Ethereal Siren wrote:
sugar0o wrote:
these are both on fanfiction[dot]net, not dokuga, but i was in the chat and Nobo said i should still post it. i thought for a moment it was going to change up a bit but it seems to be going what for what with the original story with very little being changed. have at um kids. 
I'm not entirely convinced that this is a case of plagiarism. I read the first few chapters of "Supreme Power Sealing Your Fate" and I read up to the latest on "I Never wanted this". I found that there were several similarities, but even more deferences. The writing style is completely different for one thing. The rape also took place for different reasons. There are several more differences to be pointed out, but I would like for someone to provide further proof and specific examples in the text that this is plagiarism. I do not like that this person was accused without the evidence being presented. I detest plagiarism. I also detest the accused being punished before they are proven guilty.
I feel that if a person makes an accusation like this, then the burden of proof is on them. Previously in this thread, we had a clear cut case where the proof was easily found in the first few lines of text. I do not feel that this was the case here. In fact, serious doubt of the validity of this claim was found in the first few lines.
If proof can be shown that this was a case of plagiarism, I'll come off of my stance that this person was falsely accused.
this was my review to that:
To the author and the reviewers/readers:
I first noticed this 'similarity' in chapter 3 of this story. There are not just same 'like stories' but at times, they are verbatim wordings, thus getting the plagiaristic nature. Down to the last detail in some places. While i understand that fanfiction is free, at least here and that no author has full true rights to their stories as the characters and settings belong to another, in this case Rumiko T. and a whole lot of other companies she's sold out to.
The story that gets written first does in fact have rights over that stories plot line in comparison to the one coming behind and writing it again. Now i honestly cant say that you've 'stolen' a lot, but all of you, author and all have got to see that there are some complete and total copied pieces of Brandy's Supreme Power story in this story.
To be fair i'll list b/c honestly there's no point in arguing it, its there plan and simple:
- Sess takes her the same way, and leaves her nealry the same way.
- in SP he waits 8 weeks, in INWT he waits 5 weeks
- in both stories when Sess finally comes to see Kagome again, she's in a field away from her friends and singing a song. Different songs and differnt times of year but the same nonetheless.
- from SP:
so the wench was with another man...she is baring a matter I will still get the power I seek
Sesshomaru watched and hid behind a tree,dropping his aura again so she didn't pick it up. She walked deeper in the woods,he followed. She bent down and picked a small flower poking up from the snow.
"Poor flower...all alone,nothing to keep you warm" Kagome said as she held it to her chest. She turned around,she didn't want to go to far, that's when she met his eyes,instead of screaming she gasp and let the flower she picked fall to the ground. He could not help but be angry all the sudden at the site of her,she was stepping back a few steps,she almost tripped and fell back but with a swift movement Sesshomaru grabbed her by the wrist and held her up close to him. Her small little bump pressing against him. She was scared and he could smell a small aura hit him,trying to protect...
it is a demon child...a full demon child!! what is the meaning of this!
He growled and pushed his aura,hoping the small child inside of her would summit. To his surprise the child's aura mixed around his and settled down as if it felt safe and warm. Sesshomaru growled again and looked into her eyes
"Who's child do you bare woman"
Tears started slowly falling,she was not crying,but tears were falling. could he ask me that
He growled again "Woman...who have you laid with other than this sesshomaru...who's child do you bare!!" Anger,a deep voice coming from him,It reminded her of his fathers,that time he had come to inuyasha and sesshomaru after they won the battle against that evil sword of hell.
" could you ask me that"
He pushed her down and she fell to her side,she put and hand to her tummy and rubbed.
"I'm growing impatient woman! you will answer me"
"Iv laid with no one!" She yelled back at him,not that it was his right to know.
"You lie tell me" She stood up and before her knew it she slapped him hard,his face tilt to the side,she was angry and a lone tear fell down her face still tilt but his eyes were looking at her,his arms crossed.
"Its...its you bastard! its you child!" she screamed at him with all her will power. She put her hands to her face and cried hard as she ran away from him. He let her go,he could not believe what had just happened,he could not believe the words she said.
from INWT:
Sesshomaru listen as kagome finish singing, as she stood up to walk back into the village, sesshomaru caught glimpse of her stomach, his eyes widen just bit. “So the wench is in love with another man, and is baring him a child.”
