I really love your stories. You have such an amazing imagination to come up with the stories you write.
They are refreshingly different. You know when to make us cry and when to make us glad for our favorite characters.
It seems like Sesshomaru and Kagome are in a sense married but just have not consummated it with their mating yet.
Somewhere along the line their fathers must have had some kind of falling out and separated the couple.
Kagome's father going so far as to erase some of her memories and Sessho's father burning his son's evidence of her exsitance.
It would be nice to find out what brought all that on. But I'm glad that Kagome has gained some of her most important memories back.
I hope she decides to stay with Sesshomaru and not go flying off to Chicago...this will just shove him off the deep end, I imagine.
Loved this chapter. Very well written and looking forward to more chapters.
Excellent writing!!!
Lorena (Chapter 7) - Sat 27 Jan 2018
I don't know if I should pity Sesshoumaru or dislike him. Great story so far!
Woah I wonder what she's going to do now? Stay or leave? Can't wait to read more!!!!
Natalia (Chapter 7) - Sat 27 Jan 2018
dun dun!
evil ominous music...
suppressed memories!
kagome don't go!
he said the words!
i hope everything will get better but i bet the dad won't just give up! he is not alive is he?
thx for updating!
Cried. Omg this fic.
amazing chapter! the suspense is killing me i can’t wait to find out why her parents did what they did
So many twists and unknowns... Can't wait for the next chapter! Hopefully, it'll shed some light on Kagome's real past and also that Sesshoumaru will see how his actions are pushing Kagome further away. I was feeling sorry for him (kinda) and then he eff'd up again this chapter.
????. ????
????. ????
Kiera (Chapter 6) - Fri 19 Jan 2018
Im confused omg, but still loving the story! Awaiting your next update~
Well that answer my questions. Lots of desperation, it was alot to handle. I feel for them both, if he finds out that she is leaving him. Who knows what will happen. His beast was in full effect and made no apologies. She really needs to find out more about herself. Nice bring in with the others characters too. Thank you for the update.
The suspense is killing me!!! Why is kagome’s memory all jumbled up? Why can’t she rem Sesshomar?? So many question!?
I'm literally losing my mind here... I don't even know if to hate Sesshoumaru or to love him..... PLEASE UPDATE SOON.
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