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"Lord Sho'mamoo" has been pulled...
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TOPIC: "Lord Sho'mamoo" has been pulled...
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"Lord Sho'mamoo" has been pulled... 12 Years ago Karma: 279
It pains me to inform you all, but Danyealle-sama's terrific story, "Lord Sho'mamoo" has now disappeared from the web FOREVER. This story will NEVER be posted ANYWHERE again.

Why? You might well ask! Danyealle-sama did warn us all that, when she re-posted it, if it was plagiarized even ONE more time, that would be IT. Well, today I was alerted to such plagiarism. The author we knew as "Silver Fang" plagiarized not only the arm re-growing scene from "Lord Sho'mamoo," but she also took direct parts of "...From the Ashes" for her story "Turning The Tides Of Destiny: A Tale of Fire and Ice."

Her story is no longer hosted on this site. Silver Fang is no longer a member of this site. However, she IS still a member at, with her story still posted there. Strange as it may seem, shortly after her plagiarism was discovered, she pulled the offensive chapter of her story and now only has 20 chapters up instead of 32... hmmm... think she might be guilty of something? I do.

I am posting all this here, and outing this person in a most public fashion, to make sure that EVERYONE here knows how we feel about plagiarism. It gets that much worse when the plagiarism involves one of our authors. For me, it's even worse when that author happens to be a dear friend of mine. In case anyone has any doubts whatsoever:


Now, where is this little darling on Well, you can find her here:

I would encourage anyone upset by the permanent loss of "Lord Sho'mamoo" to contact this little doll and let her know how you feel. Danyealle-sama has been the victim of so many plagiarists and it has GOT to stop. Here. Now. With us. Please let "bluedragon" or "Silver Fang" know how you feel about plagiarism and the loss of a greatly loved story! Also, report her to as a plagiarist, please?

One more thing our members can do to assist Danyealle-sama... if anyone sees anything else in this person's story that even remotely seems like it came from another story, please let us (and the Admins at know!


EDIT: As of now, it appears that the miscreant pulled the story entirely. Hopefully it will stay gone!
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Last Edit: 2013/03/10 20:23 By wiccanmethuselah. Reason: Further developments

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
- James Russell Lowell 1864

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Re:"Lord Sho'mamoo" has been pulled... 12 Years ago Karma: 2
That is so sad.
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:"Lord Sho'mamoo" has been pulled... 12 Years ago Karma: 216
w0ot! public spank! seriously folks, WHY oh WHY would you take something from another author? it makes no sense, b/c this community is so awesome that we almost ALWAYS find you, and ride you until you take it down, then burn you in effigy.

Not only are you banned from Dokuga Madame Plagiarist, but I can darn well assure you that you've made it to the wall of shame on, and will likely not be allowed to post there either. Not only is the one you stole from an admin on that site but she's a VERY well known, and beloved author all over.

It pains me that SF thought to do this, that it happened to Dany yet again, and that a great and wonderful fiction had to be pulled simply b/c there are some idiots out there that really just don't get it.

Either way, I for one stand publicly against all plagiarism, and am only being good in this post b/c it has to be PG 13. Other wise, well... it wouldn't be pretty. Now to find that idiot so i can REALLY tell her what i think >:3 **insert evil cackle here**
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Re:"Lord Sho'mamoo" has been pulled... 12 Years ago Karma: 5

That's horrible, and totally preventable. But she did warn us on what would happen. Also you can't really blame her for pulling it after trouble she's benn through.

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Re:"Lord Sho'mamoo" has been pulled... 12 Years ago Karma: 3
His/Her story was just removed from

I'm really sorry that this had to happen, but I whole-heartedly understand. You have my support in pulling your work, although I hate to see it go.
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Ai Roku
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Re:"Lord Sho'mamoo" has been pulled... 12 Years ago Karma: 7
I just used the link, and it seems that either she or the admin pulled her story because it's no longer listed there either.
Luckily we can still PM her! Muhahahaha!

