Reviews for Blood Stained by Madison

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Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 60) - Thu 20 Jan 2011

I'm really glad she was able to try to talk with his beast. It's been so sad from the start really -how they have had nothing but crossed signals and understandings and miscommunications. As much as I am impressed with how well written this story is and how they're now growing from everything that happened it still hurts to think how much pain they both went through simply because neither understood the other in the beginning. I just can't help thinking of what could have been. *soft, wry laugh*

I'm still holding hope that things can be talked out and explained, so that even though Sesshomaru has reached the decision that he will give up half of himself to please and protect Kagome he eventually won't HAVE to because there will be forgiveness and understanding.

Thanks for writing!

Eden (Chapter 60) - Sun 16 Jan 2011

*Taken aback*

Now why on Earth would you shorten your story, and just for for someone else?! :( The experience should never be cheapened. Real fans, such as myself, wish things we find joy in would never end, and the answer to that is simple enough. I want to see things unveil themselves in due time, no matter if it's too long to some. It would break my heart on top of it :(. I find stories that are in great length to be the ones with more character development and insight to be the most intruiging......and left for me to think about on the days to come. So, in other words, continue on!

In addition, one of many things that make your story unique at least in my eyes, there is definitely originality in your progression to say the least. I love your story. I am yet again left with anticipation and unregretting patience.


SIDE NOTE: Though it may have been needless to say, I hope Sesshoumaru's comment about almost willingly giving up being youkai for her heart to cease hurting because of him to be an act of sincerity for her and not actively doing so in the future. I would FREAK D:

janjan (Chapter 60) - Fri 14 Jan 2011

AWesome!! cant awit for next chapter!

cocovanilla (Chapter 60) - Fri 14 Jan 2011

I enjoy reading this story. It's different from the typical rape story. I like how you make Sesshoumaru feel guilty towards his past action as well as Kagome's journey to overcome her past. And no, I don't think you're dragging your story. I like the pace of it. I love Kouga's presence in this chapter. Every time he shows up in the story, it always make me laugh with his dialogue. I'm looking forward to read the next chapter! (^__^)

Dominik Journot (Chapter 60) - Thu 13 Jan 2011



Kept thinking about what you wrote at the beginning of the chapter and, well, I like your fic very much. It is complex and really interesting.

I do want Kags and Sess to be together - and I'm talking as one that has never been close to a threatening situation as raping - but sometimes it feels as if she'll never heal and they'll never share a couple's intimacy (not only sex, but everything else).


I liked very much the thought of Sesshomaru talking to his beast, I my mild opinion the plot could use a bit less melancholy.


Please, I need to reinforce that I thrilled with your writing skills and plot complexity. You are an amazing writer and I know I'll never write like you.




Daniella (Chapter 60) - Thu 13 Jan 2011

You, my dear, wonderful, sweet friend are amazing!  I LOVED THIS CHAPTER!!!

Poor Kagome!  That girl needs a good night's sleep!  I can understand why she would be kept awake by it all though.  Facing Sesshoumaru's beast is probably her worst nightmare.  Everytime she has come in contact with him she was too afraid to say what she needed to say because he wouldn't let her.  She needs the beast to understand what exactly she is feeling because that is the only way she is going to be able to most past her pain.  If he doesn't get it that what he did was wrong there is no way Sesshoumaru and Kagome can move on with their relationship.  While Sesshoumaru himself understands that the way things were done were wrong, it's obvious that his other half is still convinced that he did nothing wrong and he had every right to take Kagome in the manner that he did.

Poor Sesshoumaru.  He's still so guilty over everything and it breaks my heart to see it.  I understand that guilt is a necesarry part of the healing process but he doesn't need to think that every time Kagome has a mood swing it's his fault.  Women just have them from time to time and I know that his experience with women is limited surely he understands the concept of hormones LOL.

I'm still loving Kouga in this fic, really I am.  He's such a smart ass when it comes to dealing with Sesshoumaru and I can't help but laugh everytime he has dealings with him.  He's right though, Sesshoumaru would be totally lost without Kouga's guidance even if it's in subtle hints and the occasional bashing.  Really, I freaking love it.

