Nice to have them finally meet, I wonder how things will resolve themselves though. Happily waiting for the next chapter :)
I'm so glad that you updated! OMG! I haven't seen this story in forever!
This chapter is so beautifully written. All of the detail and emotion you put behind the characters and the reunion was so heartfelt and beautiful. I really like this chapter just for that scene. And the part where their son finally comes in and he deals with them with his cold mask of resentment. That was just so angsty. It really pulled on my heart. So manny feels!! It's been soo long since you last updated. It would be horrible if you spent that much time to update it again. Although, it does take time to write such a lovely masterpiece you have written for fans to enjoy.
There are no words to express how much I'm looking forward to the next chapter. Please keep updating!!
Shezsnap (Chapter 37) - Wed 22 Aug 2012
OMG YES! NEW CHAPTER! I haven't read this story in awhile so I am definitely going to reread. SO EXCITED!! (: Keep up your wonderful work!!
Mari (Chapter 1) - Wed 22 Aug 2012
love this story pleasssseeeeee write more dont leave me hanging im dying here
TruGemini (Chapter 37) - Tue 21 Aug 2012
Excellent Chie! That was the perfect moment, and you led up to it beautifully. I don't understand how the critic feel that you would write a happy go lucky reunion or anything when you were not leading up to that. There is a long road of possible forgiveness and definite anger to recover before anything fruitful passes between the three. Again, wonderful job love! I applaud your efforts.
Where have you been? You had not updated in four months. Great chapter, keep it coming.
*I almost forgot the story line.. Been a long while since you've updated.. next pleSe:)*
REDWOLF (Chapter 37) - Tue 21 Aug 2012
GREAT chapter :) I can really feel bad for their son, of course he feels like he was alone and his parents never cared. Sesshoumaru DID put the responsibility on a child that couldn't say no, because, his parents weren't there to help him say no to all of it. I hope everything works out for them ;) FANTASTIC story!!
that brat! this was a good chapter, but somehow i see that brat making things horrible for everyone. I still wonder how exactly the timeline is going to work out, and who the hanyou child kagome supposedly saw herself with many chapters back. or maybe i'm mixing storylines up @_@
Loveyaa (Chapter 36) - Tue 05 Jun 2012
yaa...they are getting their lives in ordered and making a place for themselves. they are so close and yet so far from the anciet west and those there. I am glad that they are reconnecting and now have the chance to almost go back and try to make amends. I can't wait to see what happens next :)
emma (Chapter 36) - Mon 14 May 2012
Hi. :) I've greatly enjoyed reading your story--you write very well! I also especially liked past Sesshomaru in modern day highscool, I thought that rather brilliant. I do have one question though--Kagome saw her future self during those days in highschool with Sesshomaru. I understand that that could just be an abandoned plot line, since they left their child and moved to the future. However, it reads as if she'll stay in the past, and that's how I thought as I read the following chapters, making their return to the future that much more surprising. Perhaps that's what you were going for, but the two occasions create a disconnect in the story.
This is just a suggestion, and I understand that it might be done of course, since it is entirely your story, but perhaps you make it certain that what she sees is merely a vision and not her actual self, for future readers. This was not intended in any way to be disresceptful at all. You've written quite a bit since then and maybe it just slipped by.
Anyway, again I understand if you leave it as it--this is your story. Again, you've written it quite beautifully. I look forward to the continuation when you have the time. :)
Keep it coming.
You have written a lovely story full of hope, wonder, tears, sadness, conditions, power, understanding, love, protection, betrayal, heartache, but most of all, change. I am honoured to have read a story like this, and await more chapters of this story!
yay!! an update!! awwwwwww what a sweet charming chapter! i love every singel moment of it!!
I love the Sesshoumaru and Kagome scene at the end! It was so adorable! I'm so glad that they got the ryokan. It suits them. OMG!! I can't believe that Izumi chose that ryokan to work at! I'm so glad that there are happy reunions! XD
I can't wait to read how they mature and grow in their relationship. Oh! and the family reunion!
this is so romantic and sad at the same time. I understand the hurt that their pup and them are going through but i dont like it :[ and i'm sad that Ken's family passed away! though i'm rather loving of the fact that you didnt use WW2 as the reason for youkai dying out. I wonder if SessMomma's leaving the west had anything to do with going and keeping an eye on one tiny miko. 15 years before she woudl have been about 3. maybe she was walking in tokyo and suddenly saw her daughter in law as a child :3 cant help but wonder. more pelase ^_^
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