I'll never understand why some people do things like this; it's hurtful and wrong!
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Last Edit: 2013/03/10 20:50 By Ai Roku.
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Re:"Lord Sho'mamoo" has been pulled... 12 Years ago Karma: 16
Danyealle-sama I am so sorry for all the trouble you've had. I really enjoyed Lord Sho'mamoo and am sad to see it go but I understand why you had to pull it. Plagiarism is wrong and we have to make a strong stand against it.
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Re:"Lord Sho'mamoo" has been pulled... 12 Years ago Karma: 17
So sad to hear about Lord Sho'mamoo being pulled!! Even sorrier to hear that poor Danyealle-sama was plagiarized yet again. I was honored to have been able to read the story at least once before it disappeared. I almost feel as if this is a time for mourning!

What is most despicable about this author's act of plagiarism is that it was absolutely clear what would happen to the story and to the author who plagiarized if they did! You couldn't read a chapter without the warning, and there was no room to say "it wasn't me" because they had to log-in to view! This author knew they would be caught! It was done selfishly and without thought for anyone but themselves. I cannot whatsoever blame Danyealle-sama for the removal, and the blame lies completely on the selfish chit who deprived this wonderful community of a fantastic work of fanfiction.

Just my little rant.
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Re:"Lord Sho'mamoo" has been pulled... 12 Years ago Karma: 67
This is just wrong on so many levels. Knowing that Dany reposted all her stories with a warning that if any of them were copied ONE more time and that they would be gone FOREVER and turn around and plagiarize it is just downright evil. And you're in serious trouble when you incite Wiccan's wrath. Thanks a lot, Silver Fang. Good riddance!
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Re:"Lord Sho'mamoo" has been pulled... 12 Years ago Karma: 21
I...I was hoping to re-read it sometime soon...but oh seems I lost my chance. Still, totally sad to see this happen to Lord Sho'mamoo and Dany again and even though I don't remember the entire story I remember it was awesome.

I'm sorry you had to go through this :[
Hope you feel better soon.
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Re:"Lord Sho'mamoo" has been pulled... 12 Years ago Karma: 92
Thanks all and I'm glad you understand why I pulled it. And thanks to all that reported her. It got it down, fast! Though I think it was her that did since she got rather bombarded!
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Fun fact: All writers are crazy, to some degree. There is a reason for it -- actually making it through a novel almost requires it. If you love to read, then you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re continually benefitting from other people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s craziness.-From Cracked
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Rowdys girl
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Re:"Lord Sho'mamoo" has been pulled... 12 Years ago Karma: 12
Ya know, it never fails to amaze me how STUPID people can be! Did she actually believe that she could steal from such a well-known and beloved author and she wouldn't get caught!

I'm certain that she has figured out already that she was wrong. It's not only the extreme disrespect she's shown for our Danyealle-sama that has me so angry, it's the disrespect she demonstrated for her own readers. She obviously thinks they are pretty stupid, to shove stolen material under their noses and think that some of them won't notice.

The contempt I feel for this thief burns like acid. She has seen to it that we are deprived of Danyealle-sama's excellent works and all through her own selfishness. She was too damned lazy to write her own story and so we are all punished. I am glad she was caught. I am glad she has been deleted and banned from Dokuga and will NEVER have a chance to post at She spat on us all and we don't need people like her at our sites.

Now I'm going to go get Speedy and the two of us are gonna hunt this thief down to express our displeasure! If we have our way, Danyealle-sama will NEVER suffer from this AGAIN!
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This is starting to make sense... time to up my medication.

I live in my own little world, but it\\\'s okay, they know me here.

Even if the voices are not real - they have some pretty good ideas!

I don\\\'t suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.

Everything I say is fully substantiated by my own opinion.

Until further notice, celebrate everything!
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Sy Sheer
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Re:"Lord Sho'mamoo" has been pulled... 12 Years ago Karma: 3
First I'd like to say to the wonderful Danyealle-sama that I'm really sorry that you have to put up with jerks like that. And that my frustration and anger isn't directed towards you at all.

The fact that we lost such a wonderful story because of someone's inability to recogniz the rights of other writers irritates me beyond words. I'm a new follower of Danyealla-sama I just started reading Lord Sho'mamoo two days ago and haven't been able to turn it away. Slowly I've been following the story and I made it up to chapter 20 last night. I got on today and found I couldn't access it was extremely worried. To say I hate that this wonderful storie's disappearance doesn't even begin to describe the emotions I'm feeling. Plagiarism needs to stop, it hurts people, and destroys wonderful works.

You have my sympathies that you've had to deal with this Danyealla-sama, and my continued support and devotion.

