Reviews for Blood Stained by Madison

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randomfan17 (Chapter 25) - Fri 03 Dec 2010

i never saw that coming, i really didn't. him being in the future is a huge surprise (like how long it takes me to read this)  Stalking her now, wonder what's so important. Also i think it's plausible she could have been related to Rin from the past. I like this story and i hope it clears up soon, all this depression is bumming me out.

Karli (Chapter 57) - Sun 28 Nov 2010

Hey Mate sorry i havnt reviewed in ages been busy. Been reading the story still just not reviewing. Your story line is still going strong well i think it is.

Best part about this chapter is that Sesshomaru is fighting a losing battle. with his desire to actully be with kagome. it show that he can be human just like the rest of us.

Hey did Sesshomaru have a dream of the future?? With the kids and everything thats the ending im hoping for. ill be honest. with all the hardships these guys have faced HAPPY ENDING is what they serisouly need...

But happy endings will have to wait because i think that Kagome's mum is going to tear sesshomaru to pieces when they finially meet. I can just picture it.

ooo going back to the connection i wonder where they will be this time. Will sesshomaru's dreams affect the connection??


See Ya Mate

GreyEcho (Chapter 57) - Sun 28 Nov 2010

Wooo! FINALLY got caught up! I went on a reading binge of your fic for the last two days. Had awesome random dream from it too...

Yay for Sessh. being in control now, I think. Now if he could just approach her more. And gah poor Kagome suffering insecurities. But I'm really glad the are going to try for a relationship.

Kiyoushi is just awesome. And I love how you used Kouga in this who the go between/ matchmaker. XD

Lindsey Harvest (Chapter 57) - Tue 23 Nov 2010


      I'm sorry I haven't been on in a while. My computer crashed and I had to send it in for repairs. All is well and I'm back now, so BRING ON THE FLUFFY-NESS!! This was a REALLY good chapter!! I love how you played in Sesshoumaru's obvious embarrassment over the "Bad Dream" without making it totally obvious to Kouga. He and Kiyoshi are too smart for the Fluffmiester, though!!! Keep up the good work!

                                                                                      Your Ever-Faithful Reader,

                                                                                             Lindsey A. Harvest

Erica (Chapter 57) - Thu 18 Nov 2010

hey. i love your story and can't wait for the next chapter. i was wondering though if the naughty dream sesshomaru had could have been a glimps of the future or was it just him thinking with his smaller head for once?

Dragoness (Chapter 57) - Sun 31 Oct 2010

Wow, what a emotionally powerful and just great chapter.  You never cease to amaze me.  Can't wait for the next chapter.

Madeline (Chapter 57) - Sun 31 Oct 2010

THe more i read this story the more I love it!!! Please update as soon as you can!! KEep up the awesome work!!!! :D

Daniella (Chapter 57) - Sun 31 Oct 2010

Ohhhh where do I begin?!?!?!?!  So much good stuff going on right now I think my brain is in overload!!

I adored the look into Sesshoumaru's childhood and I'm so happy that he trusted it with Kagome.  I've always thought of his childhood as something that would remain a guarded secret to everyone.  He's not one for sharing as it is so for him to start off with her with his time as a child I think is a big step for him.  It also helps us to understand why he was the way he was in the beginning.  He was shown no real love from either of his parents and has no idea what it is.  His mother was cold and un caring while his father was gone.  It goes a long way to show why his beast craved Kagome's affection so much and why he wanted her to love him.  I think that was something he was always wishing for and never had so he went about obtaining it the only way he knew how by forcing it.  I thought their little conversation about the encounter in Sesshoumaru's father's tomb as really cute. Even the noticed her but thought she was still annoying as all hell. But there was traces of humor in the conversation that I thought were fantastic.

Now...that was one heck of a dream!!!!  Poor Sesshou though that really had to frustrate the hell out of him.  He was so confused in the beginning that I was actually laughing at him.  Here he is completely naked with the woman of his dreams and she's actually happy to be there and initiating the contact and what not and all he does is go "WTF is going on?" LOL  If I were him I would have just sat back and said "Well, I'll figure it out later!"  But, I will say that we definitely know where Sesshou's thoughts are going to be even if he'll never ever tell her.

Kouga is such a little shi* you know that.  He really loves to just push Sesshou's buttons and I love it!  He's really trying to get them to open up to the other but I think he was really getting a kick out of tormenting Sesshou because he knew exactly what type of dream he had.  Lets just hope he keeps his big mouth shut and doesn't blab to Kagome because I think she'd kill Sesshoumaru at that point.  Oh, I laughed so freaking hard when Kiyoshi was giving Sesshou "The LOOK" HAHAHAHA that was freaking fantastic!  That boy knows his parents so well already it's just not even funny!

