Reviews for Contact by Lillian

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Alexandra (Chapter 36) - Fri 14 Oct 2011

Come on Kagome! Show Sesshoumaru what for!

Have at you demon!

Silver Standard Society (Chapter 36) - Fri 14 Oct 2011

Sesshomaru is so cute trying to make this work. XD 

He needs to just say something that'll shock the crap out of her lol


Houjin Shikaku (Chapter 36) - Fri 14 Oct 2011

lol Sesshoumaru is just not meeting any of his goals lately, he is such a failure. Goal 1: "make the miko angry so she would get her spark back". Failed. lol he doesn't even try again, he just gives up lol

Also, he spent all that time stalking her and couldn't even try to come up with a topic of discussion? He is so lazy! And poor Kagome is probably so confused, aw well everthing will explain its self...eventually lol

Silver Standard Society (Chapter 35) - Fri 14 Oct 2011

Your chapters always make me giggle a little.

Sesshomaru points out the fault of others so when he called her a pathetic miko...LMAO 

*Wipes tear from laughter*

You know I'll be back.


Fallen0x (Chapter 35) - Wed 12 Oct 2011

lol XD it's true- he doesn't really say a lot of nice things ever lol XD as far as i know XD great story! i'm glad i got to catch up again! :)

Houjin Shikaku (Chapter 35) - Tue 11 Oct 2011

How unbecoming of the great lord of the west! being prone to giving insults so thouroughly that now he and Inuyasha have now have something in common! They now have a shared interest lol, They can talk , I see it as something like this...

"Hanyou who have you degraded so far today?"

"Eh, just some pregnant chick, she was really fat."

"Oh yea, me, well, I told this one girl that my hair was prettier than hers. "


"Mmmhmm. She ran off crying"

lol, sorry about that, it scares me too. anyways I also liked how you labeled your last two chapters. They both have Part 1 part 2 as of yet? lol It made me laugh

JeniNeji (Chapter 35) - Tue 11 Oct 2011

yes  please. :Smacks sesshomaru's head:


JeniNeji (Chapter 34) - Mon 10 Oct 2011

lowly??!?!?!?! vhfdon'don;e Lowly?!!?!?!??! nc;saon;da

Houjin Shikaku (Chapter 34) - Mon 10 Oct 2011

OH!! The nerve of him! Lures her all the way out there then has the balls to insult her in his first sentence! And to top it off she has to act like Jaken. If he (Jaken) saw that he would have been so proud lol

criticat (Chapter 32) - Mon 10 Oct 2011

Look at me, I'm here! LOL

Houjin Shikaku (Chapter 33) - Mon 10 Oct 2011

lol that would be terrible if she accidently purified him out of fright, All of his hard work would have been for naught.


And I know you're testing me, I don't care how often you update I will review (insert evil laugh here), So go ahead update more and more! Challenge Accepted!

JeniNeji (Chapter 33) - Mon 10 Oct 2011

Good thinking...probably... Sesshomaru can teach her a few tricks more later :)

Silver Standard Society (Chapter 32) - Sun 09 Oct 2011

I love Sesshomaru's moves for getting her attention. Not only is it cute, it's so hilarious. "Look at meee," lol. I love your gems of writing. 


JeniNeji (Chapter 32) - Sun 09 Oct 2011

Not really Kagome... that doesnt sound smart at first glance...

JeniNeji (Chapter 31) - Sun 09 Oct 2011

I wondered if she was only affected her... hn

Houjin Shikaku (Chapter 31) - Sun 09 Oct 2011

lol he considers that blunt? I guess thats the most he could do with out Inuyasha knowing, geez what a stalker

1CarinoInu (Chapter 31) - Sun 09 Oct 2011

Sly Sesshomaru....

JeniNeji (Chapter 30) - Sat 08 Oct 2011

lol I imagine her walking, so creepd out, and Inuyasha with a happy bounce on his step... completely oblivious

criticat (Chapter 29) - Fri 07 Oct 2011

Oh yes he should totaly change it to 'give me the miko'. ^^

Silver Standard Society (Chapter 29) - Fri 07 Oct 2011

However, the ‘give me Tetsusaiga’ spiel was getting old.

XD LMAO, that's what my story is all about too. Hilarious.

I wonder if he'll wait until she's isolated...

It's so cute how he's keeping track of time they've been apart.

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