Reviews for A Debt to Be Paid by Rinku

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Ceferadel (Chapter 13) - Fri 23 Dec 2011

We are so close to yummy dirty scenes!! Poor Sessh, he'll understand eventually, more like it takes  a normal human male years to comprehend, just what the perfect woman can do for them in every single way. Sigh... men.... But, excellent chapter!! Giant Kudos for you! :)

KaminokoDaughters (Chapter 2) - Fri 23 Dec 2011

I just realized/ remembered something in my rereading of this story..... uhhh does Sesshoumaru realize that hanyou is what he'll produce with Kagome? 

Anonymous (Chapter 10) - Fri 23 Dec 2011

My suggestion would be to wish on the Jewel to "cure" all half-demons. That way Inuyasha wouldn't go crazy and it would prevent future suffering. 

RubyJeweler (Chapter 13) - Fri 23 Dec 2011

Thank you so much for updating! I have to admit, I was very frustrated with Kagome. Especially her decision to choose Inuyasha's life over her friends(even though it wasn't on purpose), but I know it must be hard for her to do so, that's why she did what she did. Anyway, I'm just glad everything is turning out "okay" for her and Sesshomaru. I hope you will update sooner, whenever you have the time to do so, and I wish you a lovely MERRY CHRISTMAS!

A Fan Of Yours,


Sarah (Chapter 13) - Fri 23 Dec 2011

This is such a beautiful chapter! I literally burst into tears when I read it; the raw emotional pain was so real it was as if I was feeling it myself. The pace is just perfect, both with the plot and the relationship. I just simply love this story! ^~^

FayeMegan (Chapter 13) - Thu 22 Dec 2011

Wow, that was a very powerful chapter. I almost cried! I hope you update again soon. Merry Christmas!

JeniNeji (Chapter 12) - Thu 08 Dec 2011

:gasp: I wonder what's going to happen now... such an awesome story... Poor them...this is so hard on them all, and Sango! I hope nothing happened to Miroku :(


Thanks for writing!

Dumdum4566 (Chapter 1) - Thu 08 Dec 2011

I am absolutely in love with your story. It is honestly in my top 5 for best sees/. I eagerly await your next instalment to this amazing story! 

snowbird (Chapter 12) - Mon 05 Dec 2011

Kagome is so blasted stupid!  She's not thinking straight and she's ignoring the evidence of her eyes and what just took place.  Sango is almost dead and what happened to Miroku?  In spite of the evidence of her eyes, she still clings to Inuyasha and was more concerned with him not being killed than the safety of others.

Tori (Chapter 12) - Mon 05 Dec 2011

Sorry for not reviewing last chapter, I was waiting for this latest chapter. Somehow I'm not disappointed with the cliffhanger because my hunger and curiosity is fulfilled with the last two chapters. It seems Kagome is failing for him but if only she can get over Inu. I have to say the growth in Inuyasha, is amazing and that he can stand toe to toe with Sesshy but the imbalance in Inu remains. Could it be that his growth my eat away at his human side and he becomes fully demon? I recant my killing inu off, as of now he seems to have some purpose now. As always your writing inspires greatness, the truth of your work in its fiction and the facts you create are amazing. You break no rules in creating your own and you stick to them. I am looking forward to seeing what happens next. Ummm can I have smut? even a little bit? 

Venita (Chapter 12) - Mon 05 Dec 2011

Great story, awesome I can't wait for the next chapter, please update soon

Sarah (Chapter 12) - Mon 05 Dec 2011

Oh my gosh! I can't believe this is happening! Poor Kagome.... Please update soon! I love this story and can't wait to read more of it

RubyJeweler (Chapter 12) - Mon 05 Dec 2011

Why doesn't Kagome just let Sesshomaru kill Inuyasha off? I know she cares for him, but hurting Sango? That's going too far. He's a danger to everyone. Oh well, I guess it must be hard to accept that Inuyasha has become an evil youkai, after all, she has been with him for a long time. It is difficult to see a loved one change. I just hope that Inuyasha reverts back or better yet, regains control over his body(other than the youkai part). I love the angst in this story, and cannot help but feel pity for Sesshomaru. He clearly respects Kagome's wishes. ( ; Please continue with the angst.

REDWOLF (Chapter 12) - Mon 05 Dec 2011

WHeW....I am wondering about what kind of stupid Kagome is at times?? She seen what Inuyasha did to Sango, could you imagine what kind of rape Inuyasha had planned for her? Sesshoumaru might wanna rethink this Kagome stuff, she doubts him so much. Will she eventually come to see Sesshoumaru in a new light? I hope so. GREAT chapter, I stayed in such a state at the intensity of the fight. did a fantastic job with every description :)

Airy (Chapter 12) - Mon 05 Dec 2011

Awesome...awesome...awesome! Trust is one of the greatest building foundations for a relationship, and now Kagome knows that she can trust Sesshomaru. I love the chapter and I'm anticipating the next one with intensity.

Rurouni Jasmine (Chapter 11) - Sat 19 Nov 2011

T_T I just read through to the update and I am on edge! I'm excited to know what happens! GOD I HOPE SANGO AND MIROKU ARE OKAY!!!! THERE'S A BABY! THEY CAN'T DIEEEE!!! *sob, sniffle* ;-; This story is so sad! I feel so bad for everyone! If the poll about what should happen for InuYasha and Kagome still is up for debate, I think InuYasha dying from the poisoning of his blood at the battle with Naraku, at peace with Sesshome, would be the best option. ;-; Even though I'd rather InuYasha not die at all, it's set up like that, I thinks and seems most reasonable. It's slightly less painful than killing himself or conflict of emotion for Kikyo...He's suffered so much in this fic...Anyway, I can't wait for the update!

REDWOLF (Chapter 11) - Thu 17 Nov 2011

Oh, if Inuyasha killed the others, Kagome will probably kill him herself! Great chapter. Look forward to the next and the next and the next ;)

Sarah (Chapter 11) - Thu 17 Nov 2011

Wow, poor Inuyasha. I feel so bad for him, and Kagome. I know it takes time for the feelings to develope and all but how does Sesshoumaru plan, on making Kagome feel better about Inuyasha? Since I'm assuming that he is most likely going to die. This story is great and keep up the good work. I'll be waiting for the next update, hope it comes soon. 

Alexandra (Chapter 11) - Thu 17 Nov 2011

 Oh the angst! I love it! <3

Your update really made my day. You are such a good writer. You describe the hurt and confusing emotions that Kagome feels at the same time describing how Sesshoumaru does not want to feel but cannot help but feel Kagome's emotional pain.

It's so good! I can't wait to read what happens next!!

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 11) - Thu 17 Nov 2011

Looking back on my choice, I was probably a bit hasty on the threesome. If anything, Sesshomaru and Kagome should find a way for Inuyasha to become a youkai instead of a human since he is the key to defeating Naraku.If Sesshomaru killed him in this juncture, then Naraku has a better chance at winning. I'm sorry but Inuyasha would be rather useless as a human. As for bringing Kikyou back, HELL NO! I understand that there's a lot of history with the two, but the past should stay in the past and there are plenty of other females and Inuyasha should move on with one of them. Unless, there was a way to bring her back as a youkai as well. I'm sorry, but having a body made of clay, bones and ash is a major turnoff. Then again, not only would Kagome be indebted to Sesshomaru, but Inuyasha would be indebted to him as well.

As for Shippou, I applaud him for standing up to Sesshomaru. Laws get broken all the time and Demon Law is no exception in my opinion. Looking forward to the next chapter.

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