Reviews for Blood Stained by Madison

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knifethrower (Chapter 55) - Tue 12 Oct 2010

"Balled" into tiny fists (like a ball), not "bawled" into tiny fists (bawl like a lost calf).  Your writing is so perfect of late, it's hard to catch you in a mistake!

Sesshomaru is going through that common male phobia about holding a baby, Kagome was smart to make the decision to leave him alone with his own baby, since it will force him to jump into being a father, rather than a spectator.  Plus, he will realize that she TRUSTS him around their child.  He doesn't trust himself around her or the baby.  That must be an alien feeling for such a self-assured, competent character. 

I love the character of Kagome, almost all the time in the anime and manga, and usually in fanfics as well, but I especially like her personality in your story.  She is struggling, she is unsure, but she is trying to do the right thing.  To me, that sums up what makes her special.  When she and Sesshomaru manage to break through the veil of uncertainty that still hangs between them, they will have such amazing rewards!

I love this story so much!  Though I am eager to have them together, I hate to think that means the story will be over.  Maybe you can consider writing the story so it covers the time after they become comfortable together, and get some romance going.     


Terri-tots (Chapter 55) - Tue 12 Oct 2010

Sorry, sorry, I meant my review to apply to chapter 55. DON'T HATE ME ;_;

Terri-tots (Chapter 1) - Tue 12 Oct 2010

I adore the fact that EVERYONE notices that Sesshoumaru is shying away from Kiyoshi. Not that he is really trying to hide it, but Sessh always seems to want to keep a face of neutrality when anything affects him (good or bad.)

And I know he is boiling in rage that Kouga gets to go shopping with Kagome. Jeeeealousssyyyy. I'd be intimidated too. Kouga is a smooth operator. (and hot... and he is a wolf... and he is charming like the devil...)

Oooh Kagome. It'll get better!! I have never been pregnant so I am unaware of how the weight comes and goes, but I DO know that women who remain active during their pregnancy tend to drop the weight faster because of their stable metabolisms. I am surprised Kagome put on ANY weight considering her poor eating habits.

Sessh, PAY THE WOMAN SOME COMPLIMENTS. Jeeze. She just had your baby. You need to romance that woman out of her sadness. I hope the mating bond kicks in and makes him realize she feels bad about herself. I highly doubt Kagome is going to admit to him that she feels any kind of depression. 

And as for Kiyoshi... he is too smart. If he was in limbo for what one could consider a 500 year span then I supposed he'd have had to develop SOMETHING, but it is creepy when a baby gives you a knowing stare. (But then again, some people believe Babies are born with knowledge of their past lives and as their brains grow they forget it... O.o; But that is more-so a reincarnation thing... which happens in the IY universe... )

Fabulous update my dear!

REDWOLF (Chapter 55) - Tue 12 Oct 2010

Oh my, now I am confused with that last line. Is Sesshoumaru happy that he's with Kagome or totally upset that she's human and doesn't want her? I am confused! Argh, I soo get upset with myself when I confused me. Great chapter, even though I am getting confused. Sorry, maybe I'll figure this out. I am sure it is there I just didn't read it right. Great story! look forward to  next update!

Sess Koibito (Chapter 55) - Tue 12 Oct 2010

This was an absolutely great chapter! I love the father/son moment! Update again soon! I can't wait to learn more about Kiyoshi and his special circumstances! :)

Miss Anna (Chapter 55) - Tue 12 Oct 2010

Awesome update! I am still very addicted to this story and I can't wait to see the day that Kagome is truly comfortable about Sesshy and well yay good job!

Rin (Chapter 53) - Mon 11 Oct 2010

Nice. I have to say I wasn't expecting that. Or at least, maybe not that much at once? That chapter left me with a warm fuzzy. I'm excited for the next chapter. (Which I'll read after sleeping.)

Rin (Chapter 41) - Sat 09 Oct 2010

I have to say I highly approve of the pace you are taking this. It makes it more realisitc, and moments like the end there all the more meaningful.

sesshyskoi (Chapter 54) - Sat 09 Oct 2010

*CRYS* How beautiful. She accepted the proposal!! I am so excited! The family is almost TOGETHER now.  All that is needed is Sesshomaru's BEAST. I mean Kagome is going to have to put up with him eventually! She can't be with Sesshomaru if she doesn't accept him FULLY, But I know that's for later chapters (sigh). Now to more important present matters, KIYOSHIA PURFIED KOGA!! Omg i am so proud of him. I can't believe that he actually did that. He is sooooooo smart. *crys* He's growing up so fast!!! Thank you again Madison you did a wonderful job with story I can't wait for the next chapter to this story!

Lindsey Harvest (Chapter 54) - Thu 07 Oct 2010

AWWW!!! SO KAWAII!!!!! Omg, I just wanna hug kiyoshi!!!!! SO KAWAII!!!

