Hi All!
The leading Epitologist and Professor of Neurology at UNM Dr. Bruce Fisch has agreed to do a radio series answering questions about epilepsy.
He is working with a new local charity organization in Albuquerque New Mexico, and the Clearchannel Radio Conglomerate to produce 30 minute educational segments to be broadcast on 8 different radio stations in the area. These are I heart radio stations. The 1st segment was recorded today and will air this Sunday. Now the producers want to make a series!
The local charity is asking for any and all questions so that they can have Dr. Fisch answer them.
In turn, I'll Ask you for your questions, pass them along, get the answers, and pass them back to you!
So tell me your questions about Epilepsy and SUDEP!
The local charity is also looking into posting the series on youtube as well. If/when that happens, I'll be sure to share the links!
Any and all questions are welcome!