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Re:The 14 Symbol Challenge 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 8
Hi! Back again with the next prompt. ^_^
Prompt 3: Butterfly
This is a particularly popular Asian symbol. For the Japanese two butterflies symbolized conjugal happiness but a single butterfly signifies a vain woman or a hard to please mistress. In China the butterfly symbolized happiness, immortality, and endless leisure. When shown with a chrysanthemum it symbolizes beauty in old age, and when shown with a plum it symbolizes long life. For the Aztecs butterflies symbolized fire, the souls of dead warriors, and unfortunate women who died in childbirth.
Choice of Entry:
Drabble (100 - 500 words)
One-Shot (minimum of 1000 words)
I want to thank everyone who has participated so far. I’ve loved all the entries! They make my heart flutter (that was totally not a butterfly pun).
Here are some quick reminders. Anyone is allowed to submit an entry to any of the prompts to this challenge as long as it’s before the deadline ( December 2nd). The first one to respond to this prompt will be rewarded one karma. Finally, if the piece that you have written has an MA rating, be sure to mention that in your post along with your entry.
That’s it for now, guys. Have fun! 
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Re:The 14 Symbol Challenge 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 2
This is an interesting challenge! 
And perfect for a plot bunny that's been plaguing me for a while!
Here's the first two chapters of it--
The Seventh Wife
Chapter 1: Arrangement
Chapter 2: Second Thoughts
Last Edit: 2010/09/25 21:02 By Kitten6390.
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Re:The 14 Symbol Challenge 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 18
Finally, I'm done with Butterfly!  I hope this doesn't disappoint...the muse was on strike, but I've tried my best to make this piece decent. I hope you enjoy reading this one !
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Re:The 14 Symbol Challenge 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 6
Interesting challenge! I just have to join <3. My drabbles will be posted in one story, just to clarify.
Here is my entry for Butterfly.
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Re:The 14 Symbol Challenge 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 29
And here's my entry for butterfly!
Chapter 3: Second Life
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Re:The 14 Symbol Challenge 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 6
One of the reasons I dislike being late: being behind and feeling odd to be posting something other than the current-running prompt (even though all of them are technically running), but that's just me.
The Cherry Blossom drabble can be found here.
The Crow drabble can be found here.
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Re:The 14 Symbol Challenge 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
So, I decided to enter your challenge :3
Better later than never, as my mother likes to say, so I present you my response to your first prompt.
Here is my response to your second prompt.
So now I'm only one prompt behind. Good.
Last Edit: 2010/09/30 03:03 By fungii lady.
Reason: Added story
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Re:The 14 Symbol Challenge 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 5
My prompt for Butterfly.
Rating: Teen
Summary: Sesshoumaru and Kagome runaway after finding out she’s pregnant, and their families disapprove of their relationship.
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Re:The 14 Symbol Challenge 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 8
Oh, wow. Seeing all the response is making my head spin. It makes me so happy! Anyway, I’m here to bring you guys the next prompt. ^_^
Prompt: 4 Peony
The beautiful but short-lived flower is very popular in both China and Japan and is frequently depicted on paintings, ceramics, and costumes. Although it is considered a yang plant, it symbolizes feminine beauty, love, and the female virtues in general. For Chinese the tree peony is one of the Four Seasons (with the lotus, plum, and chrysanthemum) and a symbol for spring. For Japanese it is a symbol of imperial power and huge wealth as well as signifying spring and feminine virtues.
Choice of Entry:
Drabble (100 - 500 words)
One-Shot (minimum of 1000 words)
That’s it for this week. I’m glad that there are so many people getting into the challenge now. I’ve had a tough week but being able to read everyone’s stories makes it easier to handle.
Here are the usual reminders. The first one to respond to this prompt will be rewarded one Karma (congrats to Miss Teak by the way for being the first to respond to the last one). Any entry to one of the prompts will be accepted as long as it is turned in before the deadline which is December 2.
Thanks again, everyone. Have fun! 
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Re:The 14 Symbol Challenge 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 6
Yay, a new prompt!
Here is my entry.
I'm glad that your day has gotten better~!
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Re:The 14 Symbol Challenge 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 8
Here’s the next prompt, guys. ^_^ Congrats to Vonne for being the first to respond to the Peony prompt.
Prompt 5: Dragonfly
The islands that comprise Japan resemble the shape of a dragonfly, so Japan is sometimes called Akitsu-shima or Dragonfly Island. This short-lived but beautiful iridescent flying insect – tombo in Japanese – is one of the emblems of Japan. Thanks to its apparently erratic, darting flight, the dragonfly has become a symbol of instability and unpredictable behavior in both Japan and China. In the latter country, dragonflies are also a symbol for summer.
