Reviews for Blood Stained by Madison

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adi (Chapter 53) - Tue 28 Sep 2010

such an amazing fanfic, blood stained!! a loooovvveeeee it!!!!!
and its only getting better each chap!!! but this one was... well...... so.... wow!!
and who made it so awesome, if not silly-cleyer Kouga..?? hehe seriously, isnt he a genius??


but... i have a little thing to say...:
you cant do this to me!! im checking your fanfic every day a thousand of time (well i over do it, but still!!) and whenn i see no new chap... well... IM GOING CRAZY!!!

nnaahh... just kidding.... but still... im addicted to this fanfic, so pleaseeee make it easier...!!!

sorry if im being pushy...!! <3

you do a really great writing, and a appreciate you for it!!

love ya!!^^

Stephanie (Chapter 53) - Tue 28 Sep 2010

This whole chapter made me smile. :)

Daniella (Chapter 53) - Mon 27 Sep 2010

OMG!!!!!!!!!  This chapter was full of sugary sweetness and I love it!!  Kouga is such a little instigator isn't he LOL.  Well,I guess someone has to do it because those two are clueless!

Poor Sesshou!  He's so confused as to what he wants isn't he?  He loves her so much even if he doesn't understand what love really is.  I think on some deeper level he does understand it but he doesn't really want to accept it.  I think he's afraid of her rejection.  Buck up little camper and just go with your heart.  Kagome will come around you just have to be willing to take some risks.  I laughed at the way he blurted out his invitation to dinner.  It was like silence silence silence "Do you want to have dinner?" silence silence LOL.  I'm glad Kagome said yes though.  She does care about him too but she's a lot like him and is severely confused just like him.  I really think if the two of them can overcome the awkward tension that they always seem to have they could come to love one another very much, well more than they already do LoL.

Kagome's little conversation with Kiyoshi about Sesshoumaru was so unbelievably adorable!!!  That little munchkin is going to work miracles with them.  I loved when Kagome practically forced Sesshoumaru to hold his son and I agree with Kouga, it's about damn time he started doing it.  He does almost seem like he's afriad of the little guy but really, that little baby is his salvation.  Kiyoshi is going change Sesshoumaru in so many ways just as Rin did and just as Kagome is doing now.  I think when he gets over his nervousness he's going to be such an amazing father.

The dinner date was so cute.  They were both so unsure of what to do at first and I'm glad that Kagome had the courage to speak up and say that the two of them were being stupid.  They've been around eachother enough by now, and they're parents together they should be able to enjoy a nice, peaceful dinner together while they can because lets face it, babies will be babies and the days of sleeping late are over.  I also think that Kagome is in for a new wardrobe soon even if she doesn't know it.  Why else would Sesshou mention it if he didn't have something in mind...hmmmss...

Now, I know you're sick and all and I still love you lots but....THAT WAS AN EVIL CLIFFE!!!!!!!!!  ACKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I know, I'm not one to talk with the one I just left but....OMG YOUR'S IS 10 TIMES WORSE!!!!!!!!!!  LOL okay all better now.  I can't wait to see what kind of wording Sesshoumaru chooses for his "Second Chance."  *Sighs* I just can't get enough of this story, it's like a drug or something.  Big hugs honey and I know I already told you today but feel better!!!!!!!!!

Dawn of Roses Kiss (Chapter 53) - Mon 27 Sep 2010

Youz are ebil!!! EBIL I TELL YEW!! Leaving me on a cliffy like that :3. UPDATE SOON!!!!

Sess Koibito (Chapter 53) - Mon 27 Sep 2010

Way to go, Sesshoumaru! I hope Kagome says yes! Great chapter! :)

sesshykoi (Chapter 53) - Mon 27 Sep 2010

*screams* Omg...They finally did it. Sesshomaru and Kagome finally made it to the dinner table and kinda sorta made up!!!!!!!!! All of this would not have have happened if it wasn't for WISE Koga!!!! Bravo Koga!!! Bravo!!! Without Koga sesshomaru and Kagome would still be in step 2...*laughs* I can't believe that Sesshomaru asked a question like that! I mean after everything that has happened between them? *sighs blissfully* He more awesome than I thought he was in this story! And Kagome I knew she was going to fall for sesshomaru (i mean of course since it is a S&K fanfic but still...)!!! WELL DONE MADISON!! You did a GREAT job with this chapter! I can't wait until the next chapter GIRLIE!

Lindsey Harvest (Chapter 53) - Mon 27 Sep 2010

I loved it. keep 'em comming!! lol

Sakuramaru (Chapter 53) - Mon 27 Sep 2010

Oh Kouga...I love that meddlesome wolf!


OH, and way to leave us with an awesome cliffy!!!  I can't wait to read about exactly what type of second chance Sesshoumaru meant, and if Kagome is willing to comply!

