Hi, I've been looking for a Snape/Hermione fanfiction called Like Shadows on the Winter Sky by Resmiranda (same author who wrote Tales from the House of the Moon, Making the Most of Purgatory, and Fugue.). I looked and Googled and found out that the author decided to take the fic off the net because she no longer wrote S/Hr. My only option now is to find someone who has saved the story on their hard drive. Since it was posted about maybe 2-3 years ago, I'm probably stretching my luck, but I love S/Hr as much as I love S/K. There have been stunning reviews about it (not to mention that Resmiranda is a wonderful author.) and I'm dying to read this story.
So if you have this story or know someone who does please PM me. I would be forever grateful!
Note: This story is part of the Shadows Trilogy by her. I'm hoping to find all three stories. Wish me luck ^^