Reviews for Blood Stained by Madison

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cakeiton (Chapter 69) - Mon 04 Apr 2011

gah!!! whats happens next!!?? lol great chapter

sesshys_jaded_samuri (Chapter 69) - Mon 04 Apr 2011


prissycayce (Chapter 68) - Sat 02 Apr 2011

I followed this story over from AFF since it wasn't being updated and I must say I was not disappointed.  I spent this entire week catching up on the storyline and enjoyed every minute of it.  I hope another chapter will be posted soon!

Silvermoon maru (Chapter 68) - Wed 30 Mar 2011

OMG!!!! That was so sad!! But a great chapter anyway!! I love Sesshoumaru's concern for Kagome and Kiyoshi, and the fact that she is so afraid to lose him. I can't wait to read the next chapter, that was a really evil cliffhanger!! I was so sure Kiyoshi was going to help this time :/

Kassidee (Chapter 68) - Mon 28 Mar 2011

The emotion and imagery in this story is so powerful! I can feel Kagome's pain and confusion. I can see Sesshoumaru bloodied and broken on the bed. Please update soon! Please don't die Sesshy! D;

MezyMinzy (Chapter 68) - Mon 28 Mar 2011

OMG You're killing Sesshou T_T. PLEASE UPDATE SOON! Im so worried lol, even though its just a story XD.

janjan (Chapter 68) - Sat 26 Mar 2011

AWsome! chapter!! i was readying uuuberrrr fast just too see whats gonna happen next! gant wait for next chapter!

Pebbles (Chapter 68) - Sat 26 Mar 2011

Dear GOD!! 

I feel like I'm on an emotional rollercoaster!  Catching up to the current chapter, I feel drained from all that has transpired in this story up to now.  There is most definitely a 'pit of your stomach drop' from last chapter to this.  You created this transference of time that felt chaotic with all that has happened between them.  From the closeness, to the confession, to the doubt, to what may be impending death.  Their all some nice moments in between with the humor from Koga and Kai that work.  It takes away from the seriousness of the matter in just the right way.  I mean, readers are getting the moments we've been waiting for (with bated breath), and then BAM, conflict gets altered to the climax!  It's expected and unexpected at the same time.  Like how you have Kagome mention how it's all finally leading somewhere and now this bittersweet moment. 

I noticed the scene inside the bedroom with a bloody and weak Sesshomaru, it had a most humbling effect on everyone.  Sesshomaru is like we've never seen him, tortured by his own body, mind & spirit.   Kagome is stilled by her inadequacies of her natural ability yet to manifest, and even Kai's inability to provide hope is sombering.  The main focus is on Kagome and her panic mirrors what the reader may be feeling.  Kiyoshi's cries echoed is like a level of chaos echoing in the situation, almost setting a pace.  The very end reminds me of a moment I seen in Disney's Beauty and The Beast.  Where SPOILER FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NEVER SEEN IT!!! Belle cradles The Beast's body after being wounded by Gaston.  She lays over him and whispers "Don't leave me" or something similar right before the last enchanted rose petal falls.  END OF SPOILER  That scene was powerful and poetic.  Finally coming to grips with the feelings she possesed for him in a moment of true loss.  There are parallels to that here in this cliffy of yours.  It works so well for the position they are in. 

I only hope you DO update soon.  Reading your story is an addiction I will not soon quit.  Or ever, really.  =)  

REDWOLF (Chapter 68) - Sat 26 Mar 2011

Oh my stopped, here, like this? Ok, I hope you plan on updating,  say like, fast, PLEASE! What a fantastic chapter.

crin_fausta (Chapter 68) - Sat 26 Mar 2011

You never cease to amaze me! I am madly in love with this story! I love the way you described Sesshoumaru and Kagome's reaction. So tragic and yet so beautiful! You are truly talented.... although right now...a little evil...err...evil itself! Isn't it hard enough without a cliffhanger?

Can't wait to read the next chapter!

TKE (Chapter 68) - Fri 25 Mar 2011 sad!!!  I hope something can be done for him!

Smortz (Chapter 68) - Fri 25 Mar 2011

@_@ WHAT?! That is a cruel ending... T_T 


I love your story! I have read it many times over and over. I love how you leave your readers gripping the edge of the seat with suspense. >_> Even though it is a tad evil....


Once again AMAZING story!!!!


Kassidee (Chapter 67) - Fri 11 Mar 2011

I hope you feel better! Yet again there's a wonderful new chapter. I usually don't review, but I just felt the need to.

LoveNabokov (Chapter 67) - Fri 11 Mar 2011

Great chapter! I'm enjoying the way it's picking up after so many chapters full of angst. Hope there is more light at the end of the tunnel. Feel better! <3

TKE (Chapter 67) - Thu 10 Mar 2011

loved it....can't wait for the update!

janjan (Chapter 67) - Thu 10 Mar 2011

OMg they made such inroads!!! im so excited for the next chapter I really ant to know whats going on with sess i can hazard a guess but most likely its gonna be inacurate! lol keep going !

joyouki (Chapter 67) - Thu 10 Mar 2011

HOT DAMN THAT WAS JUICY!  I still can not fathom being in Kagome's place....but the pace is so right, being scared and afriad to feel and then to want to feel with Sess is it right???  Boy I hate the cliffy here!!! Get better..

crin_fausta (Chapter 67) - Thu 10 Mar 2011

You never cease to amaze me! This chapter is awesome!

I love how you outlined Sesshomaru's feelings and wants and Kagome's respone..I really appreciate that they still haven't done anything...Sesshomaru's taking into consideration Kagome's situation is so touching... What I like the most though is the way you create the mysterious atmosphere..."What's happening with Sesshomaru?" is the question that I can't help but wonder non-stop...There are so many possibilities..hmmm...maybe the key is making love and renewing the mating bond or there is a chance that it is related with the Jewel and Kagome's ability to purify it...or probably it is related to the beast...he wants to kill Sesshomaru...See? How can I live with so many thoughts in my head!

Right now I am not sure if I want to kill you or not..such a hard decisions...If I kill you I am not going to find out what happens, if I don't you are going to keep me on the edge with your cliffhangers...So what would be the best solution?*wink*

P.S Get better soon!

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 66) - Thu 03 Mar 2011

Aww... That was just... really, really sweet. ^_^ I can't find the words to truly explain how much I enjoyed this chapter. It's hard, overcoming what happened in the past, but they're really managing to come together.

Thanks for writing!

Dragoness (Chapter 66) - Mon 28 Feb 2011

Another update so soon. Yaaah! I so love this story but in all fairness I love all your stories.  You are just such an amazing writer.  This was such a good chapter.  I wonder what the lady says this time.  What's up with all the bleeding? Is it because his beast is gone or a side effect of Sesshomaru cutting off that part of himself for so long?  I can't wait to find out.  I think it will be Kioshi that will be the one to help bring it back.  I am so glad Kogua found the lady agoan.  I know he keeps saying it's because their pack but maybe he found his mate after all.   I hope so he is a good guy it just wasn't meant to be between him and Kagome.  I know he has accepted this but it is good to know he might have his own romantic interest.  Please update soon, I live to read your stories.  I am sorry I haven't been reviewing to let you know just how much I appreciate your stories.  ^_^

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