I was very proud of her for trying to offer him some amount of comfort even though he lied to her about why he was ignoring her.  I thought that the kiss was perfect though.  It wasn't crazy or short but just enough for the two of them and it's a good place to start.  I have to say though, Kagome had a point, her mom is probably going to want to kill Sesshoumaru but like Kagome said, she takes after her mom and if she could give Sesshoumaur another chance then hopefully she will too.

I was really wondering if you were going to re-visit the connection again I loved when you were doing that before and now that she is more comfortable with him it's going to be interesting to see what happens during those little dream worlds.  It's definitely going to be interesting.

I really really really can't wait for the next chapter it's just not even funny!!  Now, I'm going to be a good little beta and go do Pink Carnation for you LOL!  *Hugs* You're brilliant!


Daniella (Chapter 56) - Thu 28 Oct 2010

You, my dear friend, are a Goddess of story telling!!  This was a really great chapter or a lot of reasons.

Firstly, the way your portrayed Kagome's self esteem problems is spot on to how a lot of women feel after they have a baby.  It's completely natural for someone to feel that they are less attractive now that they've had a baby and no matter what they put on they are going to think that they aren't pretty anymore.  For someone as young as Kagome, if she hadn't reacted that way I would have been worried.  With everything she went through there is no way she would come out of it feeling as though everything was perfectly fine.  I think that her fears about herself are going to be a good way to help bridge the gap between Sesshoumaru and Kagome.  Hopefully he'll be able to show her that she is still beautiful and that he does still care about her regardless of how she looks.

You know, I don't generally enjoy Kouga in fanfiction but I love him in this!  He really does care about Kagome's well-being and is willing to do just about anything to ensure that Kagome is happy.  Even if anything means putting Sesshoumaru in his place and give him advice as to how to handle Kagome and her ever changing emotions.  I think he's going to be a good guide for the two of them as the continue to explore eachother in this new relationship they are starting to develope!!!

Sesshoumaru can be such a dork sometimes LOL.  You know, he spends so much time with the girl, is potentially merging with his beast and can't pick up on the fact that Kagome is depressed?!  Ugh, I just want to backhand him sometimes and then run for my life because he'd rip my arms off or something.  But really, I'm glad that he's gotten closer to Kiyoshi and that he caught on to the fact that Kagome wanted it too.  I really see him and his son having a strong bond in the future and that will be very important.

I thought the two of them watching a movie together was so cute and when they both feel asleep wrapped up in the other I was like "OMG it's FLUFF-TASTIC(Yes I did totally just make up a new word lol)  They have the potential to be just so cute it's ridiculous!

I'm really waiting on Sesshou history 101 and I hope it helps give Kagome a better look into the man he has become!!

You're awesome, you're amazing I adore you and as your adoptive mother(Yes I adopted you in an email today if you haven't gotten it yet LOL) I order you to relax!!!

janjan (Chapter 56) - Wed 27 Oct 2010


Lindsey Harvest (Chapter 56) - Wed 27 Oct 2010


knifethrower (Chapter 56) - Mon 25 Oct 2010

Aww, nice!  Kagome and Sesshomaru are both trying so hard, and Kouga's being so helpful and nice as well.  I've always thought Kouga was nice.  I don't take the way he used to fight with InuYasha as the measure of his personality.  I think he is devoted to his people, and in the anime, there were a few "moments" between he and Kagome that were far more thoughtful and mature than between InuYasha and Kagome.

sesshyskoi (Chapter 56) - Sun 24 Oct 2010

*crys* I am offically claiming this fic as the BEST fic EVER! I just love how this story is comming together. I mean seriously. Kagome had a very bad life when she was with Sesshomaru in the feudal era. And Now look at them...they are watching a movie together! Well done madison. I know that this is your story, but I just couldn't wrap my mind around Kagome not hating Sesshomaru. You even made KOGA smart! Koga is bring Sesshomaru and Kagome together!! I just can't believe that they are going to be together soooon. Lol They are going to be a FAMILY! I just wanted to tell you again that you are a very talented writer and I am so happy that you created this wonderful story. I can't stop congradulating you. This is a really really wonderful story. I will cry my eyes out when you finish this story. I swear!