Honestly, when Sesshou agreed to allow Kagome to deal with his beast I was expecting him to refuse 100%.  He knows what the beast did to her and in the back of his mind he was probably panicked that something terrible was going to happen.  The way you portrayed his hesitance and dare I say it, fear of what she was asking was amazing.  I held my breath when Sesshoumaru pressed that button because I didn't know what I was expecting to happen.  The beast was obviously pleased that Kagome and Sesshoumaru are getting closer but in his mind his methods of gaining Kagome's complacency were completely justified.  FINALLY an answer to the question surrounding her chest pains, you have no idea how many theories I had about that LoL.  It does seem that the two of them were always destined to be together if the pain she was feeling came from the beast and the fact that he was separated from her.  Kagome does need to understand that but the beast needs to see that how he did it was wrong.  He claims that he took the time to learn all he could about Kagome but in reality he just forced his will on her without regard to her feelings.  He believed that she should have just accepted everything that happened but if he really knew Kagome at all, he would have known that she just didn't take things like that.  She always fought against what was supposed to be *right* in favor of what was truly correct. 

*Sigh* I don't think this is going to be the last conversation that Kagome and Sesshoumaru's beast are going to need.  While the two personalities do seem to be merging, Sesshoumaru himself still seems to be the dominant one because of the watch.  I can't wait to see what kind of conversation Sesshoumaru has with himself.  It is definitely going to be interesting.  And Ohhhh fluff!!  I know it's early but I can't wait for the fluff to come up a notch...what can I say I'm a perv and you know it LMAO.

Love you mucho!  Fantastic chapter and I'm eagerly awaiting the next one!!

Alpine (Chapter 60) - Thu 13 Jan 2011

I'm so sorry I don't review like I should... This is a great story and I continue on pins and needles to see what happens next. I hope that she is able to forgive the beast and in turn, the beast starts to understand. I think it will be a hard journey for both though. Keep up the great work and can't wait to see more.

Alpine ^_ ^

Jekya (Chapter 60) - Thu 13 Jan 2011

thnk  u thnk u thnk u

Kristina Kimball (Chapter 60) - Thu 13 Jan 2011


I liked this was done well...i think Kagome is realising that they were ment to be together but it will take time...the story is getting good and I hope it will still be as good as it is now...

Good job and update soon...

Silvermoon maru (Chapter 59) - Sat 08 Jan 2011

That was soo sweet!! I'm still intrigued, why did Kagome had a nosebleed last time they did the connection? was it just something unimportant?

I really love the way they are slowly getting closer to each other. Her blushes, his shyness, everything. I can't wait for him to press the button!!

This is so exciting!!

Please update soon! 

Elenna (Chapter 1) - Thu 06 Jan 2011

I'm a bit astonished at how much I am liking this fanfic. While I see a few grammer errors (which I would just recommend re-reading the beginning, especially for them), I was extremely surprised at how addicting this story can be. I'm not usually a fan of these types of stories, especially when Sesshomaru seems a little out of character. HOWEVER, what I will say is that you did this story in a way that Sesshomaru's ooc-ness really works and I like how you play this out. I'm interested to see more of Kagome being forgiving with the beast and I hope she is able to do so before they merge together. I admit that I really enjoy those scenes the most and have so much sympathy for the beast. You have me on the edge of my seat and I can't honestly wait for the next update. Bravo!

Kristina Kimball (Chapter 59) - Sat 01 Jan 2011


good job with this chapter and the is getting good...i hope next chapter will be as good as this one...

good job and update soon...

Dragoness (Chapter 59) - Fri 31 Dec 2010

Wow, another great and powerful chapter.  Your skill still amazes me especially with everything else going on.  I can't wait for an update but I am not pushing.  I will patiently wait for the next one.  I can't believe she is going to try and face his beast.  Also I wonder what's up with the pain in Sesshomaru's wrist.  Thank you for the wonderful update and Happy New Year!

Thorn (Chapter 58) - Sat 18 Dec 2010

I LOVE THIS STORY! Sure it may not have the best of subjects involved but it has such deep emotions it's amazing. It seems to be able to fit everyone no matter what situation they are in. You are a genius! I have not reviewed before because I am just now coming to the end but I have wanted to compliment you for awhile now. I don't know what else to say other than good job, very very good job. I am a bit sad that you had to kill off Inuyasha but I see how that was for the best. I miss his puppy ears though!! It may be a stupid question but will there ever be a way to give Kiyoshi puppy ears? If not that's fine I just seem to have a strange obsession with them haha. I look forward to the next chapter, though I understand how life can be a bitch and get in the way so I won't get mad even if it takes a year (hopefully though it won't lol). I will be sure to check out your other stories now that I can go no further in this one, I can't wait! I would like to ask though, (hopefully I am allowed to ask questions here..I am new so I'm not really sure how everything works) do you have any idea how many chapters this will have altogether or are you just taking it one at a time? Anyway thank you again for filling my lonely nights with a wonderful story to keep me going!


