Re:Dog, Cat or Other? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 40
I love all sorts of animals.  but I lean towards dogs and cats more. But growing up with lots of animals was normal for me since my dad loves to take care of them.
Around my house, chickens and doves where normalcy and when i was little we used to have four dogs, three cats, and a multitude of chickens and doves. We even had a pig at one point. O.o^
When i was 8 years old, the cats died, the doves were killed, and only the two yougest dogs remained. The addition of two lovebirds came, and small turtle which I happily named Hishi. I loved that turtle the most.
11 years old, the female lovebird died and the male soon followed. Then, my idiot of a half-brother left my beloved turtle underneath the aircondition outside, where the water from the machine dripped down into the tank of my turtle. The warm water killed it.  So, I refused to talk to me brother and my father for the next month.
12 years old. Our last remaining dog, which unlike our boony dogs from the past, was a black, long-haired retriever, was stolen.
14. we got a new puppy. We named her Reiko.
15. we got another addition to the family. We named him, Coco, which is infinitely better than my dad's suggestion of Colbert. This same year, I found a small kitten in the bushes near the house me and my family had just moved to. She was almost completely black, with only the bottom of her left paw white. I remember she had the most beautiful golden eyes.  I named her, appropriately, Neko, at the suggestions of my nephews. She'd scratch anyone who wasn't me.
16. My cat Neko was stolen. T^T But before I turned 17, we found two more kittens in the bushes. Two tabby cats we named, Mia and Patty.
17. During the course of this year. We moved to a new house with out chickens, our two dogs, Reiko and Coco, and out two cats Patty and Mia. But about a month after we moved, Reiko died from being sick.  Shortly after, Mia had 3 kittens, all completely different colors. After Mia gave birth, Patty gave birth to four more kittens. So in total, we had 9 cats. o.o^
18. my sister ran over Mia's kitten we affectionately named "blue eyes" cause she had ice blue eyes.  Mia's two other kittens were given away to my dad's friend.
Two of Patty's kittens were also given away. One to another friend of my dad's, and the other one to one of my best friends. All that were left, were Mia and Patty and two of patty's kittens. We named this white one, Sophie, and the browned eyes tabby cat, Tobi.
Later that year, Mia disappeared and we assumed that she had died somethere. The we moved.... yet again. The chickens were given to my dad's friend for safekeeping. Our only dog, Coco, which is 1/4 german shepeard btw, moved taking only Patty and her son, Tobi. Sophie, ran off and we just couldn't catch her.
Then after we moved, Patty disappeared, which made Tobi very upset. The poor cat mewled every night for over a month looking for his mother.
So now, we only have Coco, my hyperactive dog, and an extremely lazy cat named, Tobi. Seriously, he's lazy. he'll stand, walk a few steps, then sit back down again, or go to sleep right there. o.o
-Banner by the lovely, Priestess Skye
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Re:Dog, Cat or Other? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 31
I like dogs, but due to an weird allergy to any dog that is ungroomed or slobbers on me, I really haven’t owned any for years. I prefer the use of my eyes thanks.
Currently we have a black cat named Wednesday, a cockatiel named Zim and a Salmon Pink Brazilian Bird eater (tarantula) named Daisy. Just in the last 15 years, my family’s pets have been snakes (lots of different breeds), birds, an alligator, rabbits, rats, a hedgehog, guinea pigs, turtles, lizards, dogs, cats, and heaven knows what else.
I agree with everyone when they say that cats are strange. Our Wednesday has her odd quirks. If she is sick, she wants held constantly and sleeps wrapped up in a blanket or under our covers. When she play fights with my husband, the claws come out and she purrs LOUDLY the more you roughhouse with her and flip her on her back or drag her around. At bedtime, she either needs to be under the covers between us (my hubby and me) or sprawled out on top of us, usually laying across us both. I feel so used.
But the most unusual quirk she has is she both hates and loves the spray bottle. For those who don’t use one to discipline their cat, a spray bottle is used to spray a stream of water at the cat to stop it from doing something bad. It works on our cat, but she has also realized that she enjoys drinking from it.  So imagine if you will, poor phishbon3s, slowly pulling the trigger on the spray bottle, while the cat continuously licks the nozzle. Now picture that this goes on for 15 mins or longer (30 mins once when she was sick). It’s the funniest thing to watch.