Choice of Entry:
Drabble (100 - 500 words)
One-Shot (minimum of 1000 words)
Same reminders, any work for any prompt is accessible for entry as long as it is entered before December 2. The entries don’t have to be in any certain order. The first person to respond to this prompt will be rewarded one Karma. Give proper warnings if the piece has an MA rating.
Thanks guys. Have fun! 
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Re:The 14 Symbol Challenge 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 6
-Gasp- Where did everyone go? I thought the Peony Flower prompt was fun...
*Click Here* for my Dragonfly submission.
By the way, I thought this prompt was quite... fitting; considering that SessKag is an Alternate Pairing (sadly).
P.S.: ...Really, Dragonflies DO sound different from flies. It's a much lighter buzzing sound than bees and those pests you have to shoo out of your house.
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Re:The 14 Symbol Challenge 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 29
It's a bit late since I've been so busy, but here's my entry for peony.
The chapter story this chapter is from is rated MA. NO MINORS!
Chapter 4: Almighty Lord
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Re:The 14 Symbol Challenge 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 5
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Re:The 14 Symbol Challenge 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 8
Prompt 6: Carp
The carp is supposed to live for hundreds of years. Its persistence in returning to its spawning grounds makes it a symbol of strength and perseverance for both the Chinese ( li) and Japanese ( koi). In China carp return up the Huang-Ho (Yellow River) to spawn, and when they jump through the Dragon-gate rapids they are said to be transformed into dragons, symbolizing success (especially in state exams). For the Japanese samurai caste carp symbolize martial vigor, thanks to their armor-like scales. Furthermore, their “whiskers” suggest that they possess supernatural powers.
Choice of Entry:
Drabble (100 - 500 words)
One-Shot (minimum of 1000 words)
Sorry of the late posting everyone. Real life has been hectic lately and my computer has also giving me problems so I haven’t been able to get online. I’m glad activity started back up a little throughout this week. I was getting a little worried. I’m sure you all remember all the usual reminders. The first one to respond to this prompt will be rewarded one Karma (And Vonne is on a roll. Go Vonne!). If the entry has mature material give the proper warnings along with you entry post for those YIMs. Finally, all entries to any prompt will be eligible as long as it is turned in before December 2nd.
That’s for it for now, guys. Sorry again for the inconvenience.
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Re:The 14 Symbol Challenge 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 6
Here is my submission for Carp.
Samurai-like-vigor was just screaming for Inuyasha to make a play there... haha. Plus the koi were allowed supernatural-powers, so wai not make them demons?
Admittedly, this prompt was a bit harder than the rest @_@. I had to sit there and contemplate how I was going to weave Inu in.
Last Edit: 2010/10/15 23:13 By RenderedReversed.
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Re:The 14 Symbol Challenge 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 8
Sorry for another late prompt, guys. Life's been really crazy lately, lol.
Prompt 7: Orange
Heavily scented white orange blossom is a symbol of purity and virginity and is traditionally carried in a bride’s bouquet. In the Far East the fruit itself is a traditional gift at Chinese and Japanese New Year celebrations. In China the presentation of oranges on the second day of New Year symbolizes the hope for good luck during the next twelve months, and when given to a married woman the hope that she will soon have children.
Choice of Entry:
Drabble (100 - 500 words)
One-Shot (minimum of 1000 words)
Keep in mind the usual reminders about the deadline which is December 2nd (I may extend it since I keep posting the prompts a little late). Give warning if the piece has mature material and the first one to reply to this prompt will be rewarded 1 Karma.
Thanks guys. Have fun! ^_^
Last Edit: 2010/10/22 20:28 By Nisou Tenshi.
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Re:The 14 Symbol Challenge 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 6
Yess! I've been waiting for this yummy prompt.
Link is here.
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Re:The 14 Symbol Challenge 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 29
Wow I am so behind. I'll try to do another one before the week is over.
This one is for dragonfly.
Chapter 5: New Information
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Re:The 14 Symbol Challenge 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 5
This is my entry for Oranges.
Summary: Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru haven’t spoken or seen each other in years. While throwing a New Year Eve’s party, Inuyasha shows up at their doorstep wanting another chance.
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Re:The 14 Symbol Challenge 14 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 3
I'd definitely want to take up the challenge. Since I'm better at drabbles than anything, I'll most likely do a few one-shots, and now that I'm exited I'll probably be in it for the whole time. So, yeah, count me in!  Bet you'll have fun to see if I can make it in time!
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