasha back,I just wonder if he could except that....but, hey, that may not even be her wish. Another well written chapter.

janjan (Chapter 65) - Tue 22 Feb 2011

Still reading and loving it!!! cant wait for next chapter! thier progresing so nicely its cute to see

Aurora Nyte (Chapter 65) - Tue 22 Feb 2011

Yer story is very addicting! and i've loved every chapter. it dragged me in completely and kept me awake trying to read it. Can't wait to see where yer going and what you'll come up with next. Bravo! on such a wonderfully intriguing and involved story.

Karli (Chapter 65) - Tue 22 Feb 2011

 Why was sesshomaru bleeding??? did Kiyoshi's glow do it???? I guess ill have to wait for the next update because i know you dont like giving spoilers.

Woot Their trying for normal. is this going to be different.

Anyway Mate good to hear you won first place in the best cannon.

Gotta Run see ya at the next update.

crin_fausta (Chapter 65) - Tue 22 Feb 2011

"He was doomed."

Simply wonderful! I can't even think where all your imagination comes from:D. The way you describe Sesshomaru, his feelings and Kagome is so can feel everything they feel as if you are there in their place...It's awesome!

By the way..I love the mystery surrounding the disappearence of Sesshomaru's youki and the way is hmm...related to his son.

If you have some free time...maybe you can post a new fantastic chapter?...otherwise pray for my health...*wink*


Keiko (Chapter 65) - Tue 22 Feb 2011

Poor Sesshomaru! I know I hated him at the beginning, but now I just feel for him! Why is he bleeding? Is he sick? Is his son hurting him? Please update soon!

roo86 (Chapter 65) - Tue 22 Feb 2011

So sorry that I made you feel only one person was reading this. I love this story and I voted for it too! I am so happy there have been so many updates in this. Thanks for your time and you truly deserve all your recognition.

summerbirdy (Chapter 65) - Tue 22 Feb 2011


what can I say? I love this and their surfacing feelings.

Sitting on my hands once again, eagerly waiting more.

cakeiton (Chapter 65) - Tue 22 Feb 2011

of course we are still enjoying this! congratulations!!!

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