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ArisaChan (Chapter 19) - Sat 03 Dec 2011

Ahhh, why must the chapter end. :) I could just keep on reading. Anyways you have now made me look forward to fridays! I look forward to reading more, and a plot twist (even if it drives your readers insane) can be a good thing! Well until next time :)

Allie (Chapter 19) - Sat 03 Dec 2011

YAAAY! Finally there's some romance!!!! :] Please update soon and don't be too evil! :P

Lumi (Chapter 19) - Fri 02 Dec 2011

Pretty good chapter. You wrote the action and the passion both very nicely.

I just hope you avoid characters acting without motivation to propel the story, because Kagome going through the well at this point could only be that. I suppose I'll just have to wait and see how things play out.

insomniac_amy (Chapter 19) - Fri 02 Dec 2011

MissKatt you are so evil! LOL Finally a kiss and then a cackle along with a your gonna hate the next couple of chapters. What a great story it's so exciting, action and romance. I love that they are finally starting to interact more with each other.

Looks like Inuyasha is starting to feel a little guilty. I can't wait for him to get his wake up call!

Thank you for a great read!

Allyonora (Chapter 19) - Fri 02 Dec 2011

Kagome with fangs?? And magenta stripes?? Oh, please say she's not going to turn into a full youkai!!!

One of the most interesting things about Kag/Sess romance, in my opinion, is making him accept he loves the thing he used to despise so much - a weakly human. And that he loves her the way she is, with her "human flaws". But that's me, please do whatever you think it's best, because I think I'll like it anyway!


Ranting aside.... stupend chapter as always!!!

Inuyasha is proving to be a rat. A big fat disgusting rat. How could he betray Kagome's secret that way?!? ARGH! Idiot. I wan't to twack him.

And... and... they KISSED!!! Yayyyy!! I'm so happy! Thank you!

I wan't a time machine so tomorrow'll be next friday!



shae (Chapter 18) - Wed 30 Nov 2011

i regret throwing the shoes ... wanna cookie?(hands katt the cookie with big sorrowful puppy eyes) but please continue to write i'm falling in love with this new sesshomaru .. one question though won't it be completely like illegal for taku to come into sesshomaru's room while he's with his mate?


Allie (Chapter 18) - Mon 28 Nov 2011


Venita (Chapter 18) - Mon 28 Nov 2011

Thanks for the quick update, great chapter, please update soon.

The Hatter Theory (Chapter 18) - Mon 28 Nov 2011

I spend time offline and there are MULTIPLE UPDATES! *dances*

What an awesome way to spend the afternoon. As always your story leaves me sitting on my hands (figuratively of course) waiting for more. So um, please? More, that is. Updates. 


I'm actually kind of waiting for Inu Yasha to do something stupid, like normal. Maybe going in for the mating mark while 'Kikyo' is asleep. Something. Just, you know, the universe screwing with him. 

Forfirith (Chapter 18) - Mon 28 Nov 2011

Moer FLUFF~!  <3<3<3


*keeps stalking*

Lumi (Chapter 18) - Sun 27 Nov 2011

I could understand knocking at the door, but for even a close servant to enters his lord's chambers uninvited would be basically a capital offense...

Other than that, I rather enjoyed this chapter. You're a terrible tease.

Allyonora (Chapter 18) - Sun 27 Nov 2011

Taku!!! Oh, Taku!!! How could you!!! ***twacks him too***

Oooow, so nice of you to update this quickly! Thank you so much for aswering my prayers!!! And for the dedication... I feel so honored! You're the best!


It was a much needed chapter! I fell that, now they had this little chit-chat, things can progress more smoothly! It seems like the beggining of real trust between them, and so they can start to know each other better!

Awesome work, as always!! 

GreyEcho (Chapter 18) - Sun 27 Nov 2011

Yay! :D I'm glad that got cleared up and she is staying. :)

ArisaChan (Chapter 18) - Sun 27 Nov 2011

Hurray for the love! Great chapter :) Can't wait to read more! Looks like this bond will make things more interesting!!!!

Venita (Chapter 17) - Sat 26 Nov 2011

Grat chapter, I'm glad Kagome and Sesshoumaru are finally mated, I can't wait for the next chapter please update soon.

Allie (Chapter 17) - Sat 26 Nov 2011

That Sakura is a bitch! :P No Sesshy for you, hoe! PLEASE UPDATE SOON, IT'S GETTING SO GOOOOOOOOD!!!!! :]

shae (Chapter 17) - Sat 26 Nov 2011

MissKatt deary TAKE THIS HOE AND SHOVE IT UP YOU A**(Throws shoes until tires out) how dare you threaten such mean things gone with you to write again (throws yet another shoe)

Allyonora (Chapter 17) - Sat 26 Nov 2011

Well... what can I say? Inuyasha is an idiot. Period.

As for Sess and Kagome... She's being an idiot. Sorry to say, but she is. She agreed with an arranged mating, and now is feeling jealous about a rival (notwithstanding how fake this rival is). Come on, it's not like he was her cheating boyfriend! She can't begrudge him a pseudo mate when they don't even have a relashionship and when the whole thing was arranged in a matter of days by his mother!

So, this only support my theory that they NEED to have a conversation. Kagome can't simply play the injured party and leave and go missing for 500 years... It's something not done, a friend deserve an explanation - considering she thinks about Sess as, at least, a friend!!

Well, they're heading for his chambers... so there's hope!!!


Awesome chapter!!! Please please please send us some more!!!


DemonQueen17 (Chapter 17) - Fri 25 Nov 2011

It's awesome that Sesshomaru and Kagome but it's going to suck that Inuyasha has joined forces with the East because of Juto's treachery. I have a feeling that plan of his is going to fall apart and Kikyou will be revealed as Shamrai (what a bitch). Can't wait for the next chapter.

shae (Chapter 1) - Fri 25 Nov 2011

where's the next chapter :( do you want me to cry WHY HAVE YOU STOPPED  (throws money at Katt trying to bribe her) take it  and write write write (throws more money)


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