Her nicknames are: Wenders, Winky, Stinky (and/or Ugly) Dog and puma. *giggle*
Boy, this thread has wayyyy too much info in it, doesn’t it?!.
When he heard a sound which was bitter sound and a sweet sound all at once, which began like hello and ended like goodbye. ~ The Storyteller
“And then, Dave made an improvised megaphone by using a squirrel, some strings and a megaphone.”
- The Narrator from Dave the Barbarian
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Re:Dog, Cat or Other? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 33
My mother lives with three dogs, three cats, and a macaw parrot. I was staying there for awhile after I got sick and before I moved in with my boyfriend, so for awhile, there was five cats. That is just way too many. Cats love to be underfoot, and walking anywhere was like trying to run an obstacle course.
I am so jealous of all of you with horses! I love them, but have never had one. I always wanted a ferret too, but I have an allergy to those shredded cedar things that go in their cages, so alas, no ferrets in the future.
Isn't it weird how many cool names people have for their animals? I think it is strange that someone else had an animal named Hobbes. My Hobbes went unnamed for three weeks after someone gave him to me because we were trying to find him the perfect name. My Tigger was named by someone else, and while I adore him, it is not the most creative and imaginative name. So now I had this new cat and could not find a name for him. There were some really wild suggestions, let me tell you. Spot, George, Vermicious Kanid, OmpaLoompa, Bubba, Malachite, Hades, and the list goes on. Everyone was trying to find him a name. One morning, while hungover and drinking coffee laced with Baileys, I was sitting in my living room with my guests who had slept on the FLOOR, someone said, "What about Hobbes?" I thought about it, and realized it was perfect. Both Tigger and Hobbes are stuffed tigers that come alive in the imagination of a young boy. He also had a bit of a Hobbes personality, what with all the stalking of my other cat, and everyone else. So without further ado, the cat was named, and there was joy throughout the kingdom.
Isn't it weird how we come up with strange variations on pet names? My Tigger is called so many things...Tigret, Tiggy, Tigger-chan, Handi-cat (he is blind), and various others. Hobbes is Hobson, Hobby, Hobbit, Hobble, Hubble, telescope (yeah, my boyfriend came up with that one...weird) and the list goes on...
So, it is with that in mind that I think of all the nicknames people give Sesshoumaru...Sess, Sesshy, Maru, Fluffy, Ice Prince, Sexy-lips...funny, right?
Sorry for this manifesto, by the way. Too much coffee has been imbibed!
Sessylove219 claimed Sesshoumaru\'s fundoushi in the Claim game! Hands off!
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Re:Dog, Cat or Other? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 10
I like dogs but am more partial to cats. For Mother's Day my hubby decided to suprise me with two black kittens. I usually refer to them as double trouble or the devil twins but their names are actually Sebastian and Sasuke. To say the least they are very feisty but also very entertaining. I didn't realize how much I missed having a kitty. I am a year of the dog so maybe that's where I get my fascination with our beloved dog demon lord.
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Re:Dog, Cat or Other? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 39
Noacat wrote:
He does this thing where he gets up on his hind legs and then paws at my legs with his front paws... and then he meows in one long continuous string of blurps, bleeps and chirps. It isn't just 'meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeow', it's RAONAOMRRRRRRRRRROW WAHOWBURROWBRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAN BREEEEEEEEOW NAAAAAAAAAAAOW!
LOL! My kitty Eden was the same way, with the same long continuous meow. And she was LOUD, too. At one point, I was on the phone with my mom when she was complaining to me and my mom thought she was at my feet. Eden was on the other side of the yard. A very vocal kitty, to be sure.
And I'm a cat lover above all else, but Sesshoumaru has a lot of "cat like" behaviors, too. Actually, I just like animals in general. Until late last year, I owned four dogs, two cats, a ferret, and a bird. Sometimes I think I like them more than people...
Muses...cannot live with them, cannot kill them.
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Minister of Silly Walks
Posts: 739
Re:Dog, Cat or Other? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 25
I like puppies. But then they grow up into big dogs and I don't like it, haha. Needless to say, I'm a cat person. I've got a bunch of outside cats I take care of in addition to my striped kitty Minerva.
