A new challenge idea was brought to my attention by Danyealle and so I'm going to run with it.
Reinventing the Classics...in other words, using the ideas and premise and story of an old piece where the copyright has expired and adapting it and making it your own...featuring Sesshoumaru and Kagome.
You can use any piece of literature as long as the copyright has expired on it. By having an expired copyright, we are given freedom to use, change and interpret what we'd like.
Examples include but are not limited to the following:
-Peter Pan (Not Disney or the plays, those are still copyright...only the original story found on the site)
-Moby Dick
-Works by Edgar Allen Poe
-Sherlock Holmes
-Works of Maurice LeBlanc (ie: Arsene Lupin)
-The original Jungle Book (not Disney)
-Works of Daniel DeFoe (ie: Moll Flanders)
-Works of Charles Dickens
-Works of Jane Austen
-Works of Aesop (Aesop's Fables)
-Works of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm (Grimms Fairy Tales)
The list goes on and on. Basically anything you find on this site
www.gutenberg.org/browse/languages/en is fair game. They also have downloadable copies of the original stories on the site so you can read and use it as a reference.
This challenge has no deadline, so complete as you have time. There is also no work limit or minimum, though keep in mind that if you are doing a chaptered story, each chapter needs to be minimum 700 words as per Dokuga rules.
What I would like to see is each story given your own twist as you adapt it, rather than rewrite it word for word and simply inserting Sess and Kag where need be.
For Fanartists, you're more than welcome to participate in this challenge as well! Instead of writing a story, unless you want to, draw a scene from one of them using SessKag!
Participants can pick up one of these two banners, or both if you choose, doesn't matter to me. Pick and choose whichever you'd like
Happy writing/drawing!