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Allyonora (Chapter 21) - Sat 17 Dec 2011

Yes, Sesshoumaru, you're not fooling anyone!


Now... about the chapter! Poor Yune! Is she going to be rescued? How she end up being a spy???

And Jii-chan is being a prat! I wonder how he'll receive the news his grandaughter is already married (or mated). And I wonder if Sess'll get enough of waiting and decide to retrieve his mate... *evil chuckle*

Wonderful new chapter! Thanks!

A Secret Best Kept (Chapter 21) - Sat 17 Dec 2011

GGGAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!! You leave us with that?!? Who is he trying to marry her off to!? Will she ever get back to the past? -.-

Angela (Chapter 21) - Sat 17 Dec 2011

I agree completely with KAggie lol I hope Sesshomaru can break the sutra's. :D

rani (Chapter 21) - Sat 17 Dec 2011

what is with kagomes grandfather? ok i understand he is worried for souta but being so harsh to kagome won´t help him. i hope you don´t let the well stayed sealed too long! maybe sess can break the seal somehow?

KAggie (Chapter 21) - Sat 17 Dec 2011

Man, am I hating on Jii-chan and Inu Yasha right now. Way to mess everything up fellas! I know the next chapters are gonna be rough on my emotions for sure! lol Update soon! I cannot wait to see if Sesshoumaru takes action!

FayeMegan (Chapter 21) - Fri 16 Dec 2011

hmm why do I have deja vu?

KEdakumi (Chapter 21) - Fri 16 Dec 2011

*flings shoes in your general direction*  You better be typing this next chapter while dodging those shoes. :P  Can't wait to see if it's gonna be Hojo they try to hook her up with.

darknessqueen0789 (Chapter 21) - Fri 16 Dec 2011

ooooooh. very intense chapter! i'm sad that when sesshomaru realize that Kagome won't be coming back that then he'll think that she betrayed him. then i'm really upset that grandpa thinks that kagome doesn't care for her family! i mean What The Hell!!!. I wanna see who her fiancé is!  good job!!!

spexchik (Chapter 21) - Fri 16 Dec 2011

yup, definitely evil times two now!! the arranged marriage thing is an interesting twist, can't wait to find out how that meeting goes...

The Hatter Theory (Chapter 20) - Mon 12 Dec 2011 can't just LEAVE IT THERE!

That's just cruel of you, it really is. I demand- *ahem,* I mean, please, please update soon. 

Mad Wolf Woman (Chapter 20) - Sun 11 Dec 2011

Great chapter, the cliff hanger is devious. can't wait to read more.

ArisaChan (Chapter 20) - Fri 09 Dec 2011

Oh you are a delisously evil writer. The story is fantastic and the cliff hangers are such a tease. I cannot wait for the next chapter. You truely have made me look forward to friday. Reading your story is my guilty pleasure after work! Can't wait for the next chapter! Hope it's another long one! Can't wait to find out why Mrs. Higarashi is so eager to send her daughter back!!!! Oooooh Next friday can't come soon enough!

Venita (Chapter 20) - Fri 09 Dec 2011

I hope Souta is okay and the bad guys get Kagome, I can't believe you left a cliff hanger, please update soon.

Allyonora (Chapter 20) - Fri 09 Dec 2011

Oh no! Oh no! I feel like in a horror movie, don't wanna peak until the good guy kills the bad guy!!! Don't go back through the well, Kagome, noooo!!


Awesome chapter! You let us all hanging in the cliff!! Oh, how unfair...

Lumi (Chapter 20) - Fri 09 Dec 2011

Oh, you're mean! XD

insomniac_amy (Chapter 20) - Fri 09 Dec 2011

MissKatt you are so mean with your cliffy! LOL Awesome chapter.

I love how you are slowly developing thier relationship, but I'm also excited for them to move faster. LOL

KEdakumi (Chapter 20) - Fri 09 Dec 2011

Ok... that was just a mean place to stop!!  Can't wait for the next update. :)

joyouki (Chapter 19) - Thu 08 Dec 2011

NOOOOO. I don't want to be a can't wait for an update...Love the story, and the courtship that is growing.

Venita (Chapter 19) - Sat 03 Dec 2011

Great chapter, I can't believe you ended it there, I want to see more romance from Kagome and Sesshoumaru, please update soon.

The Hatter Theory (Chapter 19) - Sat 03 Dec 2011

I really liked this chapter, a lot. But I do want to point something out (you're more than free to tell me to go hang myself) but the use of sapphire optics in the next to last paragraph just sort was kind of like running into a wall. I know eyes and orbs tends to be used a lot, but optics just sort of inserted a hurdle and interupted the flow of the paragraph.

I hope I haven't offended you, and you can tell me where to shove it. I do love the chapter though, and I can't wait for another chapter, even if you are an evil, evil tease.

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