Everyone write lots, have fun, and be respectful. ~SySheer
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Re:"Lord Sho'mamoo" has been pulled... 12 Years ago Karma: 92
As last night was hectic and stressful on more levels than I can list on many things, I didn't get a chance to do something I wanted. Here that is; my thank yous for all that helped!

To the admin team on Dokuga, especially Wiccan; thanks for taking care of it so quickly. Wiccan actually PMed me on Skype and told me, something I know wasn't easy for her. She knows me well by this point and knew I was going to blow my top but she did it anyway. Not only that, she alerted the horde and sic'd them on the lil snot. For that, I thank her. She also made sure the lil thief knew just why she was banned and how angry everyone was. I know she was less than 'happy' to do any of this, knowing the end result was going to be the loss of a story so many like and how angry I was going to be when I heard what happened, but she did it. Thank you!

To the staff on AFF; once they heard, though Lord Sho'mamoo wasn't even on their site, they went after and reported her as well. Not only that, Rogue took screens and reported her to two of the big anti-plag sites. So, no, it's not over for this lil snotbubble even though the story is gone. She will always be labeled the thief that she is for the world to see. Sorry, messing with AFF when it comes to plagiarism is a bad idea, folks. Even if it isn't our site, we will help get you downed, as we've proven in the past.

To my fans; thanks for understanding. Though many, from what I'm hearing, are quite upset by this, the being they are upset with isn't me. They understand why I pulled and are directing the anger they feel at the right person. I know many of you were disappointed it's gone and won't come back, but thank you for understanding.

Finally, thank you to the being that reported this. I won't embarrass them by saying their name, though I was told who it was, and want to thank them for doing so. As I don't read in Inuyasha anymore, strange as that sounds, something like this would never have been noticed by me. Someone did though, and took the right steps, reporting them. Thank you for doing that. It's more appreciated than you know.
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Fun fact: All writers are crazy, to some degree. There is a reason for it -- actually making it through a novel almost requires it. If you love to read, then you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re continually benefitting from other people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s craziness.-From Cracked
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Re:"Lord Sho'mamoo" has been pulled... 12 Years ago Karma: 279
Dani, you know I would have given my right arm not to have to do that. Srsly. Telling you that was one of the hardest things I've had to do lately and, with all the medical tests coming up, you know that's saying something!!

More than that, however, was the anger and hurt I felt that it happened HERE. Yes, the person was a recent member, but still... it took place here on Dokuga and for that I am so very sorry. I don't know how else we could have safeguarded it, though. We did everything we thought we could reasonably do and we still had that problem.

With any luck, this incident will sink into the minds of our members and occasional visitors - and we won't have quite so many complaints about the Anonymous Reading feature. It should also highlight the fact that, if you DO get stupid and steal someone's story, you WILL be caught and the consequences will be severe.

Not only did this plagiarist have her stories deleted and her account banned, she also lost access to the site as a whole, since her IP address is now blocked as well. She will never again be able to even READ anything on Dokuga. Yeah, we take plagiarism very seriously here.

Again, my deepest apologies for this taking place here - we may never know if she ripped it off and posted here first, or posted it on first then here. I DO know, though, that I am so very glad we have conscientious members like the wonderful lady who PM'd me to report the theft. I am eternally grateful for her swift action!!

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\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
- James Russell Lowell 1864

