Emma Profile Page

About Me

EIGHT YEARS I have been a member here, reading and lurking and I think I've left a grand total of four reviews? And only now, eight years after joining, am I actually updating my profile.

Hi, I'm Emma. Currently a twentysomething ex-uni student, love the S/K pairing (would I be here if I didn't?), and I finally got a story idea that wants to come out, so I figured I should fill in the 'about me' bit.

I've been writing on and off for a decade or so now, initially original fiction (short stories were my usual go-to) and now academic papers. I'm a history student researching fashion and textiles, so if I ever get around to writing a canon-universe fic, I'm probably going to abandon it accidentally because I've fallen down a wikihole on Sengoku Jidai clothing.

I don't know if I will actually drag my fics over from here to fanfiction.net, because while they're more pleasant to read on mobile, their website is still a pain in the butt. I have (however) just begun dragging First Days over to AO3--I'm Azurefirem over there.


User Status

14 years ago
10 days ago
5 years ago


The breakdown of Sesshoumaru's name I like to use: here (new window).

Want to bug me to update? Nag @emmalynn38 on the Tweeters. Wanna be friends with me? Sure, why not! I don't know how friends work on this website, despite having been here for way too long, but send me a request-thing or a message and I will figure it out, just for you!



Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts2

Forum Posts
06/03/2019 01:23:36Markings of all sortsSearching for a Fic...2814
04/10/2019 05:38:56Re:The color of a Inuyoukai's stripesSearching for a Fic...5438


  The Hatter Theory


Emma has 1 stories

Six-year-old Kagome is a force to be reckoned with. When she stumbles across a lonely boy while bringing water to her friend, she insists on befriending him, but as life goes on, he finds it's not as easy to keep a friend as it is to make one.
Rating: T  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 14 Jan 2019  -  Updated: 26 Apr 2020
Genre: Angst, Friendship, Humor, Romance, Vignette  -  Chapters: 14  -  Reviews: 13  -  Words: 24,175  -  Reads: 24,730

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 11

Kagome in Sesshoumaru's clothes
Beauty and Tha Beast
Just another smut sketch
  • Just another smut sketch
  • Author: Rin
  • Category: Fanart
His Beast
Karisome 01 (ENG)
Tippy Toes
Forbidden Affections
Remembering Chapter 4
Sesshy Inu Papa 3


Name Entry

Created On: 01/13/2019 05:42:34

Also thank you for the super sweet review you left on LAL a couple of months ago!

It was very thoughtful and touching and made my day and I'm sorry I haven't got around to replying to it, I don't know what it has been about last autumn and this winter but I've just become super unproductive.

Anyway your review was amazing and I loved it so thank you so much!


Created On: 01/13/2019 05:37:42
Edited By Chie On: 01/13/2019 06:34:11

Regarding your review on Faded Memories, I can well understand your disappointment. The story is a mess and full of cringe and I wouldn't personally touch it with a 10-foot pole.

You say you can't stand those mid-00's stories anymore and I can totally understand that - which is why it's very baffling to me that you'd choose to read a story dating all the way back to 2006 because honey does it show with this shit show of a story.

That said, we all have to start somewhere. And Faded Memories is where I started my fic writing journey, 13 years ago when I was an impressionable 17-year-old.

You're saying this story was a disappointment to you after LAL and TT and to that I say thank you.
FM was written between January and June of 2006. TT was written between December 2006 and December 2009. LAL was written between January 2013 and May 2018. If after all these years my writing would still be on par with where I started at, it would be very sad indeed.

So yeah, even I don't like FM that much. I barely even recognise the person who wrote it because it's been so long. But it was the first fic I ever wrote as well as the first long story I ever wrote in English (you should've seen how much more terrible FM was before I fixed up some of the language issues back in 2009...) and it honestly taught me so much, and because of that I can never regret writing it, cringy though it is.

Hope you'll find some better reading material for yourself! And have a lovely weekend!

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