Reviews for It Broke by naqaashi

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KEdakumi (Chapter 127) - Thu 15 Mar 2012

 leaving the two youkai to avoid looking at each other with all the subtlety of an elephant in heat. 

:D    Love that line.  Great story.  Can't wait for more!

hikari-hime (who didn't sign in... again...) (Chapter 127) - Thu 15 Mar 2012

I can see an interesting parallel... when Lord grumpy pants met Minoru, he couldn't understand 75% of what came out of his it's Kagome's futuristic linguo he couldn't be expected to grasp easily.... who's the cretin now? :p

Good work :)

Dewa mata

insomniac_amy (Chapter 127) - Thu 15 Mar 2012

rofl!!!  I think Sesshoumaru lost any chance whatsoever of gaining respect from Kagome and all in a few incomplete sentences. I love the interaction between Kagome and Minoru. The way they ganged up on Sesshoumaru. He did deserve every bit of it though. I would love to see more of the same with Kagome breaking out her dictionary and stumping Sess with her vocabulary.

I know this is a Sesshoumaru/Kagome but I could easily pull for Kagome/Minoru. I love his character. I can almost assume that romance won't be in the cards for them, but I could see them as being good friends.

Thanks for another great read. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.

Aubrey Simone (Chapter 127) - Thu 15 Mar 2012

Ha! Take that, Mr. MC Hammer Pants! Cretin, indeed! 


Well, aside from obviously having an urge to insult Sesshomaru (thank God he isn't real or I'd most likely be melted by now), I'd like to congratulate you on this chapter. Why, might you ask? 

Utter. Perfection. That's why. 

Keep it up, naq! 

~ Aubrey 

p.s - that little bit about Sesshomaru being incomplete was hilarious, and it's so good to have Minoru back to his witty self! You rock, naq!

jhiz (Chapter 96) - Thu 15 Mar 2012

I love when I come across a new idea that I have not read or thought before... Inuyasha thinking that when Shippo is grown that he will be superior to him is one of those thoughts (not that I agree, mind you, since our favorite dog eared guy really can hold his own quite well).  Thank you for the observation.

Anonymous (Chapter 64) - Thu 15 Mar 2012

When will the kagomeXSesshomaru action start?

Aubrey Simone (Chapter 126) - Thu 15 Mar 2012



Good one, naq. 

Update soon, kay? I'm on the edge of my seat here, and falling off might be kind of painful. *grin*


hikari-hime (who didn't sign in... le sigh) (Chapter 126) - Thu 15 Mar 2012

-loudest guffaw ever-

-Points at Kagome-

He called her a cretin... hu huh hu

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and all that... :p

Great work all along, well done

Dewa mata

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 126) - Thu 15 Mar 2012

Awww... is Sesshomaru-sama concerned about the state in which he left Minoru? :headtilts and grins:

Thanks for writing.

koneji (Chapter 126) - Thu 15 Mar 2012

Nothing suckish about this chapter, m'dear! Kagome's panicked moment made me laugh, and to Sesshoumaru's action in response even harder XD No one can blame her for sounding so scatter-brained: I'd have jumped back into the well if I was in her place! Keep up the fantastic writing!

Midnight Song (Chapter 126) - Wed 14 Mar 2012

HWA!!!!! I was laughing like crazy through this, hence my odd...whatever you want to call that at the beginning of my sentence! Anyway, I loved it!!!! I think the way you've written Sesshoumaru thus far is so amazingly accurate, btw. Just sayin...xD

Maracuya-Chan (Chapter 126) - Wed 14 Mar 2012

Oh i loved it! wohoo for longer chapters! thank u! i want more  and i can't wait for the next chapter. ;)

insomniac_amy (Chapter 126) - Wed 14 Mar 2012

Can't wait to see what kind of comeback she has after that. He's so criptic, no wonder she didn't know what he meant.

Great chapter!

Kayelyn (Chapter 125) - Wed 14 Mar 2012

Nothing breaks up some tension more than Higurashi madness! LOL! I can't wait to see how the "meeting" between Kags and Sesshomaru goes! Update soon, lovely!

Kayelyn (Chapter 124) - Wed 14 Mar 2012

Chapters 123 and 124 were so beautifully written, though they were unbearably sad. I hope that they can somehow make it better.

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 125) - Wed 14 Mar 2012

wow. It sure was hard shutting up Jii-san and Souta, wasn't it? O_O Goodness!

Kagome's gonna have a shock going back to see those she intends if they're still as they were last time WE saw them... when they Parted.

...I'm still giggling over the title Kagome gave Sesshomaru in her prayers. ^_^ Too funny!

I use Saya for Kagome's mom's given name, personally. I just liked it and it was simple. Just for fun... I use Hayate for Jii-san's.

Thanks for writing!

Midnight Song (Chapter 125) - Tue 13 Mar 2012

God I love this story. BTW, I'm trying to get into the habit of reviewing more often, lol. I"ve been reading this since you posted and constantly go back and re-read (I.E - has no life). Anywway, can't wait to see what happens next. 


KEdakumi (Chapter 125) - Tue 13 Mar 2012

Such a good chapter.  I love how she quelled the men of the house. :)

Kagome's mother's name is never mentioned in the manga or anime.  I suggest Chikako.  It means clever.  Seems to work for her mom.


Can't wait for more!

Aubrey Simone (Chapter 125) - Tue 13 Mar 2012

Ha! That conversation was hilarious...Gramps is so stubborn!

Anyway, I loved this chapter (as I've loved all the rest), and I definitely enjoyed Kagome's last thought - that was perfect.


p.s. - as for names, if you want something meaningful, you could try this website called Behind the Name. There's also an Android app called the Name Generator that, well, generates random names hehe. *shrug* Hope that helps!

Starfyre (Chapter 124) - Tue 13 Mar 2012

This chapter is so incredibly beautiful! I love it. So much like the deepest and oldest friendships to snap that way. Some stay shattered and lost forever, some heal and become stronger, I can't wait to see if you bring it back to whole, or leave it shattered and how! Great job! :)


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