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Re:Dog, Cat or Other? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 33
I am totally falling into that "crazy cat lady" sterotype. I asked my boyfriend if I was already there, but he said I would have to get another cat to be that way. Don't worry Noacat, you have to have three or more cats to be a true cat lady.
Sessylove219 claimed Sesshoumaru\'s fundoushi in the Claim game! Hands off!
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Re:Dog, Cat or Other? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 279
Sessylove219 wrote:
I absolutely loathe dogs. Luckily my boyfriend is exactly the same. I have two cats, Tigger and Hobbes, and I absolutely adore them.
We had a dog named Hobbes... our poor Samoyed. He died in November and we still miss him - he replaced our dog, Calvin, lol!
We have two cats currently, Emperor Manximillian and George. Manx is just that, a Manx. George is a former barn kitty... and is a female. I couldn't coax her out of the hay for two weeks, so she was named before we really got a chance to find out.
I used to have two horses, Palomino Quarter Horses, but had to give them away to a good home recently cuz I couldn't take care of them like they should have been. There will always be a hole in my heart where my horses were... so I guess I'd have to say I love the horses most. Cats are second. Dogs would be third, but only because poor Hobby was such a dork.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:Dog, Cat or Other? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 33
Tama, right? Ours are always very vocal when we arrive. They seem to want to bitch at us for leaving their domain...
Sessylove219 claimed Sesshoumaru\'s fundoushi in the Claim game! Hands off!
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Re:Dog, Cat or Other? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 14
Sessylove219 wrote:
Tama, right? Ours are always very vocal when we arrive. They seem to want to bitch at us for leaving their domain...
He does this thing where he gets up on his hind legs and then paws at my legs with his front paws... and then he meows in one long continuous string of blurps, bleeps and chirps. It isn't just 'meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeow', it's RAONAOMRRRRRRRRRROW WAHOWBURROWBRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAN BREEEEEEEEOW NAAAAAAAAAAAOW!
Good god, I'm becoming a cat lady. Someone stop me.
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Re:Dog, Cat or Other? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 33
Noacat wrote:
angelic memories wrote:
Noacat wrote:
Sessylove219 wrote:
I absolutely loathe dogs. Luckily my boyfriend is exactly the same. I have two cats, Tigger and Hobbes, and I absolutely adore them. My boyfriend tried to say that he didn't like them, but he only lasted about an hour. An hour after they arrived at his house when we moved in, he was cuddling them and saying he loved them. It was really cute.
Sesshoumaru is the only dog I would ever allow to sleep at the foot of my bed! I have his leash all ready for him!
ZOMG! Your cat's names are WIN! My kitty's name is Tamahome -- we just call him Tama or O-Tama Bin Laden when he's naughty or Barack O-Tama when he's being presidential, which is more often than you'd think. It's like, GEEZ, cat, can you NOT talk about health care for, like, ten seconds!!?
Your cat's personality sounds like mine... Her name was orginal Ashes but I changed it to Houdini (sp??) for many reason. But she has many nicknames from multiple people for her ever changing personality. One minute she is reigning the house with her regal ruling prance and the next I have to yell at her for something she getting into. Yet as bad as she might be I can never not love her.
Tama is quite the little shit. I love him bunches and loads, but he can be SUCH a pain. We battle all the time. I also argue with him a lot, because he's really lippy. Seriously. That cat gives much SUCH sass.
I know what you mean...ours are such jerks one minute, and such big babies the next. I try to rule the pride with an iron fist, but at times, I think that they believe we are their pets, not the other way around... 
Sessylove219 claimed Sesshoumaru\'s fundoushi in the Claim game! Hands off!
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Re:Dog, Cat or Other? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 14
Sessylove219 wrote:
Noacat wrote:
angelic memories wrote:
Noacat wrote:
Sessylove219 wrote:
I absolutely loathe dogs. Luckily my boyfriend is exactly the same. I have two cats, Tigger and Hobbes, and I absolutely adore them. My boyfriend tried to say that he didn't like them, but he only lasted about an hour. An hour after they arrived at his house when we moved in, he was cuddling them and saying he loved them. It was really cute.
Sesshoumaru is the only dog I would ever allow to sleep at the foot of my bed! I have his leash all ready for him!
