Reviews for Healing Carefully by Caedes

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Jennn (Chapter 1) - Mon 01 Dec 2014

Dying for an update (:

VivWolf (Chapter 19) - Fri 28 Nov 2014


Successfully written once again. So much detail, I'm feeling a bit greedy and attempting to be patient once more.

She, it is Thursday....Well there an update today?

I simply cannot wait for the next chapter!

AnimeLady04 (Chapter 19) - Wed 26 Nov 2014

I feel a bit sorry for Inuyasha. Kikyo seems harsh and a bit cold and although she is trying to understand youkai and love both sides of him, she is still concentrated on the ningen part of him. I know it takes time for trust to build and it takes time to overcome previous ideas on a species and especially hatred....but what if their enemies use Kikyo's hatred and distrust of youkai to attack Sesshomaru or the West?

Also, while Sesshomaru is the King, he is very powerful so why would he base his decision to be with Kagome on what his subjects say? Afterall, Kagome has whipped Inuyasha, Touga, and Malha - not to mention she got exiled from her miko family to help out the youkai world. So she has proven strength and loyalty and her power to not only the people but to their enemies too. So I am a bit confused at why 1) the people would still object to them being together and 2) why Sesshomaru would care what his people say anyway.

Although I am still a bit upset at Touga for telling Sesshomaru that Kagome won't accept all of him. Maybe the reason why Touga's ningen nearly destroyed the Country is because she is weak and powerless and youkai always respect power. Kagome is not only strong but she has accepted all of Sesshomaru and Inuyasha so far. So I see no reason why she would not accept all of him.


Cannot wait for more!

Koree (Chapter 19) - Wed 26 Nov 2014

Yaaaaay :D KagxSesshness Lol . I Was Just As Upset As Sesshomaru When Touga Tried To Compare Kagome To Izayoi As Far As Their Acceptance Of The Guy's Beasty Side -.- Althought Kagome Isn't Knowledgable About Youkai Ways She Definitely Wouldn't Make Sesshomaru Be Anything Less Than What He Is , She's Waaaay More Accepting & Willing To Learn How To Adjust To The Ways Of Their Demon Side Where As Izayoi Who Seems ( how Touga made it seem ) To Not Be As Open To Learning & Dealing w/ Their Beast , Anywho I Loved The Interaction Between Our Fav Couple :3 & I'm Happy For Kikyo & Inuyasha Although I'm Kinda Like Ehhh To Her Comment On Being In Love w/ Him Already , She Isn't Ready To Love Inuyasha Fully Until She Accepts Demon Side As Part Of Him 

SilverInu93 (Chapter 19) - Fri 21 Nov 2014

oh the teasing

Kahdejus (Chapter 19) - Fri 21 Nov 2014

Ha I knew those to were going to do it. Now I'm just waiting for Kagome and Sesshomaru to do it lol. Thank you for the promised update can't wait to read more. (^.^)

Tana_san (Chapter 19) - Fri 21 Nov 2014

Tell you about InuYasha and Kikyou? Heck, I'm still reeling over the bit with Sesshoumaru and Kagome!!! This has really been such a great story, you know? I have to admit that when ever I see an update I get chills. A good feeling, really. I can't get enough of Kagome interacting with the many different youkai in the Youkai Realm. She's never been one to back down on a challenge and it took a lot to let go of her life and move she and Shippou there permanently.

I hated that both Kaede and Kikyou turned on her. They should know better than to think Kagome of all people wouldn't do what was right for ALL people, species having no difference when it came to saving lives. But look who Kikyou turned to when she needed help. She wanted to hate youkai because that's what the relationship betwen the species was. Now she's looking at a half youkai with love. They even had sex. Wow, she changed her values really quick when she got the tickle to do so!

I was a little shocked that Touga said that Sessh shouldn't get overly involved with Kagome because humans couldn't accept the whole youkai. It didn't stop him from keeping Izayoi. Sessh is right, there's no comparision between the women. Kagome is a totally different person with a different outlook towards people. This is her gift. I think that when Sessh took Kagome into his pack that he knew what he was doing, even if it may have been subconsciencely. The two will make a formiable pair if they mate. They can atready handle each other's power which shows acceptance to me. Sesshoumaru usually makes humans feel fear and his youki pushes them back but not with Kagome. They seem to curl around and try to become one together.

I have to wonder what Sesshoumaru's mother will do now that she was offically beat by Kagome. I do hope that she will accept that Kagome is a worthy prospect for her son despite her being a miko. I think InuMama would have reacted to any female standing in the position of Alpha bitch unless she had chosen her for son. She may have lost her mate, to a human no less, but not her son. She may stay in his background but she always seems to know what is happening in his life and will defend it if need be, even if Sesshoumaru doesn't want her input or help.

