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JeniNeji (Chapter 15) - Fri 11 Nov 2011



Kagome did indeed manage to win the village over. I hope Sesshomaru is happy about that :)

1CarinoInu (Chapter 15) - Fri 11 Nov 2011

Still a fantastic story.  I like how you've brought in our antagonist and slight look into his evil scheme....I almost feel bad for Kikyou because she's just fulfilling her debt.  

Inuyasha is such a blind idiot, being lead by his other 'brain.'  Twit.

I'm glad Sesshomaru and Kagome seem to be accepting of their positions, even though they wouldn't have come together on their own....or would they????

Allyonora (Chapter 15) - Fri 11 Nov 2011


Ah, how I love fridays! Thanks for the new chapter! 
So... Inuyasha is very very very idiot. He's falling in Kykyo's schemes for the nth time. Why I'm not surprised? I just hope he gets smart before it's too late. And I hope Juto won't be sucessful in capturing and torturing Kagome...  
Sess, on the other hand, redeemed himself for his bratty behavior next chapter. And Taku is awesome! I wanna see how the mating goes...  
I miss Shippou and Miroku/Sango. They're going to make an appearance?
=] Great work!


Sarah (Chapter 14) - Thu 10 Nov 2011

Wow! I read this all in one day! It's really good and I can't wait until you update. I love how you are making it take a while for Sesshoumaru and Kagome to develope feelings for eachother, many of the fics that I read make them fall in live too quickly, actually taking the time for the feelings to develop is great. Keep up the good work and I will keep an eye out for the next update!

Shae (Chapter 14) - Tue 08 Nov 2011

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS STORY PLEASE DONT STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 14) - Sat 05 Nov 2011

I love the subtle things that shine through on a second reading. ^_^

Thanks for writing!

joyouki (Chapter 14) - Sat 05 Nov 2011

omg this is complete juice! i wish u had 20 chapters up so i could read all night..thank u for the update. looking forward to the next one please hurry lol

Sandreline Moon (Chapter 14) - Sat 05 Nov 2011




ArisaChan (Chapter 14) - Fri 04 Nov 2011

That was a really cute chapter :)

Allie (Chapter 14) - Fri 04 Nov 2011

Biggest AWWWWWWESSSSS ever! :D This was excellent! Please update soon!

mon (Chapter 14) - Fri 04 Nov 2011

'o' omg omg i dont know where to start, i like from the begain to the end. its not fair i wants to read more why stop at one chapter keep going. its do cool how kagome find out shes going to be his mate and how her grandmother ring match the sword. omg i cant wait intil you do another update... keep it coming.... keep it 

xkayukixx (Chapter 14) - Fri 04 Nov 2011

I love this story! Im totally hooked on it : ]

Update Soon!

TruGemini (Chapter 14) - Fri 04 Nov 2011

That was such a sweet ending, but I'd still want to run away if I were Kagome.

JeniNeji (Chapter 14) - Fri 04 Nov 2011



I can't believe this! So many awesome things! I loved how the ring was part of the sword's stone! Also, I liked that it was created from the rib :) So many pleasant surprise.


I really liked this part of the chapter, it was funny, it felt very real somehow.

She had just gotten back from the relaxing hot spring. Too bad the relaxation didn't follow her all the way back to her room.


Thanks for writing!

Allyonora (Chapter 14) - Fri 04 Nov 2011

Not killing her, despite his frustration, should NOT be a valid point in favor of a mating!!! LOL! Or, on a second thought... it should! We're talking about Sesshoumaru, after all! It's almost a love declaration!!


I loved the bit about the stone (how could Touga know about it? Lucky guess? Coincidence?) and the bit about the rib... so sweet!

I think Kagome is taking the decision far too lightly... She seems to be thinking about sacrificing herself for his happiness, but would be worth of it, receiving his birthright in exchange of a loveless mating? Wouldn't he (and she) - at least, considering this point of their relashionship - be both unhappy on the long run?

And what about the jewel? It'll allow her to stay in the past, when it's finished? It wouldn't be better, for Kagome, to point that she doesn't belong in the past as a impediment for the mating? This would, at least, force Inukimi to postpone the mating to the end of the quest, giving them time to know each other better. 

Anyway, thanks for the new chapter! I'm sooooooo sad to have to wait another week for more!


Ashley Brown (Chapter 13) - Sun 30 Oct 2011

Man, I hope Sesshomaru gets over his temper tantrum quickly.

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 13) - Sat 29 Oct 2011

I'm fascinated by the choice that is implied in Inukimi's decision. Will Kagome's reaction be as raging as Sesshomaru's I wonder? How will she deal with it so soon after her 'break' with Inuyasha?And how long will Sesshomaru fight the infliction so to speak of the effect of Kagome's smile upon him? Those should be intriguing to watch unfold.

Thanks so much for writing!

A Secret Best Kept (Chapter 13) - Sat 29 Oct 2011

*breaks out the popcorn and soda while sitting dilagently in front of the touch pad* I'm waiting I can't wait to see what kags thinks! Me I'd be drooling in a very unflattering fashion! Update soon!

insomniac_amy (Chapter 13) - Fri 28 Oct 2011

Awesome chapter! I can't wait to see what kind of fuss Kagome puts up :D 

TruGemini (Chapter 13) - Fri 28 Oct 2011

That was just we have to wait until next Friday?! You tease!!!

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