Reviews for A Debt to Be Paid by Rinku

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Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 11) - Thu 17 Nov 2011

Kagome went to the Future with Sesshomaru, not the past.

Awesome chapter. Wish Kagome had managed to take her test with all that she learned from Sesshomaru but... :shrugs: not my story. Just a disappointment that for all their work on the One thing they've been able to work together no one else gets to see the results. eh -perhaps later she'll get another chance.

Hope they can get to Inuyasha at least in time to save Miroku and Sango and their baby.

oh, and I can't remember if I responded last chapter, but I'm against this being a threesome. I don't think it would work in the world and situation you've detailed. I'd vote for wither Inuyasha's honorable death or a way he and Kikyo could be alive together -whether he's full demon or full human seeing as the former could actually work to a potenital happy ending with how demons and miko are in your tale.

Thanks for writing.

Smortz (Chapter 11) - Thu 17 Nov 2011

:O We wants more! We wants more! 

Once again, another brilliant chapter! I love it! I am so worried for Sango and Miroku though! 

Ugh, Shippo is going to be all UGH in Sesshomaru's face! I love that you gave him a brain instead of having him idoling off to the side with crayons. Thank you so much for making Shippo useful. 

>_> Please, can lil ol' Smo have one more chapter? Plllleeeeeeaaaasseeeeee. -drops onto floor in begging position-



lashon (Chapter 10) - Sat 12 Nov 2011

All i have to say is i hope inu isnt dead yet. i hope he doesnt die either. this is a great story though and i cant wait for the next update

zandria (Chapter 1) - Fri 11 Nov 2011

yayyyy you came back :) can't wait for the next update :).

SpookiiPanda (Chapter 10) - Tue 08 Nov 2011

update soon! I love this story even though Kagome annoys me to death with hwo she's acting >.< lol

insomniac_amy (Chapter 10) - Tue 08 Nov 2011

Wow! What an original plot line. I can't believe I didn't find this story sooner. I just want to smack Sesshoumaru up side the head. When will he realize that he's going about this courting the wrong way. She keeps telling him exactly what she wants from life and he is just to "demon" to understand her desires.

Poor Inuyasha I feel so bad for him. I wish Kagome could purify the demon out of him leaving him human. LOL

As for your question, I'm not very fond of Three ways in a story, but hey this is your story and write it however you want. Isn't that the glory of being the author :D

Great story. I can't wait for the next chapter.

snowbird (Chapter 10) - Tue 08 Nov 2011

I may be old fashioned, but please no threesomes for me.  I find that a quick turnoff.  Besides, with the way that Sesshoumaru feels towards Inuyasha and his possessiveness towards Kagome, there is no way he or his beast would share her with no one.  I like how you are slowly building their relationship towards each other even though Kagome is fighting it.  Also, may Kagome can in her own way teach Sesshoumaru about emotions and that there are some things more important than power and meterial things. 

I feel for Inuyasha, but blame him for not being truthful with Kagome about the whole thing regarding hanyous from the beginning when he saw how she was beginning to feel for him.  Also, he should not hold it against her when the day comes that she is willing to admit her love for Sesshoumaru.

RubyJeweler (Chapter 10) - Tue 08 Nov 2011

Thank you for the update and I personally think you should go with C. Bringing Kikyo back.

I don't know, but if Inuyasha dies, then I'll feel sad and I will pity him. Lol. As for the threesome, I'm thinking that Sesshomaru is already possessive enough (although a threesome is kind of tempting...oh no! Must resist...!). ( : But, that's only my opinion, anyways, thanks again for updating. ^^ Until the next chapter.

Allie (Chapter 10) - Mon 07 Nov 2011

Don't listen to those people! You're doing an excellent job, there's a great plot, there's more to the story than just Sess/Kag, I think your half-demon scenario is fantastic(That sounds bad :P But it's true!). Definitely can tell that you've put a thought into this! But I think the most important thing is this is YOUR fanfiction and you can do whatever the hell you want with it. If they have problem with it, then why are they reading it? Keep up the good work, I was ecstatic to see that you FINALLY updated.

My answer to your question is do whatever you want, I appreciate that you're asking us our opinion of what you should do with our poor Inu. But this is your story and you do what you want with it. Some of us might not like it, but at least you will and that's what matters! :D I know I'll be happy with whatever you do... as long as there is a happy ending for Kagome, if anybody deserves it, it's her!

Sarah (Chapter 10) - Mon 07 Nov 2011

I really love your story so far. Out of every single SessKag piece I've read, this one is hands down my most favourite and the best I have ever read :D. I love how Sesshoumaru and Kagome are so in character, and also the fact that she isn't going to give into him easily. Being the stubborn, loyal, and caring person she is, I like the thought of Sesshoumaru really having to work hard to get what he wants instead of demanding it and expecting it just because he is 'Sesshoumaru'.

