Reviews for Contact by Lillian

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Houjin Shikaku (Chapter 65) - Sat 19 Nov 2011

Ello There! And who might you be? lol anyways I'll forego the trivial matters of pleasantries (if you would like those however please refer to review for chapter 66 read the beginning and come back) and just jump right in:


When you say this:

See that mass of white out of the corner of your eye? He’s going to kill us if we say no.”

When you say that you use mass of white and then in the next sentence refer to it as he. This makes grammatical sense because the mass of white is sesshoumaru (assumingly XD) and therefore it could be refered to He or It, cause technically its/he's both. Anyways onto my point. I might possibly go about suggesting that you by chance peradventure to think about switching He  to it. Because I think it would add to the story, idk like keep up with the sarcastic/matter of fact tone that miroku seems to be using. But then again its up to you, as you can tell since I used about 7 words and phrases to indicated that I by no means expect you to or necessarily want you to change it. Because when it all boils down to it, who am I? Me, an anonymous (loyal) reviewer, ie. nobody lol

Houjin Shikaku (Chapter 66) - Sat 19 Nov 2011

....YAY!! I do believe I squealed like a pig when I saw you roommate gave me the "wtf face" lol ahh well her loss!

And I totally thought I missed a chapter! HA! How wrong I was! two amazing updates!

Anyways I'm supposed to be writing my chapter for my story I was supposed to update two weeks ago, but I have decided to use my precious and valuable time to review...NO. How dare you even think that! I am not procrastinating!! lol Anyways onto the actual review:


I find it hilarious the way you make Sesshoumaru's mind work! He'll lay seige to her heart? lol  Everything needs to have a reference to violence even if its about romance...but then again many people say romance is violent, ok well maybe not that exact phrase but you get the jist/gist (i'm not to sure, but please forgive my laziness for not looking it up).

And just to clarify : For this sentence:

"Upon the merging of packs (a somewhat rare occurrence), the two alphas traditionally fought for dominance"

You meant the ther merging of packs was rare right? If you did then you wrote it perfectly, and no changes are needed. But I rereread it a third time (xD) and for somereason my brain thought that you meant that the alphas fighting was a rare occurance. Idk I think its just because I read it over too many time. *sigh* I'm off. (btw idk what you're supposed to get out of this last paragraph. so if you don't find yourself getting any useful information of critique out of it, that's because I don't think it has any. But who knows it might.)

koneji (Chapter 65) - Sat 19 Nov 2011

DO execute your plans on her unsuspecting heart - it would please us fans greatly!

Loveyaa (Chapter 64) - Wed 16 Nov 2011

And Sesshoumaru has found a way to remain in even closer contact with Kagome (pun intended*). I wonder what this will lead to and how Sesshoumaru will get Kagome to open up to him and not just her pen pal. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

Silver Standard Society (Chapter 64) - Tue 15 Nov 2011

Ugh! Finally I get some time to sit and read and review.

Sesshomaru is so cutely lame. A spider? Really? He's The (sexy) Killing Perfection! He could blink and that thing would go running.

Now I wonder what happens if they go and the spider is AWOL? Lol, so deliciously devious.

:) I'll return for another fix


JeniNeji (Chapter 64) - Mon 14 Nov 2011

:3 Kagome sat him, lol! Sesshomaru is a very maquiavelic guy >_>

Houjin Shikaku (Chapter 64) - Mon 14 Nov 2011

Hahaha, It's finally happening! Sesshoumaru is taking hold of the situation. Now all he has to do is bide his time until the time is right, then he can snatch his prize!...ya that was really corny oh well, lol also I read miroku's line and I burst out laughing, not because it was funny (I don't think it was supposed to be) but because my brain twisted it around, like he was referring to an actual party, with cake and ballons and stuff lol He's a party crasher lol


“Honestly, what is you dogs these days?” lol doesn't make sense

Loveyaa (Chapter 63) - Fri 11 Nov 2011

hmm...wonder how Sesshoumaru is explaining away this one. And how do they know the translation from demon years to human years? Is it like dog years where someone figures it out and then everyone just knows? Well even so this should make for even more interesting times but prob a harder time swapping out letters. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

JeniNeji (Chapter 63) - Fri 11 Nov 2011



Sesshomaru papa is bringing daughter Sesshomaru with us? No...wait? HE's coming with US? :paces around: Oh no...this feeli dangerous... this this... hey, why not?

Lady Lyris (Chapter 63) - Fri 11 Nov 2011

Bahaa!! Inuyasha needs to be word slapped and Sesshomaru is the best to do it. :) I love your story!

Houjin Shikaku (Chapter 63) - Thu 10 Nov 2011

WHAAAAaaa?! O.o

Silver Standard Society (Chapter 60) - Wed 09 Nov 2011

I read up to the lastest chapter but wanted to review this one because I like it the most. Flawless. and I love the way each miko was given a titile. You're amazing.


Loveyaa (Chapter 62) - Wed 09 Nov 2011

Quite interesting that Sesshoumaru is writing her and knows but she doesn't (and even in the future as well). And the fact that he is playing along esp when she writes about him. I wonder where this will go and take everybody and if it will work out first in the future or in the past. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

Houjin Shikaku (Chapter 62) - Mon 07 Nov 2011

ho ho ho, Kagome has a big surpising coming when all of this hits the fan! She won't even suspect it! ..maybe I don't know what you have planned. GO Sesshoumaru! Go Get her!!

Smortz (Chapter 62) - Mon 07 Nov 2011

This message is brought to you by creativity-ville and all of its wonderfulness. d^_^b

Love it, but don't forget to set up a few socks with tree sap traps along the way, and release a few harpies as well. O:3



Itoe (Chapter 62) - Mon 07 Nov 2011


I love this story ♥_♥

Bokuseno's answer was great but very true. If you want to know something about her, then ask her yourself.  :D

Cheers ^-^

Smortz (Chapter 53) - Mon 07 Nov 2011

-bows repeatedly- Thank you for gracing me with such a wonderful drabble! 

Smo's not worthy!

Definitely putting the edge on sock... :D 

...“It is negligible.”... You Sock pwner....





JeniNeji (Chapter 61) - Sun 06 Nov 2011

WOW Bokuseno is a daring, valiant tree! xD

Azure (Chapter 61) - Sun 06 Nov 2011


Rin (Chapter 50) - Sun 06 Nov 2011

Ah yes. You have to love children and the things they say. <3

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