I love that they're all so in character!! And, finally, some foreward movement with their relationship. Perfect. I also love how this story isn't "rushed". Kagome's mental and emotional state are given great care in this story whereas many other fanfic writers try to make her forget past transgressions too quickly. To many, this story would seem to be taking too long, but I think the timing in the forming relationship is perfect. I can't wait to read more!

                                                                                    Your ever faithful reader,

                                                                                                  Lindsey H.

Kristina Kimball (Chapter 54) - Wed 06 Oct 2010

AWWWWWW, so sorry for not reviewing...i hope it goes well....i had to laugh at Kiyoshi, when he purified koga...good job  so far...hope u feel better soon...


Terry Lynn (Chapter 54) - Wed 06 Oct 2010

A really great chapter! I am loving how the relationship development is heading for Kagome and Sesshomaru. I couldn't stop reading the recent chapter when I got my hands on it. The turmoil that the two are feeling are so welly written, you have me at heartache-ing for the two. I just want to see the two together, but there are so many intricate complications you put them into (and have in store for them)~


I'm not sure if I ever reviewed you on your Blood Stained fanfic, but I just wanted to let you know that your fanfic is an absolute masterpiece and you deserved 53 more review praises from me.

Daniella (Chapter 54) - Wed 06 Oct 2010

Okay I'm going to gush and squeel and make an ass out of myself because I don't think I did it enough when I emailed you.  I LOVE THIS CHAPTER SO FREAKING MUCH IT'S JUST NOT EVEN FUNNY!!!!!!!!  OMG I don't even know where to start!!


The two of them were just so damn cute in this.  Poor Sesshou was just so nervous when he asked her.  I don't think I've ever seen him nervous before.  He is so afraid of her rejection at this point despite what he says.  He says that he just wants her to be happy and that if he can't make her happy he'll let her go to be with someone else but that would devastate him.  He stil doesn't understand but he's so in love with her and he just doesn't know what to do.  I loved how he wasn't worried if he couldn't have intimate contact with her because of what happened all he wants is to be with her and that shows just how much he's changed.  Before that's all the beast seemed to want from her while he wanted nothing to do with her.  Now, he just needs to be around her and nothing else matters.  I also loved how he was going to make it a point to buy her some new clothes because she needed them....can I just take him home for a day or so???


Kagome's fears were entirely justifialbe and I'm really glad that she took the time to think things out.  She could have easily laughed in his face and said no but she didn't.  She admited to herself that she wasn't sure if she could do this because of everything but she also took the time to rationalize everything that had happened.  She was able to see each aspect of Sesshoumaru and understand that he has grown and changed from who she knew in the past.    I think on the inside she is really starting to love him too but just like Sesshoumaru she don't get it.  I am patiently awaiting that epiphany!


Now, Kiyoshi is the cutest thing ever!!  I was nearly on the floor with the whole interaction with Koga it was fantastic.  The fact that Kiyoshi tried to purify him....hahaha omg that baby!!!  He is going to be one hell of a trouble maker and I can guarantee that he is going to give his parents a fit!  I loved Kagome and Sesshomaru's interaction after the incident.  I was really waiting for Sesshoumaru to just start laughing his ass off when Kagome told him what happened. That whole scene was just fantastic and really you outdid yourself with that.


Now, time for me to act like the idiot I am...SHE SAID YES!!!!!!! YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!  I'm so proud of Kagome right now I could just cry.  I'm so glad that she's going to give him this chance and I know she will not regret it.


You are super amazing and I just can't even begin to tell you.  Chapters like this are just a few of the reasons why this is my favorite story!  Hugs honey!!!

love you so much (Chapter 54) - Wed 06 Oct 2010

I had a bad day and this chapter really lifted my spirits!




thank you for being so awesome!

Daize (Chapter 54) - Wed 06 Oct 2010

oh my god OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

REDWOLF (Chapter 54) - Wed 06 Oct 2010

Awwwww she's doing the best for herself. Well done.

Aki (Chapter 54) - Tue 05 Oct 2010

I Love this! Please update soon

Rin (Chapter 15) - Tue 05 Oct 2010

So far I can not honestly say whether I love this or hate it. It's addictive, but it also makes me twitch on the inside.

The concepts are darker then I normally like to read, but I still find myself compelled to see how things turn out. I find myself in nead of breaks from reading it in order to ponder the situation and emotions you are conveying. (I'm the type that can sit and read a 150,000+ word fic in 2 days)

Overal I can't say If I'll be able to stick with it to the end, but I'm impressed none the less.

Darrakk (Chapter 53) - Fri 01 Oct 2010

Oh thats just mean, ending it like that.

Silvermoon maru (Chapter 53) - Tue 28 Sep 2010

AAAAAAAAHHH!! OMG! OMG!! he asked !! That was great, I think I was even holding my breath... But I can't do it longer or I'll die before I know her answer..  Kouga is such a nice guy! I really like the way you portrait him, also Seshoumaru is wonderful, and the way he is slowly merging with the beast is very well written. Great fic!!  Love it!!

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