M-Angel 05 Profile Page
M-Angel 05

About Me

I'm a fanfictional writer. I only just recently found out about this site. I also am a photographer and fictional writer; though I have yet to finish my Children's Book that I'm writing.

I'm unemployed, I'm a woman, I'm single and I'm 20-30 years old.

My fanfiction.net stories are here: https://m.fanfiction.net/u/804298/?a=s

My AO3 page is here: http://archiveofourown.org/users/MAngel05/pseuds/MAngel05

My deviantart page is here: http://m-angel05.deviantart.com


User Status

10 years ago
6 years ago
7 years ago
M-Angel 05


I'm a fanfictional writer from fanfiction.net. I only just recently found out about this site.


War of the Clans - Sequel to Am I Going Crazy? Now as husband and wife; Sesshomaru and Kagome make their journey to become mates. Once bound they will have challenges thrown their way; however the biggest challenge either will face will be keeping the two most powerful Inu clan united as Kagome makes plans to ensure that youkai make it to the Modern Era. However, with possible war on the horizon how can one Miko and a proud Daiyoukai accomplish the impossible?


Heat - Spring has come and with it the Inu heat. Inuyasha has never thought Kagome looked so good, but he's not the only one. A certain Daiyoukai suddenly finds the Miko of the hanyou more interesting than ever. What's a girl to do with all this attention? - COMPLETED!!!!

A Miko's New Years Eve; A Daiyoukai's Dilemma Semi-Sequel to The Twelve Days of Christmas. Now in the future and having celebrated many years together Sesshomaru and Kagome always keep it interesting between one another. (For Kaoruhana's New Years 2015-2016 Challenge.) - COMPLETED!!!!

The Twelve Days of Christmas - I'm doing a Banner Challenge. This is a series of one-shots that are all interconnected. - COMPLETED!!!!

The MistakeSomebody has forgotten their mates anniversary; now it's time to pay the penalty for such a grievous mistake. (For MoxyMikki's Make Sesshomaru Submit Banner Challenge.) - COMPLETED!!!!

Am I Going Crazy? - Things are occurring to the gang. People are appearing to look different and everybody is beginning to think they are going crazy, but are they? Or. Is somebody doing this to them?(For sugar0o's Inuyasha Genderbender Challenge.) - COMPLETED!!!!
A Miko's Peace - (is my first Sesshomaru/Kagome story) Peace seems to be reigning in the feudal era or is it? Kagome wishes for peace between humans and youkai. She wants to find a way to ensure youkai and humans can live together in peace so her friends can one day be with her in the future, but with every step she takes it feels like she takes steps backwards. She needs help not just from Inuyasha, but perhaps even from Daiyoukai Lord Sesshomaru, but as she gets closer to the Daiyokai the further she feels she's getting from Inuyasha. How can she bring peace between two species if she can't bring peace between the two brothers? She's going to need help... - COMPLETED!!!!

Planned Stories

Alone, But Not - Kagome is now left behind in the Modern Era while her friends live on in the Feudal Era. Depression begins to set in. Nothing matters anymore. Her family is at their worst end. This forces Mrs. Higurashi to call the one person she never thought she'd have to speak to again. Kagome' s half sister.

Lover's Spat - Inuyasha has done it again but this time instead of 'sitting' him to take out her frustrations she goes off and finds the one person the despises Inuyasha worse that she does.

Sesshomaru's Western Lady - Official sequel to The Twelve Days of Christmas. The journey has only begun. Thinking youkai do not exist in the future, Kagome begins to unravel the mystery of their disappearance all the while having the deal with the Western Courts, the back-stabbing life of palace living, The Western Council, a hanyou best friend, her soon-to-be mate and now his mother the former Western Lady. Life seems to get harder for the Miko, even as an evil worse than Naraku lays in wait for her to make a mistake that could end not just her life; but all youkai lives. (Probably won't start this until Miko's Peace is finished.)

My Banners!



Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts23

Forum Posts
01/24/2016 17:05:44Re:GenderBender ChallengeChallenges120893
01/13/2016 20:30:07Re:Banner ShopForum Games86986
01/13/2016 15:54:23Re:Sesshomaru Submits Challenge! (participant banner)Challenges155864
01/11/2016 13:44:43Re:Sesshomaru Submits Challenge! (participant banner)Challenges155864
01/11/2016 12:50:33Re:Challenge Banner Pickup - Questions!!!Off-Topic Discussion3721
12/30/2015 16:57:30Re:Vague descriptionSearching for a Fic...2931
12/30/2015 16:43:56Re:New Years 2015-2016 ChallengeChallenges18625
12/30/2015 02:44:49Re:New Years 2015-2016 ChallengeChallenges18625
12/28/2015 12:14:44Re:What if...Off-Topic Discussion6402
12/27/2015 22:20:07Re:What if...Off-Topic Discussion6402
12/27/2015 15:17:42Re:What if...Off-Topic Discussion6402
12/26/2015 21:27:22Re:What if...Off-Topic Discussion6402
12/26/2015 19:51:13Re:What if...Off-Topic Discussion6402
12/26/2015 19:12:01Re:What if...Off-Topic Discussion6402
12/26/2015 17:13:13What if...Off-Topic Discussion6402
12/26/2015 17:04:42Re:PLEASE READ! Important addition to rules!Off-Topic Discussion103575
12/24/2015 21:27:48Re:New Years 2015-2016 ChallengeChallenges18625
12/21/2015 18:24:35Picture for my story.Fanart4074
12/19/2015 23:41:16Re:New Years 2015-2016 ChallengeChallenges18625
12/16/2015 23:02:27Re:Challenge Banner Pickup - Questions!!!Off-Topic Discussion3721

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  Kelly Seabron


M-Angel 05 has 7 stories

Peace seems to be reigning in the feudal era or is it? Kagome wishes for peace between humans and youkai. She wants to find a way to ensure youkai and humans can live together in peace so her friends can one day be with her in the future, but with every step she takes it feels like she takes steps backwards. She needs help not just from Inuyasha, but perhaps even from Daiyoukai Lord Sesshomaru, but as she gets closer to the Daiyokai the further she feels she's getting from Inuyasha. But with war threatening her friends at every turn and conspiracies in the West it seems nothing will go right. She's going to need help....
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 09 Oct 2015  -  Updated: 11 May 2017
Genre: Action, Drama, Friendship, Romance  -  Chapters: 100  -  Reviews: 371  -  Words: 193,786  -  Reads: 402,259
Spring has come and with it the Inu heat. Inuyasha has never thought Kagome looked so good, but he's not the only one. A certain Daiyoukai suddenly finds the Miko of the hanyou more interesting than ever. What's a girl to do with all this attention?
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 22 Nov 2015  -  Updated: 27 Dec 2015
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Kink, Romance  -  Chapters: 11  -  Reviews: 136  -  Words: 14,927  -  Reads: 144,643
Written for The Christmas Challenge in the Banner Challenges through Dokuga_Contest section. It's Christmas time and Kagome wants to share the joys of Christmas with her friends; this perks the interest of a certain Daiyoukai.
Rating: T  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 04 Dec 2015  -  Updated: 16 Dec 2015
Genre: Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 12  -  Reviews: 54  -  Words: 14,419  -  Reads: 30,155
Semi-Sequel to The Twelve Days of Christmas. Now in the future and having celebrated many years together Sesshomaru and Kagome always keep it interesting between one another. (For Kaoruhana's New Years 2015-2016 Challenge.)
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 20 Dec 2015  -  Updated: 24 Dec 2015
Genre: Action, Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 8  -  Reviews: 25  -  Words: 8,709  -  Reads: 19,548
Somebody has forgotten their mates anniversary; now it's time to pay the penalty for such a grievous mistake. (For MoxyMikki's Make Sesshomaru Submit Banner Challenge.)
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 11 Jan 2016  -  Updated: 13 Jan 2016
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Kink, Romance  -  Chapters: 4  -  Reviews: 17  -  Words: 7,101  -  Reads: 17,876
Things are occurring to the gang. People are appearing to look different and everybody is beginning to think they are going crazy, but are they? Or. Is somebody doing this to them?(For sugar0o's Inuyasha Genderbender Challenge.)
Rating: T  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 13 Jan 2016  -  Updated: 24 Jan 2016
Genre: Action, Drama, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 10  -  Reviews: 24  -  Words: 7,101  -  Reads: 16,438
Now as husband and wife; Sesshomaru and Kagome make their journey as mates. Now forever bound they will have challenges thrown their way; however the biggest challenge either will face will be keeping the two most powerful Inu clan united as Kagome makes plans to ensure that youkai make it to the Modern Era. However, with possible war on the horizon how can one Miko and a proud Daiyoukai accomplish the impossible?
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 17 May 2017  -  Updated: 14 Nov 2018
Genre: Action, Drama, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 29  -  Reviews: 61  -  Words: 55,668  -  Reads: 49,887

