emmyjenny Profile Page

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  Lady Nefertiti


emmyjenny has 2 stories

Abducted in her time of need and rescued by the wrong guy.. how will Kagome take the torture of Sesshomaru's ignorance.. rated for later chapters (this may change) to be on the safe side
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 05 Oct 2008  -  Updated: 20 Mar 2011
Genre: Humor  -  Chapters: 3  -  Reviews: 5  -  Words: 4,198  -  Reads: 14,923
Kagome is one of the solders working for Sesshomaru, in his army. When they go to war he mysteriously rescues her from death. She through coincidences turns into the tipping point of the war. who ever possesses her has the chance to win. Tort.
Rating: M  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 17 Jun 2011  -  Updated: 17 Jun 2011
Genre: Action, Dark, Romance  -  Chapters: 2  -  Reviews: 2  -  Words: 4,357  -  Reads: 4,325


Name Entry

Created On: 09/27/2010 14:26:25

Thank you for reviewing my story Chain of Love!

I do agree, their situation at the moment is quite curious. The development of their relationship is not quite the same as in many other fanfics. I've always been the type to take my time and let the romance develop slowly rather than fast.

Their marriage is in essence arranged, so it's quite natural for them to have mixed feelings about it. I don't think they are quite forcing themselves, as you said it. They've grown close and they are genuinely fond of each other, but they like one another as friends and companies. That's why the coming mating makes them feel awkward. They don't harbour romantic feelings for each other. I'm really glad to hear though that you find their development interesting!

Thank you for reading my story!

- Chie


Created On: 03/08/2010 22:23:29

Thank you for your review for Shocking Situation. I'm glad you enjoyed that bit about the potato chips -- it just seemed so Inuyasha to me.


Created On: 01/18/2010 23:27:04
Edited By kashi On: 01/18/2010 23:28:00

thanks for reading grandkids on demand ^^. i'll try to update again soon. lol, i just realized that i did make her faint a lot. didn't really intend to do that lol.


Created On: 08/02/2009 14:22:33

Thanks for your review on Chain (of Love)!

I'm really glad that youn like it. An update should be coming soon enough, I hope you'll like the upcoming chapter as well!

Love, Chie


Created On: 08/01/2009 11:45:37

Thanks for the review on Beautiful Stranger. Since it's based on Priestess Skye's Weekly Challenge, I'll have another chapter up as soon as Skye posts her next prompt!


Created On: 06/20/2009 10:29:36

I am. It's now titled seeking fate.

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