Reviews for It Broke by naqaashi

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Kayelyn (Chapter 130) - Tue 20 Mar 2012

BAHAHAHA! Naq, I love you, you always brighten my day. "" More, more, more!

Lyra (Chapter 129) - Tue 20 Mar 2012 Inuyasha finally decides to stick himself in where he's not wanted, does he?  Well...he can try if he likes, but I don't think even a slightly emotionally damaged Sesshomaru is going to allow Inuyasha to do anything that might jeapardize Rin...or Kagome, either, at this point, since she's his only way TO Rin.  Certainly, he's never going to ask Inuyasha. 

But it occcurs to me that Sesshomaru is not going to be very happy about Inuyasha being able to go through time to when Rin is...and himself being unable to do so. Of course, considering that it is an emotional attachment, a duty, that keeps Inuyasha so strongly connected to Kagome...

Perhaps Sesshomaru need only wait after all. 

WEll done and beautifully written, as always; I want to beat Inuyasha for scaring Kagome, but...well...that's Inuyasha, for you. 


Kayelyn (Chapter 129) - Mon 19 Mar 2012

I think Inuyasha the goob is starting to scare me a little. I can't wait to see what Sesshomaru is going to say now, and we all know that is "so far non existant wrath" will be no more, Update soon, please! 

criticat (Chapter 128) - Sun 18 Mar 2012

I'm glad that she is over him, I always felt so bad for Kagome when he would go to Kikyo.

Can't wait to see the way Inu will react to this!

Lumi (Chapter 128) - Sun 18 Mar 2012

Couple of minor errors in this one. "himself t kill Kikyo" and "She knew ho he would"

Interesting conflict Kagome seems to have. She really needs to make sense of her thoughts. Then again... teenager.

insomniac_amy (Chapter 128) - Sun 18 Mar 2012

Sometimes I just want to give Inuyasha a good whack with a rolled up newspaper. LOL  I can only imagine the fireworks that will happen when she tells him. I'm very much looking forward to the next update!

Midnight Song (Chapter 128) - Sat 17 Mar 2012

Loooooovvvved it! I've had a really, really long day today and it was horrible. I saw the notice for this in my inbox and smiled for the first time all day! 

Lyra (Chapter 128) - Sat 17 Mar 2012

Aha!  A more, a more!  How interesting, that Kagome should fear even now that first moment of violence - the one she will never be able to forget.  And it's good that though she has no romantic feelings for Inuyasha, she still fears the repercussions to their friendship when he discovers she is saving the life and titles of his brother...and the one his brother suddenly seems to care for over all others. 

Thinking of that, it suddenly seems like half Minoru's pain might be jealousy. 

Moaaaaaar! :D

Lyra (Chapter 127) - Sat 17 Mar 2012

Ah, fantastic - "I won't show I care"  - but he heals instead of hurting further, has gone so far as to risk his meeting with Rin, whom only Kagome can show him, by taking her against her will to the advisor that he beat up....ahh, Sesshomaru, you idiot.  But let's see if he has something to say...if he can find any words to heal this broken relationship...or if pride will get in his way, as it so often seems to do. 

I love your characterization of Kagome in this story, and it has come through really clearly the last few chapters in her courage, her defiance, her choices...she is taking on responsibilities now, and the one she will soon be accountable to, for harboring his charge in safety...hmm.. 

Eagerly awaiting more, as always :D

Lyra (Chapter 126) - Sat 17 Mar 2012

Ahhhha poor Kagome.  Comes out expecting utter death, is stared in the face - literally - by her own worst fear, and then...."Can you heal a youkai?"
I'm expecting Minoru to be at the other end of this, but with never knows for sure.  So -onward to more chapters that I can't wait to read :D

koneji (Chapter 128) - Sat 17 Mar 2012

Due to her predictions, I just want to give that puppy-eared brat a good whack upside the head before he does it >:( Another great update!

Lyra (Chapter 125) - Sat 17 Mar 2012

An absolute treat from beginning to end.  I'm glad to see Kagome getting a dose of sense - and her grandfather and brother too. She *would* have to have been pregnant seven years ago, it's so silly, but perfect at the same time; a great way to relieve the dramatic tension of the last few chapters with Minoru.  I expected Mama's reaction, but you've written it very well - the thought of that woman resisting Rin's innocent face and Kagome's fear of what might is just silly. 

I love Rin's eager fascination with all this newness, and her halfhearted, now fully-answered question.  A family for Rin, a family for Rin - hooray!  Let us hope that Kagome's prayer is answered...kindly :D

Lyra (Chapter 124) - Sat 17 Mar 2012, now I see why you expected hate, but really this chapter is pure love.  Sesshomaru torn to piece at the thought of betrayal from this one beloved source; Minoru torn equally by the fact that Sesshomaru believes he could betray him...even though he knew his danger, even though the potential for pain.  Until Sesshomaru was there, in front of him, looking him in the face, he didn't believe that his *Inu* could possibly believe he had really betrayed that trust.  Well...well...lets see what becomes of this broken brotherhood; and also what becomes of Kagome and Rin.


Lyra (Chapter 123) - Sat 17 Mar 2012

Ahh....poor Sesshomaru.  He obviously has no intention of *destroying* Minoru, but at the same time betrayal has cut him to the quick and he's not thinking straight, not thinking at all.  In any other circumstance he might have taken a moment to preserve his powerful composure...but Minoru is behind all those masks already and I don't think he sees the point in attempting one now...all to the bad, of course, because eventually he has no choice but to realize that Minoru has helped him the only way anyone *could* help him - by removing the girl from the danger of his court, and by making it so that Sesshomaru will still be able to see her himself. 

If he only knew!  Well, with any luck Minoru still has a bit of BAMF in him...

Loveyaa (Chapter 127) - Fri 16 Mar 2012

And they all meet!! And what a meeting it is. Their personalities all shine clearly throught but I can see them all being best friends by the end of it all. Well Sesshoumaru and Minoru again. Sad that their friendship came to this but of course it would be over a girl. well i guess now 2 girls. It will be interesting to see how Kagome gets Sesshoumaru stamp of approval. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

koneji (Chapter 127) - Fri 16 Mar 2012

Elephant in heat? Oh naq XD But I do love the continuing character development here, in the way that they stay with the plot's development. Great chapter!

Midnight Song (Chapter 127) - Thu 15 Mar 2012

Haha, love! 'nough said!

criticat (Chapter 127) - Thu 15 Mar 2012

I am sure one day they will have a good 'ol laugh about all of this but for now... I just hope that they can stand each other long enough for Sesshomaru to decide to grace us with a little speech. That part about sentences was the greatest! I am still laughing! 

jhiz (Chapter 127) - Thu 15 Mar 2012

This is a fun romp... I really like your Eagle... he is crafty and flirty and just, well, fun... I hope that the friends will ultimately patch up their relationship...

I look forward to additional updates.  Thanks for sharing!

Maracuya-Chan (Chapter 127) - Thu 15 Mar 2012

ahh! I love ur kagome, she's so feisty. If Sesshy had called me a cretin, i'd be looking for all sort of ways to kick his ass. Can't wait for the next chapter! 

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