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Re:"Lord Sho'mamoo" has been pulled... 12 Years ago Karma: 92
I know, Wiccan, trust me. It wasn't easy. I know every protection you lot could find was put up to make sure this didn't happen. It did, unfortunately. I'm not mad at the site, not at all, or upset with the members, other than the lil... i won't call her what i am aloud. As you know me, you know what words I'm prolly using The site is great and I know you lot do everything in your power to protect those who post here. For that, I'm grateful. And that's something i wanted to say to everyone.
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Fun fact: All writers are crazy, to some degree. There is a reason for it -- actually making it through a novel almost requires it. If you love to read, then you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re continually benefitting from other people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s craziness.-From Cracked
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Lady Nefertiti
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Re:"Lord Sho'mamoo" has been pulled... 12 Years ago Karma: 37
I'm sorry to hear that. I hadn't even finished reading it yet I hate it when people plagiarize...would make any author want to pull their fanfiction off the web.
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Re:"Lord Sho'mamoo" has been pulled... 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 171
Ugh!!!!! Why am I just now seeing this thread?! I've had "Lord Sho'mamoo" on my mind all day and had just decided to go read it. I'm thinking my memory is going when I can't find it on my fav stories list. So I go to the author's page and can't find it there, so I'm thinking I remembered the wrong author. But then I'm like..."no...this is the right person. I know it!", so I look at what they've posted on the forum and find this heart breaking thread. This totally sucks, and so does plagiarism! Why do people do it?! If they liked the scene so much why don't they just use it as inspiration and come up with something that's similar but completely their own? I guess that's what happens when people are lazy and don't have enough of an imagination of their own.
-sigh- However, I understand why Danyealle-sama pulled her story, and if this action helps to stop plagiarism then so be it. I'm just seriously glad that "...From The Ashes" wasn't pulled as well since it was mentioned that a scene from there was copied as well. I guess I'll just have to be content with what I remember of "Lord Sho'mamoo".
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Last Edit: 2013/06/08 16:40 By Serena530.
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Re:"Lord Sho'mamoo" has been pulled... 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 11
I for one fully support your choice to pull your story Danyealle-Sama. I don't understand why it's so hard for idiots to think of their own stuff. I have had people request to use an idea of mine from a story on I did not have a problem with that, because they were respectful and asked me first. They made sure that I received the credit for my work. It's not hard people. Really, just type a quick note! Even if it's a review! I've seen time and again how people share ideas here on Dokuga, and give credit to others without any problem. Would it really kill these jerks to just ask for permission to use something? Personally, if someone plagiarized me, I would pull the work that was stolen and that would be it. That Danyealle-Sama was generous enough to re-post the works that have been attacked before was simply astounding. I will truly miss Lord Sho'mamoo, it was an amazing fic. I never bothered with any of silver fang's work because honestly, it just didn't sound like it was worth reading from the summary, now I'm glad that I didn't waste my time reading the drivel of a thief. Even Naraku wouldn't have stooped that low. To who ever reported the filthy little bug, Thank you for doing the right thing. I would get off my soap box but I have to say, even if I'm simply inspired to write by someone else's work, I contact them to ask if it's alright with them if I post it out of respect for them and their work. I have done so on not only but here on Dokuga as well. It's not hard, although it's a little nerve wracking to think that they could say that they don't want it posted, or that they want to approve it first, but it's worth it. If you treat others with respect for not only themselves but their work, you will find many more friends and supporters. Stealing another's work in whole or in part is the most disrespectful thing you can do. That's like crawling inside their head and taking their ideas, and dreams and destroying them for fun. It's sick and twisted and wrong on every level. I do have an account on and I will be sending a massive ugly gram to that little parasite. Seeing as I'm an army brat from both parents, the language will make sailors run in fear after tossing their cookies. I'll be sure to make it clear that she can quote me from that letter when I'm done, provided she has the intestinal fortitude to ever turn her computer on ever again!
Danyealle-Sama you have my love and support, as does Wiccan. I know that this had to be heart-wrenching for the both of you.
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Tsuki Ai
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Re:"Lord Sho'mamoo" has been pulled... 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 4
Super depressed that I'm just now seeing this. I had been re-reading it in her group. Then I couldn't find it. I figured it had been pulled, but I wasn't sure. I'm sorry to hear that it happened. Some people just suck at life. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but I believe that's crap. You want to flatter someone, tell them how much you like their work. I wish I hadn't been awol when it went down especially since she was generous in her group and while I desperately would like a copy, I would never even dream of asking someone to betray her confidence, especially after someone had against her expressed warnings. I can do nothing but respect your decision and hope that in the future you have better luck against plagiarism.
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Re:"Lord Sho'mamoo" has been pulled... 11 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 0
I agree will what everyone has been saying, it is a real shame. Danelle-samma i feel for you i know someone who has been subject to plagiarism and i know what can go through peoples mind when it happens

Lord Sho'mamoo was a brilliant story and i too was looking too read it again. hopefully this incident will not accure with you or any other member of dokuga.
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Re:"Lord Sho'mamoo" has been pulled... 11 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 2
The fact that people plagiarize is disgusting.
People who do it to well-known authors are dumber than a sack of rocks.

I'm so sorry this happened to you Danelle-samma. That story was one of my all-time favourites.
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To do homework or read fanfiction, that is the ultimate question...
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