Reviews for Contact by Lillian

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Sassy C (Chapter 76) - Wed 30 Nov 2011

YAY!! Huzzah! Updates!! Thank you, thank you! 

JeniNeji (Chapter 77) - Wed 30 Nov 2011

She can't NOT be scared :'( I am scared too!

eli (Chapter 77) - Tue 29 Nov 2011

Hurray! 3 chapters in one day!!! I'm enjoying this story a lot -- thanks for writing it! :)

Lumi (Chapter 77) - Tue 29 Nov 2011

I'm amused and excited and jealous and you missed an end-quote in chapter 75 and—and—*swoons*

The Hatter Theory (Chapter 77) - Tue 29 Nov 2011

Tummy touches are perhaps one of the sweetest things in the world. And you somehow made it even sweeter, which is beyond all capable imaginings at the moment. My brain sort of blew a fuse from cyoot overload.

A very sweet, intense moment. Well written. (I have to wait again now, don't I?) *sigh*

The Hatter Theory (Chapter 76) - Tue 29 Nov 2011

That last line was AWESOME. Because him smiling softly at anyone is sort of like Mandy smiling, it screws with the natural order of the universe. Anywho. 

There's more?




*sends cookies*

REDWOLF (Chapter 75) - Tue 29 Nov 2011

Kagome sure acts first and thinks after she acts lol.

Sassy C (Chapter 75) - Tue 29 Nov 2011

More, more, more! I can't believe I just NOW found this story! So good! Post more! Please. :)

The Hatter Theory (Chapter 75) - Tue 29 Nov 2011

Aww, you went for sweet!

And sort of awkward.

*does a happy dance*

Can't wait for the next chapter!

The Hatter Theory (Chapter 74) - Tue 29 Nov 2011

*let something awkward happen,let something awkward happen*

I'm all about awkward, but I can see something sweet happening too, maybe.

*crosses fingers*


Caleesci (Chapter 65) - Tue 29 Nov 2011

Pragmatically, Miroku replied, “My dear, we don’t have much of a choice. See that mass of white out of the corner of your eye? He’s going to kill us if we say no.”

Honestly... this one line had me CRACKING up. No idea why... it just seemed so funny and so miroku! Love it :)

JeniNeji (Chapter 74) - Tue 29 Nov 2011



:peeks shyly:


"What's going to happen now?!"

raindancer13 (Chapter 74) - Tue 29 Nov 2011
Wonderful! I can't wait for more!

The Hatter Theory (Chapter 73) - Mon 28 Nov 2011

Oh that's just awful. Manipulative Sesshy. He'd better make it worth it. 

Please update soon!

The Hatter Theory (Chapter 71) - Mon 28 Nov 2011

“If we start braiding each other’s hair, I’ll know I’m dead, because this is so not a friendship circle."

I do believe I love you for that.

Loveyaa (Chapter 73) - Mon 28 Nov 2011

low blow Sesshouamru...low blow. and yet it worked. I wonder how this is going to turn out and if it will work out. Why couldn't they just do a temporary alliance and still have things the way they were (without the killing or mating). oh well. things should def get even more interesting from here on out. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

JeniNeji (Chapter 73) - Mon 28 Nov 2011

DDDD: What?!

1CarinoInu (Chapter 73) - Mon 28 Nov 2011

Aww, I almost feel bad for her.  Almost.

Lumi (Chapter 73) - Sun 27 Nov 2011

Oh my. *fans self* This is all happening so fast.

Sesshomaru certainly gave up his cover rather quickly, neh?

raindancer13 (Chapter 73) - Sun 27 Nov 2011
Must. Haue. MORE!! I love this story. :) i find myself checking for updates keep it coming!

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