Konekotsukino Profile Page

About Me

Name: Kaitlin Hartford

Age: 23

Current Location: TN

relationship status: taken so don't ask please.

Likes: Drawing, Reading, Writing, Anime/Manga, Video games

Dislikes: Spiders, some hieghts

If you would like information on the my profile picture or would like to comment about it you can find it here http://fav.me/d50ntfu

If your interested in my art I do take commission's. =D


User Status

14 years ago
12 years ago
13 years ago


Other Fanfiction sites I am apart of: Fanfiction.net - Konekotsukino, Mediaminer.org - Serenity_ithil

My Art Gallery: http://konekotsukino87.deviantart.com/

My Personal Website: Kitten of the Moon Studio - http://gothikyoukai.webs.com/

My Live Journal(http://konekotsukino.livejournal.com/) account is where I try to make most of my updates but more often than not I forget and end up going months at a time with not posting there.






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Total Posts19
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Konekotsukino has 1 stories

What if the fates had more in store for Kagome than just the collection of the jewel shards and defeating Naraku? Just when you think it's over, it really isn't. After Kagome makes her wish she is hurled even further into the past and changed. Is this change for better or for worse? Who will she meet in this new time and what will happen? You my bewildered reader's will just have to read and find out.
Rating: M  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 26 Jan 2011  -  Updated: 16 Jul 2012
Genre: Action, Romance  -  Chapters: 7  -  Reviews: 24  -  Words: 38,790  -  Reads: 19,317


Total number of images: 2

  • Transformation
  • Category: Fanart
Kagome ref-Fate Entwined
  • Kagome ref-Fate Entwined
  • Category: Fanart

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 5

First Meeting - Fin
I wish fluffy had dog ears


Name Entry

Created On: 01/26/2011 08:47:40

I love your fanfiction update again real soon

you are a great writer!

Ps i know i already left a review on your fic but i know how good it feels to be told that you're doing a wonderful job writting so i wanted to tell you here also!

Pss as me n my friends say i took ur wall cherry lmao haha got you to smile didnt i
Feedback from Konekotsukino: Thank you very much. I am glad that you like fanfiction.

I appreciate your review a lot. Yes it does feel good to have someone genuinely express that they like my writing and that they like my story. I have plenty of reviews in the past that weren't helpful and sometimes they didn't make me feel all that great in my writing skills.

P.S. lol yes you did =P

P.S.S. your review and your comment here as well as one review from another person actually made me start writing the next chapter. I'm not sure when I'll have it done though.

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