Jekya (Chapter 53) - Mon 27 Sep 2010

love the new chap i really dnt wnt this story 2 end :'(

Aki (Chapter 53) - Mon 27 Sep 2010

Holy ----!!!!!!!

yayyyy! about time¬! update soon and don't dissapoint.

i've been longing to see them come together for well, over 50 chapters now. lmao


MissTeak (Chapter 53) - Mon 27 Sep 2010

Seeing an update for Blood Stained never fails to make my day, especially when our beloved characters have arguably survived the worst and are now ready and slowly moving on to a new chapter in their lives together.

It was awesome having Kouga around as always; he always manages to add a hint of humor and lightheartedness to the situation. Poor Sesshoumaru is still as jumpy around Kiyoshi as a kitten with a new yarn ball, and I am seriously wondering how this super strong demon lord can remain fearful of his sweet little baby. LOL. On the other hand, his possessiveness when it comes to Kagome is growing stronger and stronger by the day, and there will come one day when he simply rips Kouga's tongue out for saying the name 'Kagome'. OK, just kidding, that was kinda morbid but you get the idea.

The feelings are getting harder and harder to ignore!! Where's my lovely fluff moment?? *looks up and down and all around*

Awwww Kouga is sooooo gracious and sweet!!! *throws arms around a spluttering wolf boy* he is too amazing, OMG. I totally like him for being so cool and the idea of him playing matchmaker to these silent lovebirds is just awesome! <3 They need a very, very HARD push in the right direction, or no one is going to get anything done. Sesshoumaru is too introverted, and Kagome is too much of a worrywart. This sentence showed us just how successful Kouga is at say, marriage counselling.

"No past, no future, no present, no mission."

He totally diagnosed their problem right! They are haunted by ghosts of the pasts and phantoms of the future. Somebody has got to step in to help them.

"Would you like to have dinner with me?"

Classic, straight to the point. Soooo Sesshoumaru! Kudos for keeping him so in character, Maddie! <3 As in character as an AU fic can get, of course. Feudal Sesshoumaru would most probably just demand. Like, "You. Me. Dinner. NOW."

AWWWW LOL big mouth Kouga might be, he totally did the right thing!! So this is going to be our long-awaited fluff!!moment~ They are finally going to have something akin to a date, and I am totally bouncing in my chair to see what might happen. Now let me go on reading...

Though we now know that it is not going to be one of those high-expenditure dates whereby everything sounds like it had been planned by a professional planner, it is still very sweet and cute nonetheless! The sucker for romantic scenes in me was lamenting the venue for a second, but then again, you're right, it is true that Kiyoshi is still sooo tiny and in need of Kagome's care at all times. Having the wolves babysit him for awhile is just about the best arrangement they could have. The mental image of Kouga trying to hush a wailing toddler while Ginta and Hakkaku waved rattlers and milk bottles above the baby's head is just too precious LOL.

Kiyoshi is my darling little genius. Go baby, teach your parents what to do!!

ZOMGZOMG soooooo cute!!! He must have been scared stiff when Kagome placed the tiny baby in his arms. Lalala, Sesshoumaru, you're sooooo adorable!! <3

But nothing beats the 'dinner date'...OMG. I think I practically squealed when she asked him if he had asked her out to dinner because Kouga had put him up to it, and he said no!! Every girl would be glad to hear something like that, and Kagome is obviously no exception. Happiness is indeed coming their way!! <3

A second chance?? Of course!! Please, take as many as you wish, Sesshy!! *hands out 'second chances'* LOL. I am soooooo happy to see the two of them getting closer and closer to the happy ending they deserve after going through soooo much heartache and ordeal together! He had taken responsibility for something which he had not exactly done, and that really shows what sort of person Sesshoumaru really is. He is trustworthy and responsible in his own way!

While this chapter was not much in plot, it was a GREAT BIG DEAL in their relationship. A new milestone, I'd say, and good job, Maddie! You're the best!!! <3 Love you lots!

MissTeak (Chapter 53) - Mon 27 Sep 2010

Seeing an update for Blood Stained never fails to make my day, especially when our beloved characters have arguably survived the worst and are now ready and slowly moving on to a new chapter in their lives together.

It was awesome having Kouga around as always; he always manages to add a hint of humor and lightheartedness to the situation. Poor Sesshoumaru is still as jumpy around Kiyoshi as a kitten with a new yarn ball, and I am seriously wondering how this super strong demon lord can remain fearful of his sweet little baby. LOL. On the other hand, his possessiveness when it comes to Kagome is growing stronger and stronger by the day, and there will come one day when he simply rips Kouga's tongue out for saying the name 'Kagome'. OK, just kidding, that was kinda morbid but you get the idea.