MissTeak (Chapter 55) - Sat 16 Oct 2010

Oh, I have to agree. Sleep is such an underrated luxury. *needs a lot more of it*

You write scenes so well; even something as simple as sleeping and tossing in bed could be vividly described to give the reader a clear picture as to what was going on in the character's mind and heart. Poor Kagome is obviously very conflicted right now on the inside, and the poor dear is actually wanting to buy clothes as well! Poor thing, I really hope she gets to do it soon :)

Great, now she finally noticed Sesshoumaru's uncanny fear of that little bundle named Kiyoshi!! I was wondering if Kagome might do something about it, and it so seems like she really is planning to do so. Well done, Kagome! Go, you!! :) It's a little mean to leave poor Sesshy all alone with Kiyoshi, but then again, that seems to be the only option and nothing else since he'd just fade into the background the moment someone else steps in to take charge of the situation. So yes, it so seems as if the great Sesshoumaru would have to be left alone with his infant son for a while to foster bonding and ties!! LOL.

Awww the little wakeup scene between Kagome and Sesshoumaru was so cute! Of course he hadn't really been able to sleep either, and poor Sesshoumaru must have been even more worried since the ball is technically in Kagome's court and not his. 

Then, as if to prove me wrong, the lovely Kiyoshi wake up scene came in!!! OMG I think my heart skipped a beat when I read that he had opened his eyes to look straight at his poor dad, who must have been even more terrified and confused by now. LOL. The little interactions here and there in this paragraph got me smiling and squealing for most parts - the hair combing part, the feeding Kiyoshi part, and even the Sesshoumaru exhaling in the bathroom part. He is obviously a lot more affected than he has ever thought himself to be. 

"I need your help."

Kouga smirked. "I'll get rid of him for ya."

LMAO! Oh, Kouga, can you get any more likable?? *Fangirls* He is soooo cute here!! I can just imagine him secretly plotting little cute ideas to put Sesshoumaru down in front of Kagome, all in harmless fun. And he called Kagome beautiful!! Awww. That's sweet. She really needs the reassurance now :)

Sesshoumaru took the Kouga-taking-Kagome-to-shopping thing surprisingly well!! LOL. And he even got his credit card out for her to use, which is really nice and sweet of him :) :) :) Silly Kagome, of course you wouldn't have to pay him back in any way!! The money is for you to spend! Why would Sesshoumaru demand payment if he was the one who passed you the credit card? This silly girl is so adorable.


Alright, I totally overestimated poor Sesshy. Of course he was affected!! LOL. Poor Kouga, not many guy friends would willingly put themselves in such precarious situations, especially since the other person is someone like Sesshoumaru. That's just gonna be as good as putting yourself in a coffin and nailing it shut LOL. HAHAHAHA OMG Kouga's awesome!! Yes, tell that to that jealous worrywart! I love Sesshoumaru but that darling is losing sight of his own problems and how others are trying to help him overcome that fear of his.

Kagome's progress seems to be going very positively as well, though she still has her insecurities. I think it'd be really sweet of Sesshoumaru to help her face this fear bravely together. Like it or not, they are totally in this together and they would have to face it bravely! No 'you' or 'me'; it should be 'us'. On the other hand, our first-time dad seems to be doing pretty well on his own!! LOL. The tiny interactions between himself and Kiyoshi are just soooooo cute~ How sweet, really!! Awwwww. Kiyoshi forgave him. I just know it. It's soooo sweet to see that tiny tot envelope his dad in his cute little glow and hold back from harming him. Is it even normal for me to totally want a Kiyoshi of my own?? HAHA. Sesshoumaru really is losing his mind, but it's all in a good way!! :)  :) :) I am really very, very happy with how this has all turned out for them. This is just about as perfect as it can get!!!!

MissTeak (Chapter 54) - Sat 16 Oct 2010

Alright. I deserved to be tied to a tree, shot and stoned and have people shoot arrows at apples on my head. Anyway, I am finally here with my reviews for your awesome story, my dear!! You know what's going on in the terror named RL for me, so I shall not elaborate too much lest I sound like a complete fool, LOL.

Here we go!

'Serendipity' is a very befitting title for this particular chapter. Though I have to say, the first few chapters got my jaw all slacked and hanging as I hung on the edge of my seat hoping that she would make a smarter or a more positive response since the poor guy was already on the verge of a nervous breakdown!! LOL. I mean, poor Sesshy has already come so far from where he used to be (and that's REALLY VERY FAR) and is now trying to make efforts! "Will you allow me to court you?" - If I was Kagome, it would be like, "OK, now I really need ten minutes to calm my crazy heart down. It's going on overdrive soon."

Of course, on a more serious note, you handled this scene well in my opinion. It's not easy to write a rape fic for starters, not to mention one in which the victim and the rapist gets together and even have a child in the process. There's no golden rule out there saying that just because the girl is Kagome and the guy is Sesshoumaru, then they'd have to be together. So, I believe your handling of the scene was great; the emotional conflicts, fear, insecurities that clashed head on with the rationality and the undeniable feelings of a budding love were awesomeness!!

