Reviews for Contact by Lillian

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JeniNeji (Chapter 49) - Wed 26 Oct 2011




Houjin Shikaku (Chapter 49) - Wed 26 Oct 2011

oh geez Sesshoumaru certainly has some work cut out for him, if she thinks he prolly poisoned a flower crown there is something drastically wrong. lol ALSO I kinda actually laughed out loud for real *GASP* when i read how his aura was trying to crush hers. Although I'm not to sure he was purposefully voluntarily crushing or if that just happens because its just so damn large! lol

Fish Wishes (Chapter 49) - Wed 26 Oct 2011

haha, god, I love "A crown fit for a king." The way you go about discribing things is very refreshing and modern. I like it. Another knee slapper, thank you! =]

Houjin Shikaku (Chapter 48) - Mon 24 Oct 2011

SQUEAL!! That is so adorable!! AHH I just want to eat it!

Also I LOVE how he wants to escape the feminity that comes from wearing a flower crown, but Rumiko made his entire character scream femine. Long flowing hair, clear pale skin, perfectly manicured killing devices, EYELINER!!, ahh Sesshoumaru sometimes you just need to give into your calling, which seems to be drag queen? lol I'm kind of glad now he didn't follow that path, that would have been rough lol.

BTW: I am literally stealing "Hello, rock. Hello, hard place." I don't know for what yet, but I will find someplace to use it

A Secret Best Kept (Chapter 48) - Mon 24 Oct 2011

Sessy with a flower crown upon his head.... Lol that would be hilarious on the off chance he didn't kill you for laughing at him

A Secret Best Kept (Chapter 47) - Sat 22 Oct 2011

Guess I'll just have ta wait till tomorrow to see what the letter said lol. I saw you had posted another chap and was all “omg omg“ I really liked this chapter thou. She needs to learn that she's not the one for inu-baka and that there's somone ealse out there for her "namley a sexy silver haired piece of eye candy even a nun would drool over" lol. I just can't wait to see what her reaction will be when she finds out who her pin pal really is! Can't wait update soon.

JeniNeji (Chapter 47) - Fri 21 Oct 2011

Owww.... :(

Houjin_Shikaku (Chapter 47) - Fri 21 Oct 2011

:( ... you have just made the random chapter really sad . At least she realized it, Hurry Sesshoumaru get over here, you can get in the picture now! lol sorry its late(ish) 


Also Kagome is spelt K-A-G-O-M-E lol, although Kagoe is pretty catchy lol

A Secret Best Kept (Chapter 46) - Fri 21 Oct 2011

Grrrr... I wanted to see what was in that letter... But as always I love it and update soon!!

Houjin Shikaku (Chapter 46) - Fri 21 Oct 2011

lol this is the most random chapter ever! And not only is the chapter random, but Kagome is to! If I was walking with someone, and they said something akin to that, I would have been like Wtf? That was random. So I vote to for a title change! to Random! lol jk

But. It is fricken hilarious lol. At first I didn't know what song you were talking about but then i looked it up and HA! I remembered! And when they sang the 1st like 4 words I burst out laughing.

Then I went back to the chapter and realized you left out perfect! ITS PERFECT HARMONY!! lol that's alright, you have a word limit, and Kagome's memory isn't wonderful.

...Look at me, I'm so pathetic. I read through my review a second time and realized I was made excuses for your incompetence lol

JeniNeji (Chapter 46) - Fri 21 Oct 2011

lol yeah...that doesn't quite fit

Kanna37 (Chapter 45) - Fri 21 Oct 2011

New reader here, and quite enjoying the story!  Looking forward to further installments...


Houjin Shikaku (Chapter 45) - Fri 21 Oct 2011

I guess great minds think alike! lol that's funny because myoga is anything but a great mind sometimes, scratch that, most of the time. Bokusenou is going to have so many visitors.

ps I'm exceedingly glad you put bokusenou in because he's one of my top favorites lol

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 44) - Fri 21 Oct 2011

...and Kagome adds 2 and 2 together and gets 5.... :giggles:

Thanks for writing!

A Secret Best Kept (Chapter 44) - Fri 21 Oct 2011

I was literally rolling around laughing when I read the last 2 chaps. First that letter and now kags is gonna help him get his mate. Ug I'm in stitches! Lol update soon

Silver Standard Society (Chapter 44) - Fri 21 Oct 2011

Jaken fled for cover

XD I swear, if I ever need a giggle I get one from this cute stuff. I'm so happy when I get those update emails lol

Lumi (Chapter 44) - Thu 20 Oct 2011

What a twist! (Sorta.)

Can't wait to see how this completely fails to go according to plan. Poor Kagome (but not really).

JeniNeji (Chapter 44) - Thu 20 Oct 2011

? Mate? Shoving?

Houjin Shikaku (Chapter 44) - Thu 20 Oct 2011

Matchmaker, Matchmaker,
Make me a match,
Find me a find,
catch me a catch

lol I started singing that when I read your title; which totally matches the chapter btw, kudos to you, and no pun intended.

aww Kagome is so nosy, but that's why we love her,and sesshoumaru sold himself as a very likable person lol I read it and was like what? who wrote this?! then I had to reread it and was like aww that tricky bastard that's Sesshoumaru!!. And for all we know he was probably hiding in the bushes just to watch her expression. lol

But all this excitement makes me want to read the next installment! URG WHAT DID SHE WRITE?! to much suspense! better update again, for what? a 3rd time tonight

1CarinoInu (Chapter 44) - Thu 20 Oct 2011

She's so adorably clueless....

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