I have emailed both of my senators and my representative. I have also signed a petition. I am glad that others are doing so. Too often people take an apathetic approach to unfavorable legislation until it is too late.
I am happy that there is at least some good news. Congress is apparently listening. Many who previously supported SOPA or PIPA are now backpedaling. President Obama has stated publicly that he will not support either bill as written and vows to veto it if it comes across his desk. And at this point I don't think either the house or senate has enough votes to override a veto. I support the sites that are doing the blackout in protest. Hopefully it will get the attention of the holdouts who are still pushing these bills despite the objections raised by their constituents.
We have a voice. And if enough of us speak out, they will have to listen. If not, then it is time to speak with our votes. I know I won't be voting for anyone in favor of this blatant attempt at internet censorship. But I have to wonder... If it does pass... any bets on how long it takes someone to challenge the constitutionality?
For those of you who are interested in what effect the blackout is having so far.....