“WHAT! This is what we get for taking so long.”
Sesshomaru stood behind a tree watching her walk into the forest, dropping his aura so she couldn’t pick it up he followed. She walked to the old well and stood there looking at it. “I’m going to have a baby mama, I wish you would be there with me, but the well closed after we killed naraku, and it won’t let me pass. I still don’t know why thought.” Kagome said with a sad laugh. “Well I have to go now I don’t want to be out here all alone, I love you mama.”
She turned around to walk back to the village, she didn't want to be here for too long in her condition, that's when she met his eyes, instead of screaming she gasp and took a step back. Sesshomaru could not help but be angry all the sudden at the site of her being with pup, she was taking steps backwards, she almost tripped and fell back but with a swift movement sesshomaru grabbed her by the wrist and held her up close to him, her stomach pressing against him.
She was scared and he could smell it, that’s when he felt it a small aura hit him, pushing out his aura, hoping to feel the small child inside of her, to his surprise the child's aura mixed around his and settled down as if it felt safe and warm. Sesshomaru growled again and looked into her eyes.
"Miko, who have you laid with other than this sesshomaru, who's child do you bare?" sesshomaru growled in anger, a deep voice coming from him.
" could you ask me that" kagome said as Tears started slowly falling down her check. Why was she crying, she didn’t love him so why did it hurt to hear him ask that.
“Who have you laid with other than this sesshomaru woman answer me.” Sesshomaru growled again as he held kagome close to him.
"I haven’t slept with anyone, not that it’s any of you business." She yelled back at him, not that it was his right to know.
"You lie tell me, who have you laid with other than this sesshomaru?" She stood up and before her knew it she slapped him hard, his face tilt to the side, she was angry and a lone tear fell down her face, sesshomaru looked down at the woman in his arms.
"’s your bastard! Its your child!" she screamed at him with all her will power. “I never wanted this, but it’s your child.” Kagome said as she put her hands to her face and cried as she ran away from him.
He let her go; he could not believe the words she said. “ child?” sesshomaru asked himself as his eyes grew wide, he stood there to shock to move. "my pup?"
: as you can see both peices are nearly identical and in some places completely verbatim. again, stop getting pissy and jsut realize that its happened, while you may not have meant to do it, or you did, it happened.
again in the next chapter of both fics, from SP:
He was still standing there as the snow fell,he watched as she ran to her friends,he could feel it,his child...his child was hurting,hurting because its mother was upset,he knew her miko powers were over taking the child's own calming aura. This would not do, That child would be his pride,his son,his fool blooded son,his first born, he would not let that foolish woman hurt his pup because of her stupid may not have his power yet,but that could wait,his pup was now his want,he could already tell the unborn child was strong.A evil grin came apon his face, thinking about a world with him as the leader and his son,strong as he by his side. His pride ..yes he was happy about what he had done now. Beside the fact he had taken her it seems to him that she also was happy that she was with child! tho her feelings didn't he told himself.
from INWT:
Sesshomaru stood there and watch as she ran to her friends, he could feel it, his child...his child was hurting, hurting because its mother was upset, her being a powerful miko, her powers were over taking the child's own calming aura. This would not do, that child would be his pride and joy, his son, his fool blooded son, his first born, he would not let that foolish woman hurt his pup because of her stupid power.
He was happy about what he had done now, beside the fact he had taken her without him really knowing, it seems to him that she also was happy that she was with child, and he could live with that. With that last train of thought sesshomaru made his way to the hut.
Walking into the hut, he let himself in to see kagome crying on the bed mat. "The miko will be coming with me." Sesshomaru said getting right to the point.
at this point i dont feel i need to express more. Its true that you did change bits of it, either intentionally or not, i this point i would say to apologize, which you've done and move on, make your own story. if your idea is similar to Brandy's, and you dont want to be called a plagiarist more, please take the time to change up your story. I think you could do plenty with this, to make this your own. Now i've said my peace i did it politely, so i dont expect to be blasted by someone saying i'm rude b/c i'm not, this review is purely fact. And that being said i actually liked what i saw here, i just wish you had made something yourself that didnt seem to be someone elses story. I personally challenge you to over come this, and create something your own and better. - r0o