As for the question concerning to what would be best for Inuyasha and Kagome, I love option "A" the best. My reasons are that it gives Inuyasha the time and chance to grow and fully accept his fate as a half demon, and to mature, realizing that it would probably be best if he accepted Sesshoumaru and Kagome as a couple, as Kagome's happiness and well being would matter more than who she is with (the "who", mainly pretaining to his brother). I like the idea of Inuyasha having a calm state of mind and a feeling of peace during death, since he has suffered through a lot during his life, and has now grown into an honourable man because of it.

I can't wait for the next chapter of the story!

PS. I'm rather embarassed to admit this, but every time I see an update, I practically squeal >.<

Tarawriter (Chapter 10) - Mon 07 Nov 2011

Honestly, don't worry about the canon/non-canon; this is your story, and fanfiction is about imagining and exploring other possibilities within a constructed universe.  Your story is well written and does make sense to me.  I don't believe transfer their affections from one person to another overnight, and I find it believable that Kagome is having such a difficult time with Inuyasha's revelations and Sesshoumaru's interest in her.  Though, not going to lie, I want to smack Mr. High and Mighty for his, "I am superior to all," attitude, but it makes total sense for him.  You write him quite well-are you sure you're not channeling him?  :D  

Keep up the writing, and thank you for sharing this story.  It's a neat take on the mythology behind Inuyasha, and I'm very curious to read what direction you take this as the story advances!

Tori (Chapter 10) - Mon 07 Nov 2011

Ok to be far I didn't like the choices given however I wouldn't want for a threesome because it takes away from the story objective Life mate to Sessy. And killing Inu seems well tragic but well worth it for Chara development, it adds to the bill up we are hoping for, though will he die by his brother's hand or die a hero killing naraku. Yet I must state this how about killing him and then bringing him back a full human, or a full demon. And oh my god your the only writer I know who can build up tension in a story. Loving it, but if I don't get some action soon I think I might explode and no its not of the sex but real fighting. I'm addressing some people out there in fiction land to stop upsetting the writer, its fiction! she can do what she likes, how she likes. Let her direct the story as she has been to see where it leads us, and if we reviewers are nice we might get a Sq. All I'm saying


Thanks again your loyal reader


Sweet_Adeline (Chapter 10) - Mon 07 Nov 2011

Out of the three choices i choose Inuyashas death. The other two wouldn't make sense because of that whole thing when he changes. But i would have him die not being at peace with KagxSess because i just love the angst. =3

Airy (Chapter 10) - Mon 07 Nov 2011

A or C, just please not B! I love the story and please update on AFF soon.

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 10) - Mon 07 Nov 2011

Option B. I don't want to see Inuyasha die and I'm sure Kagome wouldn't want him to die either, despite what Sesshomaru says or feels about him. He's been through enough already. And I sure as hell do not want Kikyou brought back. She had her time and should be put to rest. I hope Miroku finds another way to help the poor hanyou. Can't wait for the next chapter.

Alexandra (Chapter 10) - Mon 07 Nov 2011

Awesome chapter!!! It's always a treat when you update your story. Man, I'm getting anxious. I kind of want Inuyasha to get with Kagome cuz I feel so bad for him and Sesshoumaru isn't helping the situation being a royal ass. I'm so disorientated by this mess. I wonder how it' going to play out. Please update soon! >__<

pclark (Chapter 10) - Mon 07 Nov 2011

I like your story. The answer to you multiple choice questions is none of the above. Here is my idea. Kagome could purify his demon side that way he is human, or Sesshomaru could get rid of his human side.

Itoe (Chapter 10) - Mon 07 Nov 2011

Why does Kagome make such a big fuss... ¬_¬

Would she really want for her own children to live a miserable life, because she can not leave Nekoyasha? Yea yea, she loves him... (if there really is something to love about him...except for his ears ¬_¬) Well, whatever... :D It is your story. And I would change nothing in it. It is good, as it is. It would be boring, if she fell in love with Sesshomaru the instant he claimed her as his life mate. :D

I can't wait for the next chapter :D


Smortz (Chapter 10) - Mon 07 Nov 2011

UGH! I love this story!!!! <3 Love how you are developing Kagome. It is good that she is finally seeming to open up to Sesshomaru. :) 


-glances at Inuyasha and shakes head-


ramenlover (Chapter 10) - Mon 07 Nov 2011

I'd go with either option A or C, I just can't see Sesshoumaru willingly sharing Kagome to anyone, especially his despised half-brother. Anyways, I love your story and all your twists! I can't wait to see more romantic interraction between the demon lord and his miko, of course the lemons would be just as awesome! ;3 Please update soon!

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