The feelings are getting harder and harder to ignore!! Where's my lovely fluff moment?? *looks up and down and all around*

Awwww Kouga is sooooo gracious and sweet!!! *throws arms around a spluttering wolf boy* he is too amazing, OMG. I totally like him for being so cool and the idea of him playing matchmaker to these silent lovebirds is just awesome! <3 They need a very, very HARD push in the right direction, or no one is going to get anything done. Sesshoumaru is too introverted, and Kagome is too much of a worrywart. This sentence showed us just how successful Kouga is at say, marriage counselling.

"No past, no future, no present, no mission."

He totally diagnosed their problem right! They are haunted by ghosts of the pasts and phantoms of the future. Somebody has got to step in to help them.

"Would you like to have dinner with me?"

Classic, straight to the point. Soooo Sesshoumaru! Kudos for keeping him so in character, Maddie! <3 As in character as an AU fic can get, of course. Feudal Sesshoumaru would most probably just demand. Like, "You. Me. Dinner. NOW."

AWWWW LOL big mouth Kouga might be, he totally did the right thing!! So this is going to be our long-awaited fluff!!moment~ They are finally going to have something akin to a date, and I am totally bouncing in my chair to see what might happen. Now let me go on reading...

Though we now know that it is not going to be one of those high-expenditure dates whereby everything sounds like it had been planned by a professional planner, it is still very sweet and cute nonetheless! The sucker for romantic scenes in me was lamenting the venue for a second, but then again, you're right, it is true that Kiyoshi is still sooo tiny and in need of Kagome's care at all times. Having the wolves babysit him for awhile is just about the best arrangement they could have. The mental image of Kouga trying to hush a wailing toddler while Ginta and Hakkaku waved rattlers and milk bottles above the baby's head is just too precious LOL.

Kiyoshi is my darling little genius. Go baby, teach your parents what to do!!

ZOMGZOMG soooooo cute!!! He must have been scared stiff when Kagome placed the tiny baby in his arms. Lalala, Sesshoumaru, you're sooooo adorable!! <3

But nothing beats the 'dinner date'...OMG. I think I practically squealed when she asked him if he had asked her out to dinner because Kouga had put him up to it, and he said no!! Every girl would be glad to hear something like that, and Kagome is obviously no exception. Happiness is indeed coming their way!! <3

A second chance?? Of course!! Please, take as many as you wish, Sesshy!! *hands out 'second chances'* LOL. I am soooooo happy to see the two of them getting closer and closer to the happy ending they deserve after going through soooo much heartache and ordeal together! He had taken responsibility for something which he had not exactly done, and that really shows what sort of person Sesshoumaru really is. He is trustworthy and responsible in his own way!

While this chapter was not much in plot, it was a GREAT BIG DEAL in their relationship. A new milestone, I'd say, and good job, Maddie! You're the best!!! <3 Love you lots!

Kaitlyn (Chapter 53) - Mon 27 Sep 2010

Just wanted to say that I am very sorry to hear that you are sick, I hope you get well soon. I have been thoroughly enjoying this story and can't wait to see what happens next. Keep up the excellent work, and take care of that cold.

Manatee (Chapter 53) - Mon 27 Sep 2010

awww stupid girly smiles all over my face!  I love the ending to that chapter.  So perfect.  Thanks for the update!

Rin Akarui (Chapter 53) - Mon 27 Sep 2010

This chapter made me squee. I feel like the couple has hope still! Especially the second chance thing, I can totally relate to this chapter (the whole second chances deal). Please keep up the good work.

Fluffy Lady (Chapter 53) - Sun 26 Sep 2010

Aaww...Sesshomaru's gettin' mushy! lol So cute! And sweet!

janjan (Chapter 53) - Sun 26 Sep 2010

AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!! CAnt freeken wait till next chapter!!

Jenniferelaine (Chapter 53) - Sun 26 Sep 2010

omgomgomg!! what a cliffy...gah!!

soooo goood :)

i hope you feel better <3

helikesitheymikey! (Chapter 53) - Sun 26 Sep 2010

awww...he is SO SWEET! and insecure...but that's part of his sweetness. glad we're getting to the good is Kagome's mom gonna be ticked when they get home. bet that Kiyoshi won't let them live in separate homes. if he's as stubborn as he's appearing to be he'll not go to sleep until mommy and daddy are both there


anyway can hardly wait to see what Kaggy's answer is and to see what route of torture Kiyoshi is inflicting on the wolves...LOVE that he's a troublemaker to everyone he knows...except for mommy and daddy because he knows they won't put up with it.

*snickers* still love the part where Kagome told him to behave for Uncle Kouga and then she sensed some wonder just how smart this kid is...I'd bet at least as smart as Kouga is if he's hoping to get away with whatever trouble he'll cause.


and of course Kagome and Sesshomaru will have to be stricter when he gets older and almost causes the apocalypse...then again...this kid probably could do it if anyone could...




ya know...when they get back to Japan Sesshomaru could help her with her schooling...I forget if she graduated or dropped out or not...

Terri-tots (Chapter 53) - Sun 26 Sep 2010

Oh Kouga... Show those crazy kids how it is done.

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