I had to laugh when Kikyou asked where the jar of Inuyoukai saliva was. That was priceless with her thinking it was yuck to have Sessh lick the wound. Bet she didn't complain when InuYasha was licking her neck, ear and other places when she bedded him.

Oh and I'm sure someone must have said this but back a couple chapters when Sessh left his mokomoko with Kagome so she could rest after he finished cleaning her wounds, Kazuhikou came into his office when Sessh was arguing with Touga and he buried his face into the mokomoko. That couldn't have happened unless that little parasite is fast moving and left Kagome to come back to Sesshoumaru, ne?

Anyway, I'm having a really great time with this fic just as I did with your last one and I want you to know that you are doing a marvelous job if you don't have a beta. Wish I could help but my skills are sorely lacking to be of any great help. You're doing great without, so, no worries.

Gentle hugs, JEN




VivWolf (Chapter 19) - Fri 21 Nov 2014

Love it! Ugh so much fluff! I can't wait for something more than fluff.  Hint hint....

I can't believe Sesshomaru's dad. Way to be supportive of a son's happiness and not an advisor. :(

No Uta (Chapter 19) - Fri 21 Nov 2014

Well damn, atta girl Kikyo! For a miko that despised yokai, she sure gave into a hanyo ha ha. I like it though. Perhaps now she can slowly become more accepting of the demon realm and those with in it. I laughed so hard when Sesshomaru said Inuyasha rarely bathes ha ha haaa! That was hilarious. I also enjoyed the lighthearted exchange between Kagome and Kikyo. Soooo...Sesshomaru has finally informed Kagome what it means to reveal her neck to him. How very sexy! Touga is being a douche bag heh heh. Great chapter and thank you for the wonderful update! 

Christina (Chapter 19) - Fri 21 Nov 2014

They didn't waste any time not having sex Inu and Kik. But the bathing part was cute bit of fluff. I really can't wait for Kagome to show Inu papa that she is different and stronger then he thinks. Very good story, one of the few I look forward to reading when I get the email updates.

Lilian (Chapter 19) - Fri 21 Nov 2014

Well, that was much better. I still found one or two mistakes, but you definitely improved - I'm proud ^^ Did you manage to find a beta yet? While I wouldn't mind doing it myself, English isn't my mothertongue, so I am hesitant to offer my services... anyway, nice chapter, too.

Debra (Chapter 19) - Fri 21 Nov 2014

Good chapter. ad InuYasha is starting to get Kikyo to not be so prejudice, but I hope Kagome talks to him soon. Kikyo obviously isn't ready to accept his demonic side. Kagome at least talking to him about it might help InuYasha to be careful and not rush things.

I just love how honest Sesshoumaru was with her about everything. It really shows how much he cares and respects her. I can't wait till she shows Touga up again, with her power and the fact that she's a more suitable mate. 

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 19) - Thu 20 Nov 2014

Both chapters are cool, keep it coming.

VivWolf (Chapter 1) - Thu 20 Nov 2014

Hello darling,


Hope all is well. I am excited for the next chapter.


Wolf bitch.



Ameakis (Chapter 18) - Thu 20 Nov 2014

I'm loving this story. I sit v on pins and needles waiting for each update and its never enough! Keep up the amazing work!!!!! ???

Eva (Chapter 18) - Wed 19 Nov 2014

Tipsey editing aside, I enjoyed this chapter very much. Action scenes are challenging to describe well in books. You did a fine job crafting the excitement and passion that drives the encounters. Thanks for sharing your story with us.

Lilian (Chapter 18) - Wed 19 Nov 2014

I like your story, the set-up and everything is very interesting. However, you should work on your spelling issues... Writing your chapters in Word (or a similar programme) and/or getting yourself a beta ought to take care of that. Also, consistency - Sesshomaru's mother called Kagome a miko, and then, about 4 lines later, realised she was a miko... and I was like, wut, she just called her one like three seconds ago... A good beta will make you aware of such things, too.

alice (Chapter 18) - Wed 19 Nov 2014


melissa (Chapter 18) - Tue 18 Nov 2014

I love how she is getting closer to sesshomaru.  Them falling in love. 


Shyheart (Chapter 18) - Tue 18 Nov 2014

Great chapter, I thought it was so cute that Kagome called them Pudding and that Kazuhiko licked her wound. Can't wait until Thursday to read the next chapter.

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