ZOMG! Your cat's names are WIN! My kitty's name is Tamahome -- we just call him Tama or O-Tama Bin Laden when he's naughty or Barack O-Tama when he's being presidential, which is more often than you'd think. It's like, GEEZ, cat, can you NOT talk about health care for, like, ten seconds!!?
Your cat's personality sounds like mine... Her name was orginal Ashes but I changed it to Houdini (sp??) for many reason. But she has many nicknames from multiple people for her ever changing personality. One minute she is reigning the house with her regal ruling prance and the next I have to yell at her for something she getting into. Yet as bad as she might be I can never not love her.
Tama is quite the little shit. I love him bunches and loads, but he can be SUCH a pain. We battle all the time. I also argue with him a lot, because he's really lippy. Seriously. That cat gives much SUCH sass.
I know what you mean...ours are such jerks one minute, and such big babies the next. I try to rule the pride with an iron fist, but at times, I think that they believe we are their pets, not the other way around...
Such is the joy and the horror that is being owed by a cat.
Just got home for the night, btw. Guess who had a few words for me?
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Re:Dog, Cat or Other? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 14
angelic memories wrote:
Noacat wrote:
Sessylove219 wrote:
I absolutely loathe dogs. Luckily my boyfriend is exactly the same. I have two cats, Tigger and Hobbes, and I absolutely adore them. My boyfriend tried to say that he didn't like them, but he only lasted about an hour. An hour after they arrived at his house when we moved in, he was cuddling them and saying he loved them. It was really cute.
Sesshoumaru is the only dog I would ever allow to sleep at the foot of my bed! I have his leash all ready for him!
ZOMG! Your cat's names are WIN! My kitty's name is Tamahome -- we just call him Tama or O-Tama Bin Laden when he's naughty or Barack O-Tama when he's being presidential, which is more often than you'd think. It's like, GEEZ, cat, can you NOT talk about health care for, like, ten seconds!!?
Your cat's personality sounds like mine... Her name was orginal Ashes but I changed it to Houdini (sp??) for many reason. But she has many nicknames from multiple people for her ever changing personality. One minute she is reigning the house with her regal ruling prance and the next I have to yell at her for something she getting into. Yet as bad as she might be I can never not love her.
Tama is quite the little shit. I love him bunches and loads, but he can be SUCH a pain. We battle all the time. I also argue with him a lot, because he's really lippy. Seriously. That cat gives much SUCH sass.
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Re:Dog, Cat or Other? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 33
Noacat wrote:
Sessylove219 wrote:
I absolutely loathe dogs. Luckily my boyfriend is exactly the same. I have two cats, Tigger and Hobbes, and I absolutely adore them. My boyfriend tried to say that he didn't like them, but he only lasted about an hour. An hour after they arrived at his house when we moved in, he was cuddling them and saying he loved them. It was really cute.
Sesshoumaru is the only dog I would ever allow to sleep at the foot of my bed! I have his leash all ready for him!
ZOMG! Your cat's names are WIN! My kitty's name is Tamahome -- we just call him Tama or O-Tama Bin Laden when he's naughty or Barack O-Tama when he's being presidential, which is more often than you'd think. It's like, GEEZ, cat, can you NOT talk about health care for, like, ten seconds!!?
Your cat's name is hilarious! I love Fushigi Yuugi, and the nicknames made me totally have a giggle-snort that made my boyfriend look at me like I am insane.
Sessylove219 claimed Sesshoumaru\'s fundoushi in the Claim game! Hands off!
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Re:Dog, Cat or Other? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 27
Noacat wrote:
Sessylove219 wrote:
I absolutely loathe dogs. Luckily my boyfriend is exactly the same. I have two cats, Tigger and Hobbes, and I absolutely adore them. My boyfriend tried to say that he didn't like them, but he only lasted about an hour. An hour after they arrived at his house when we moved in, he was cuddling them and saying he loved them. It was really cute.
Sesshoumaru is the only dog I would ever allow to sleep at the foot of my bed! I have his leash all ready for him!
ZOMG! Your cat's names are WIN! My kitty's name is Tamahome -- we just call him Tama or O-Tama Bin Laden when he's naughty or Barack O-Tama when he's being presidential, which is more often than you'd think. It's like, GEEZ, cat, can you NOT talk about health care for, like, ten seconds!!?
