Reviews for Healing Carefully by Caedes

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Koree (Chapter 16) - Fri 07 Nov 2014

Awwwwwwwwww :D Now This Is My Fav Chap :)

Cheryl (Chapter 16) - Thu 06 Nov 2014

love the new chapter! the way kagome defended sesshomaru and what she say really proves her heart and soul to him and also what sesshomaru tries to cover behind his stoic mask, thank you so much for this! 

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 16) - Wed 05 Nov 2014

More, keep it coming

NightQueen (Chapter 16) - Tue 04 Nov 2014

WOW!! Emotionally charged and so very welcome!! Everything Kagome said to Touga was the truth!! And Of Course Sesshoumaru over reacted! Thank God his beast knows what it wants and isn't afraid to take it!! The kiss and apology at the end was the absolute best! I really can't wait for the next chapter!!

Marie (Chapter 16) - Tue 04 Nov 2014

You confused me with your own comment but none the less the chapter was great.  I look forward to the next movement

Pricila (Chapter 16) - Tue 04 Nov 2014

Excellent, absolutely excellently executed!  A bit sad that I've caught up to your writing, but at the same time happy to have caught up.  Can't wait to read the rest that is dancing in your head waiting to be put to paper/word.  Priss. ^^

AnimeLady04 (Chapter 16) - Tue 04 Nov 2014

I can see Sesshomaru misunderstanding Kagome's actions and words with Inuyasha. He just had his own sire and former Alpha basically reject him as a son - again - then he sees his Alpha Bitch with his younger brother, the same brother that gets all the love and attention Sesshomaru needs as well. In those high emotional states, we usually do something we regret later once we calm down.

But I have to hand it Sesshomaru, the way he said sorry and apologized surprised me. I was happy he was male enough to not only apologize but do so in the matter he did. I'm sure that meant a lot more to Kagome than just a simple, "I'm sorry".

Now I am hoping Touga's actions start to change with Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru never deserved that kind of distant loving his father was doing, especially since Touga never did that with Inu.

Cannot wait for more!

Mistress SleepWell (Chapter 16) - Tue 04 Nov 2014

Loved it! Touga needed that hard verbal beatdown! Blam! I liked the way the chappie ended. Please write more

No Uta (Chapter 16) - Tue 04 Nov 2014

I had fallen behind and just got caught up. I fell behind back at chapter 10. Wow!!! Amazing!  I especially loved this chapter and the one before it. I'm really enjoying Inuyasha's role lately. And boy Kagome definitely let Inu papa have it. Brought him to tears and all. Hell, she's even mana to bring the proud Inuyokai to his knees in an apology!  What a delicious love seen at the end of this chapter. He claimed het somewhat, showing dominance. I enjoy it when she submit to him. It's damn sexy. I realize she is head strong and powerful within her own right, but he is Lord and she...his Inu bitch hahaha. YUUUUUSSS!  Thanks for the many updates. My apologies for have fallen behind. 

Christina (Chapter 16) - Tue 04 Nov 2014

I think this is the best chapter yet! For not planning this, it turned out well. I'm excited to see the story developing and moving forward. Keep it up.

Eroviaa hunter (Chapter 16) - Tue 04 Nov 2014

My my imagine my pleasure when I saw that you updates this story. This has quickly become a story that I look forwards to reading and check on the daily for updates :) This chapter was really good. It was a push in the right direction and I do agree that it slowly but surely is bringing the characters closer together. And man oh man that smoooch was hot but now I wonder what will happen next. He has admited that his beast wants the Miko but I would like to see Sesshomeru admit that he wants her as well and not just as a pack mate. OOO I cant wait to see what happens next please please update soon. Ja ne ^_^



MoonGoddess468 (Chapter 16) - Tue 04 Nov 2014

I just want to say I LOVED THIS CHAPTER! It was amazing! Im super happy they finally kissed. This is one of my favorite stories. Please keep up the great work and I look forward to your next update ^_^

Eva (Chapter 16) - Tue 04 Nov 2014

I had wondered when the seal would finally come into play. I'm impressed with how you used it. I always believed that InuTaisho's inept fathering of his first son was a large contributing factor to Sesshoumaru's cold character. I can understand Sessh's reaction to Kagome and the sword. It would seem to be business as usual for InuYasha to get everything he needs while Sesshoumaru gets screwed. As a parent, often times you have to devote more time, attention, and even material goods to one child who needs it more in order to protect your whole family. You have to be careful to support and reward the good kid who is better able to deal with life. Competence shouldn't be punished with neglect. I really enjoyed how you handled all confrontations involved. You hit the right emotional notes. Brava.

Most Unlikely Angel (Chapter 16) - Tue 04 Nov 2014

I think i've read this chapter  about 6 times and my stomach coils everytime. I nearly cried the first tine when sesshoumaru turned her away. And i danced around the room at the ending. Even now as i read it again i still squeal inwardly (in this very public place, lol).  Sesshoumaru FINALLY made the big step. Sigh....*melts*  i cant wait to see whats next!!!!

Kahdejus (Chapter 16) - Tue 04 Nov 2014

I love how you make the characters more realistic with the emotions you give them. Keep up the great work can't wait for the next updaye!!

bri (Chapter 16) - Tue 04 Nov 2014


NicoRavenPen (Chapter 16) - Tue 04 Nov 2014

~~It was perfect! XD Now I only wonder how the kids took the way their parents were acting...Did they know that she was "kicked out"? Did they question the crying?? Ooooo I love this fic!!

Mizuko Takayama (Chapter 16) - Tue 04 Nov 2014

Kyaaaaaaaa! XD Sooooo cute!!!!! (reads again) kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!  x3

Debra (Chapter 16) - Tue 04 Nov 2014

I thought the chapter was great! I loved how Kagome laid into Touga. I mean the way he treats Sesshoumaru and expects him to be this perfect Lord when he, Touga didn't even put the good of the land before his happiness. Like she said he took InuYasha's mom when she was a horrible choice. The fact that he wouldn't even tell Sesshoumaru that he didn't need a sword that was far below his power level, or ask if he was ok with letting InuYasha have it. He didn't even ask about making Inu his own sword. 

I also loved how InuYasha supported everything Kagome said to his father, and was there for her when Sesshoumaru made her cry. Then the way he made Sesshoumaru apologize to Kagome shows how much he cares about both of them.

Best of all the ending. Finally they make out, yay! Although I wonder how the other females will act towards her now. Than again she made Touga back down, I doubt any female there has that kid of power.

Hopefully you update soon! 

Akita (Chapter 16) - Mon 03 Nov 2014

Totally love this!!!! You rock!

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