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 18

Life After Loss Fanart
SessKag Warriors
Private Dancer - Sesshomaru
InuKimi (color)
SessKag: Fireflies
My Heir
Prepare for a Beating
First Meeting - Fin
The White Cat
Sesshomaru Submits Challenge
Angel of Forgiveness
tension (Cherry on Top Challenge)
  • tension (Cherry on Top Challenge)
  • Author: aiko
  • Category: Fanart
Roo's Kami of Punishment Lineart Colored
Add images or banners to profile
I Wont Let You Fall (Color)
Watching Over You


Name Entry

Created On: 02/24/2020 12:09:05

Hi M-Angel! I know it's been years since you asked about updates for my story Puppy Promises, but I wanted to let you know that the story has been edited and new chapters will be coming out for it soon! Hope time has done you well! Cheers.


Created On: 03/16/2017 10:47:27

Thank you for reviewing Life After Loss again!

In Sesshoumaru's point of view, Kagome is just stepping up to the role she's already been given. And he is proud to see her finally become the Lady he knew she could be.
Feedback from M-Angel 05: Aw. He's become such a good mate for her. I can't wait to see what else is in store for our duo.


Created On: 01/15/2017 14:45:29

Thank you for your review on Life After Loss!

Glad you enjoyed the update! ^^ And there's no need to fear I'd forget this story, I've been updating it regularly for the past two years, with one chapter out every two months!


Northern California
Created On: 12/01/2016 17:30:36
Edited By Sarah On: 12/01/2016 17:31:35

Love your work's of art and that's what they are pure art in the forum of words. I hope you continue with you story's as they are something I look forward to seeing.
Feedback from M-Angel 05: Thank-you. I'm really trying to find a way to keep updating this story more than once or twice a month, but I have four other stories I'm doing on AO3 and fanfiction.net that I'm doing too. If you like Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the Dawn) I have stories on those sites too. I am currently writing Chapter 80, so hopefully it will be posted by December 4 (Sunday).


Created On: 06/21/2016 13:48:58

Thank you so much for your review on Inevitability! I'm happy to be back writing for fun; I've missed writing this story!
Feedback from M-Angel 05: I can't wait to see what you have in store for us readers. ^_^

Tsuki Hime

Created On: 04/16/2016 00:07:15

Thanks for reading and reviewing on my Her Inevitable Destiny!
I'm glad you like it! I will update soon again, so stay tune!
Feedback from M-Angel 05: I'm anxiously await the next installment. I just love your story!

Siera Serenity Star

Created On: 03/20/2016 22:53:37

Thanks for your review on my fanfict To The Left! ^_^
Feedback from M-Angel 05: You're welcome. I really enjoyed your story.


Created On: 03/02/2016 16:11:07


This is a bit late, but thanks so much for your review for Kindred Spirits! I'm glad you like the story so far, and it makes me happy to know that you like my writing! Keeping a balance between dialogue and general text/descriptions is an interesting challenge. I hope you look forward to future updates, and I hope they continue to meet your expectations! Have a nice day!
Feedback from M-Angel 05: I am sure you will keep me entertained with your story. It is hard to keep that balance, but I am certain you will continue to do an excellent job at doing it. I hope you have a wonderful day as well. ^_^


Created On: 11/19/2015 23:33:56

Sesshomaru is across town with Kagome, it was sort of a flash back and then Inuyasha knew he would be listening in on the phone confer station. I'm sorry that was a bit confusing, I was testing a new style of writing.

Feedback from M-Angel 05: Ah! Ok. You could use italics for flashbacks, but I enjoyed the chapter.


Created On: 09/17/2015 22:30:40

Thank you so much for your review on Inevitability! I hope you continue to enjoy it as there will be more Sesshomaru and Kagome shenanigans to follow
Feedback from M-Angel 05: I bet! I'm kinda sad about Inuyasha becoming such a jerk so quickly.

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