Your cat's personality sounds like mine... Her name was orginal Ashes but I changed it to Houdini (sp??) for many reason. But she has many nicknames from multiple people for her ever changing personality. One minute she is reigning the house with her regal ruling prance and the next I have to yell at her for something she getting into. Yet as bad as she might be I can never not love her.
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Re:Dog, Cat or Other? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 216
r0opuppy ^_^
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Re:Dog, Cat or Other? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 14
Sessylove219 wrote:
I absolutely loathe dogs. Luckily my boyfriend is exactly the same. I have two cats, Tigger and Hobbes, and I absolutely adore them. My boyfriend tried to say that he didn't like them, but he only lasted about an hour. An hour after they arrived at his house when we moved in, he was cuddling them and saying he loved them. It was really cute.
Sesshoumaru is the only dog I would ever allow to sleep at the foot of my bed! I have his leash all ready for him!
ZOMG! Your cat's names are WIN! My kitty's name is Tamahome -- we just call him Tama or O-Tama Bin Laden when he's naughty or Barack O-Tama when he's being presidential, which is more often than you'd think. It's like, GEEZ, cat, can you NOT talk about health care for, like, ten seconds!!?
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Re:Dog, Cat or Other? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 1
I've had a variety of different animals, but I've got to say I love my dogs the most. I have 5 I call my own at the moment. 4 of them are large breeds and the other is medium. The oldest is a large breed named Harley at the whooping age of 16 (turning 17 in a couple months). I wouldn't trade any of my animals, but dogs are definitely my favorite.
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Re:Dog, Cat or Other? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 33
I absolutely loathe dogs. Luckily my boyfriend is exactly the same. I have two cats, Tigger and Hobbes, and I absolutely adore them. My boyfriend tried to say that he didn't like them, but he only lasted about an hour. An hour after they arrived at his house when we moved in, he was cuddling them and saying he loved them. It was really cute.
Sesshoumaru is the only dog I would ever allow to sleep at the foot of my bed! I have his leash all ready for him! 
Sessylove219 claimed Sesshoumaru\'s fundoushi in the Claim game! Hands off!
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Re:Dog, Cat or Other? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 27
I have horses, parrots, dogs, cats, fish, goats, cows, chickens, pigs, ferrets, and snakes. I have one snake that's pushing 16 feet.
As for my favorite? I couldn't narrow it down. Horses can be tricky sometimes but I guess it comes down between my favorite horse Shadow and my dog Missy. I really like my burmese python Fluffy though. Despite what people think snakes do have personalities.
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Re:Dog, Cat or Other? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 9
Hmm I think little lizards are cute, cats are okay but I don't prefer them, dogs....are my ridiculous obcession. I've been around dogs since I was 2 years old so I've grown accustomed to dogs. In short.... I LOVE DOGS!
PROUD Inupapa fangirl
"I wish for a heart. A heart of the man whom I'll never allow to forget me." (to Kagome) - Kikyo
"Go Naraku, gather the shards of the jewel, and once you found them all , then I will send you to hell." - Kikyo
I support Kikyo...got a problem with that?
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Re:Dog, Cat or Other? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 14
This is hilarious. I am a complete and total cat person. I have one kitty, who I loves lots. But even if I moved into a house with a huge yard, I would not have a dog. I... I don't really like them. But I love Sesshoumaru. WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH ME???!
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Re:Dog, Cat or Other? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 11
I'm SUCH a dog lover! Love 'em, love 'em, love em!!
And the fact that Sesshomaru is a dog demon, well, you can pretty much guess..
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Dog, Cat or Other? 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 27
So I was pondering about this today...
I have many animals... turtle, fish, rabbit, guinea pig, cats, cabbit (half rabbit half cat), and two dogs (1 small 1 big).
Of all of them I think I dislike the dog the most and love my guiena pig the most. But I love Sesshomaru, who is in fact a dog demon. So I ask you do you like dogs above all other pets or is Sesshomaru an exception to this rule in your books.
I know he is for me since I would much perfer a cat or pig than a dog, yet if someone offered me Sesshomaru, especially in his true form, I would take him in in a heart beat!
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