AHHHHH! I'm DYING! I so totally wish this story was already finished so I could read it from front to back, and then back to front again! I think this is my all time favorite... I'm dreaming about this story every night, trying to imagine how it will all come out. Breathlessly waiting for the next chapter,
(Chapter 68) - Tue 22 Sep 2009
Hello texanlady!
Ahh.......so we've gotten to the crux of the story. It's nice to know that sesshoumaru would humble himself to apologize to kagome...show's he really care's about her.
Inuyasha has been acting like his normal idiotic self, but it show's that he didn't/doesn't deserve kagome.
I'm glad kagome's mind and heart are so forgiving, it would have been a shame if she couldn't see sesshoumaru's perspective at all.
I'm starting to get really psyched, with all the excitment in the story.......wonderful chapter by the way, I really appreciate your development of sesshoumaru's character, he has a lot of substance in this story.....Thanks for updating so fast. I'll be waiting for the next chapter!
I so happy they worked it out. Took the stress out my week. Can't wait to see what Kags does to Azumi!!
Another great chapter, glad to see Kagome wasn't a total push-over but is going to allow him to make amends. Azumi is sooo going to get her ass kicked! I can't wait to read it! Bravo, as always!!!
autumngold (Chapter 68) - Tue 22 Sep 2009
Thank you so much for this wonderful update! I know that Kagome and Sesshoumaru's relationship isn't out of the woods yet, but now I have hope that they will be able to work out all of their problems. I can't wait for Kagome to prove Azumi lied and killed Rin. I really, really hope that Azumi tells them about Kikyo and her plot to destroy them all. Also, please let Kagome tear into Inuyasha the same way she did Sesshoumaru! He had no right to treat her the way he did. He is just a jerk and deserves to pay for the way he has always treated Kagome. Why should Kagome wait for him? So what if he hasn't slept with anyone else for awhile? He is still mated to the woman that he picked instead of Kagome. He needs to grow up and stop blaming other people for his mistakes. I hope that he has to stay married to Kikyo, that would serve him right! I really, really hate him! Thank you for this story! I am so enjoying reading it!
sunset in love (Chapter 67) - Tue 22 Sep 2009
whoahh.... yup, that's exactly what you should do, kag... blast that bitch to the deepest pit of hell, and along with her are naraku, kikyou and that yuki too... beside, you really don;t want to lose sesshy now, do you ... but if you EVER lose him to me... well (wink-wink), and owh, the ball is rolling, and time is ticking!
sunset in love (Chapter 67) - Tue 22 Sep 2009
whoahh.... yup, that's exactly what you should do, kag... blast that bitch to the deepest pit of hell, and along with her are naraku, kikyou and that yuki too... beside, you really don;t want to lose sesshy now, do you ... but if you EVER lose him to me... well (wink-wink), and owh, the ball is rolling, and time is ticking!
REDWOLF (Chapter 67) - Tue 22 Sep 2009
WOE...Kagome missed the momma thing here, interesting???? Great chapter. WOW, I guess you have spoiled me....I am so use to the long chapters that this chapter seemed to quick! Now, I must start reading your next story updated or is that stories????
stars (Chapter 67) - Tue 22 Sep 2009
please updata
Lauren (Chapter 24) - Tue 22 Sep 2009
Well, Kikyo's in place now and Taro has gotten so much stronger. ^^ I guess everything's been settled in Musashi for a while now (since we haven't "heard" anything since the deaths... I'm guessing Tokyo will spring up sometime after the institution/invention of surnames, no? At least Inuyasha will have finally lived up to his word. He wanted an empire, now he'll have one.
Thanks for the response to my comments. I'm glad my assumptions are proving to be factual. I've gotten over Yuki. She's disgusting, but I'm okay with that. She and Kikyo will get what's coming to them. So will Akumi and her family. Soon. Hopefully, it'll happen very soon.
Oh, yeah. My name is Lauren, but for this, and many other sites, my screen name is Animefreak242 (or Kawaii Girl for mm.org).
Lauren (Chapter 23) - Tue 22 Sep 2009
Well, so much for Kikyo being killed. But now I see how and why Kentaro has/will have the means to overthrow his father. *thinks* Didn't Oda have a general named Kentaro? Hmm... Either way, I think I know what's going to happen in the next five to ten chapters. *continues to read*
MidnightStar (Chapter 67) - Mon 21 Sep 2009
Ohhhhh......getting good.....can't wait until the next chapter....please update soon:)
I can't wait to see Kagome kick that bitch's ass! LOL!
Oh.....you have written a strong story. I would like to see the conversation between Kagome and Shessomaru goes. Please update soon!
Excellent as always!!!! Love it
Kanna37 (Chapter 67) - Mon 21 Sep 2009
OHOHOHO! I can't wait to see that !@#$$% Azumi get her comeuppance... and for Kagome and Sesshoumaru to talk things through. Poor Rin deserves justice for her death, and it's taken long enough, its about time Azumi and the others start getting hit with some bad. Eagerly awaiting the next chapter..
Wow another awesome chapter and Ooooo I Azumi is so going to get her ass kicked, I hope! Can't wait to read the next chapter. Bravo! As always!
autumngold (Chapter 67) - Mon 21 Sep 2009
I am so, so glad that Kagome has forgiven Taro! I'm happy that she is not going to blame him for the mistakes Sesshoumaru made! Poor Taro is so alone in so many ways, he really seems to need Kagome's love and support. Thank you for not taking that away from him. I really can't wait for Sesshoumaru and Kagome's talk next chapter. I really, really hope that Sesshoumaru is able to explain his actions to Kagome in a way that she can understand. I also hope that he tells her the truth about everything, even about who Iyona is. Great update!
Lauren (Chapter 19) - Mon 21 Sep 2009
Zealots truly do scare me. The extent of which they push and punish themselves and those among them is sick. It's terrifying (more so because there are so many REAL cults like these "Shadow Warriors"). So is the harm they brainwash themselves into believing they must cause themselves and others. "Shed your pride". What a world of contradictions a racist's is. How prideful do you have to be to humiliate someone, to turn them into a mindless tool for you to use so that you "all" may rise to a higher power? Isn't thinking that one may be equal to whatever god you may worship, prideful in and of itself? Disgusting. I hate Yuki and I hate Kikyo. I'd pitied her before but this is... You've made such horrible people out of these characters. Great job. You frighten me. *backs away slowly and continues reading* Now, who will Kikyo's target be? Hopefully someone that'll gut her mercilessly once they find out. ^^
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