I am sorry about things with your fiance, I bet that was very hard. I'm sure it was for the best though right? As strong of a writer as you seem to be I am sure it reflects your other strengths as well so I have faith you will be just fine =]



GreyEcho (Chapter 58) - Sun 05 Dec 2010

YAY! The last scene was really cute. I was a little worried about the noise bleed though. i'm guessing it may have been the stress of  the memory?


MidnightStar (Chapter 58) - Sat 04 Dec 2010

Yeah.....Love this story!  Can't wait for more:)

knifethrower (Chapter 58) - Sat 04 Dec 2010

Nice chapter.  Very emotive, and beautifully, simply written.  As always, I enjoyed it very much.

Blaire (Chapter 58) - Sat 04 Dec 2010

loved the chapter :) you make me feel the words and see the way they hold each's truly captivating :) can't wait for the next chapter!

LunaGirl (Chapter 58) - Fri 03 Dec 2010


I'm so happy to see you back! But at the same time, I feel bad that you have to deal with so many sad things, specially during this time of year. I know that no matter what anyone says, the pain will be there, and it will feel as if a thousand knives are slowly stabbing your heart all at once. I just want you to know that even though right now it seems like the pain is unbearable and it will never go away, it will get better, it will make you stronger, wiser, and a better person. It is one of those things that teach you something important, although at a high price. But believe me when I tell you it will be worth it. The price that at this time seems so high and painful will be worth each one of your tears, and it will make you such a different person, such a strong and wiser person, that at the end, you will see that IT WAS WORTH EVERY MOMENT OF PAIN.

Just keep this knowledge in your heart: Everything that happens in this life, happens for a reason. Nothing is ever random. The reason may not be obvious right now, but it will reveal itself at one point, and then you will understand it all.

So don't ask yourself "Why", "Why me", or Why now". You will not know until the time is right, but when the truth is revealed to you, it will make it all worth it and it will make you grateful.

There is a saying that goes:

“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I ended up where I needed to be”

This will be your biggest realization, and it will heal your heart and soul. Don't ever lose the hope of a better tomorrow, no matter how cloudy and dark today may seem. Keep your head high and try to be strong.

I remember something that I read somewhere: "No man is worth your tears, and the one that is, wouldn't make you cry at all".

This is SO true!

Keep in your heart the knowledge that many of us may not know you in person, may have never shaken your hand or given you a hug in support, but we all feel connected to you somehow and wish for your pain to go away, and hope to read that you are once again in good spirits and able to smile again. We are more than just a name in your screen, because behind each name there is a real person, with a heart and feelings that is able to understand when we hear that someone else is in pain. So we may not be your best friends, we may not even know each other, but this does not mean we do not care. We do and we want you to be happy and able to smile; so please, try to smile for us, your readers, try to smile for those you DO know in person, your friends, your family, and remember that we do care for you.

The holiday season is a time to be grateful for all the good things in our life, it's a time of renewal, a time for new beginnings, and what best way to start something new than to do it with a new attitude. A positive attitude that will dictate how the rest of your year (and maybe your life) will be like.

So, try to start the way you want your future to be: Happy (or at least trying to be happy), Possitive, Full of Hope in something better, and with new Strenght in Your Heart.

Be possitive and try to remember that you are important and matter to many.

May your pain will be swift, may your road to healing will be short, and may the fruits of this experience be sweet in your lips.

Take care, continue to write and connect with others, be strong and have faith, and know that even though there are many people you have never met, they still care for you! Isn't that amazing? The internet is a true miracle!

Have a happy holiday season surrounded by those who love you and give you the power to continue and may your new year be one of new beginnings, all happy, all good!

With my best wishes and much love:


PS: I do have an acct, but under another name. I just didn't want to sign up and prefer to write this under the spell of someone you (and others) don't recognize. But if you want to reply, just leave me a note in your profile or at the end of one of your chapters. I read them all with hunger, and wait for them as if they were a special gift. So please don't ever stop writing! (And as everyone else says: Please update soon!)





Ashley (Chapter 58) - Fri 03 Dec 2010

Sorry to hear about your break up. Trust me, it is better to find out you are not compatible before you get married. I married a retard and i am stuck with him for the next 6 months. Sometimes these things work out for better. Thanks for the update great chapter.

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