As some of you know I'm a rather large fan of pimping Kagome out into other fandom's. But one of the things that always puzzles me is that Sesshomaru is often the bed guy when an Xover happens.
As an adamant Sesshomaru/Kagome fan this not only upsets me but puzzles me. Out of all the possibly Inuyasha characters that actually WANT to kill/hurt/mate/whatever... to Kagome, it always seems to be Sesshomaru, in Xoverfics that's the bad guy.
This isn't a fact mind you, just something i've observed. I'm reading more then a handful of Xovers at the moment, 3 happened to update tonight, and 2 of them had Sess as the jerk/arsehat/badguy.
Why is this? Any idea?