I can't remeber much but, I believe it was set in modern times. in the beginning Kagome and Sango are unhappy in their relationships with their boyfriends. Both putting the blame on the guys. Sango leaves after miroku cheats on her. While she's gone kagome and sesshoumaru work out the problems in the relationship. The main one being that kagome would drop everything and leave him to hangout with sango. Close to the end Sango comes back to town and goes to kagome expecting her to drop everything and hangout, kagome says she could stay at her place but she already has plans with sesshoumaru. When Kagome leaves the room to get something Sango makes a comment to Sesshoumaru that she will always be the most important to kagome, unaware that kagome could hear her. Kagome gets mad at her for the comment. and thats all i remember. Any help in finding this fic will be greatly appreciated, Thank you