LOL I thought it was amusing when he apologized and thought that he was bothering her. Oh dear, Sesshoumaru, you would never be bothering her! Even if you do, it's probably in a good way :) And kudos to Kagome for making the right decision. Waiting is a good thing to do; what these two needs is time.

Kouga is such an amazing person here!! If it hadn't been for him, Sesshoumaru and Kagome would never have gotten their chance to be together and have talks and whatnot. Kiyoshi may be an absolute darling, but he is still a baby and babies tend to have a way of ruining the most romantic moments. LOL. So, thank you Kouga for shutting him up when he wanted to cry!! 


That baby just had to scream.

But, OMG. OMG. Are you kidding me?? He tried to purify his poor nanny Kouga??! That's dreadful!!! But it just shows how strong and powerful Kiyoshi is going to turn out to be in future. He is really too impressive, but I hope he wouldn't go further and end up endangering the others for real. I mean, since they are all demons there, there's bound to be a clash. Awwwe, the wolves are being so amazing as always, caring for Kiyoshi's well-being before anything else! They actually lied for his sake...*googly eyes* I love Blood Stained even more now that we have all these lovely side characters!

Something to add here; I can never imagine Sesshoumaru sitting sloppily in a chair. LOL. That's just so weird. He seems to be a person who would be caught in an upright position at ALL TIMES. LOL I knew it! I knew Sesshoumaru's mean streak wouldn't disappear so easily. It's funny to see how he actually found amusement in poor Kouga's near-purification experience, which I am quite sure must have been pretty bad. LOL! "Is he going to live?" Oh, that's priceless, Sesshoumaru!!

The nice little guy talk session made me feel a little gooey inside~ Awwww. Sesshoumaru and Kouga, if I daresay it, even have something like a friendship going on there! Every guy needs this sort of friend, don't you agree? And Kouga is the one who is now doling out advice and whatnot to a very stagnant Sesshoumaru. Sure, he did make an effort to move forward, but it didn't quite go as how he would have wished it to be and before long, he is now stagnant again!! LOL. In a way, I feel a little sorry for poor Kouga too, because throughout this entire ordeal, he has been playing the role of a mediator and a caretaker to a woman whom he loves and a man who hurt that woman but now held her heart. Ironical, much? But he took all of it in his stride and continued to help them. For that, I really, really hope Kouga would find love in the story. I love the idea of him being with Ayame and the promise he made her long ago when she was a young girl. But of course, how that ever ties in, or if it even comes in, is your idea and your call, darling! I was just thinking how nice it would be if he could find love and happiness too.


*melts instantly into a puddle of soft goo*

The entire scene was soooooo sweet!!! YAYYY!!! I am so happy Kagome said yes. You go girl!!! That was so wonderful, especially the sweet little kiss at the end too. How lovely~ They will now be together, if not officially!!! YAY!!! :) :) :) :) :)

Thank you for this chapter as well, Maddie darling! Blood Stained keeps getting better!

Lindsey Harvest (Chapter 55) - Fri 15 Oct 2010

Yay! Another chapter!! Kyoshi is by far THE BEST character in this chapter. Keep 'em comming Maddi!! 

K (Chapter 55) - Thu 14 Oct 2010

I'm so glad i found this stiry again.  I remember reading it on FF a while ago and then lost it for some reason.  I would remember the scene of Sesshomaru seeing the woman running away from her rapist in her mind but couldn't remember the rest of it.  Fantastic story.  Very well done, please continue.

Paralelsky (Chapter 55) - Wed 13 Oct 2010

There are so few stories nowadays that could keep me glued to the computer screen until I've finished them, that I didn't expectedthis to happen when I started reading Blood Stained. I'll admit, the first chapters made me squirm, as I've never condoned the idea of rape nor the silly notion of many fanfics that since the woman had pleasant physical reactions it was less than a full attack on her person. But I didn't give up reading, and now I'm very happy to have reached the last chapters. Sesshomaru's transition is incredible, yet possible and very well done, and not once I've found Kagome to be needlessly weak - something that would have had me abandoning the reading faster that one could blink. So bravo for managing the perfect balance in this story: bittersweet romance, angsty yet hopeful. I love it.

Have a wonderful day,




Kristina Kimball (Chapter 55) - Tue 12 Oct 2010

AWWWWWW, so cute...i wonder what will happen next...good job

Hesunohana (Chapter 54) - Tue 12 Oct 2010

as great as ever ! I really want to know how their history is gonna end. and if they'll find the last shard...

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