Rin Profile Page

About Me

Hello to any who visit this here page!

My Name is Erin, but Everyone who knows me tends to call me Rin.


I was introduced to how interestingly pleasing Sesshoumaru and Kagome as a couple could be by Youkai Yume's Raindrops Doujinshi. From there I somehow found my way searching Fanart and fanfiction and stumbled upon a link that lead me here.


I plan to contribute art to this community, and if I ever figure out how to make a story idea coherent for more then a couple paragraphs I may find myself attempting a fanfic or two.


My time on here will probably be on the edge of obsessive/consuming to randomly being gone for any number or days/weeks without warning. Seems to be how My mind works. I find an interest. Obsess over said interest. Move to a new interest but not let go of past interests. Sporadically change between being fully dedicated to past and any new interests.....rinse and repeat. -_-'


I try to be a friendly type person. I hate fights, but I can deal with debating. I like answering questions. I like asking random questions, though my brain sometimes tells me they arent random, I just get told that what I do.

User Status

15 years ago
8 months ago
4 years ago



  Alysia DeMaggio
  Deactivate 2018
  Desiree Nickels
  Lady Serianna
  Velvet Sometimes


Rin has 0 stories


Total number of images: 75

Relaxed and ready.
  • Relaxed and ready.
  • Category: Fanart
Tender Hands
  • Tender Hands
  • Category: Fanart
A moment in time
  • A moment in time
  • Category: Fanart
Hold me close -Colored
  • Hold me close -Colored
  • Category: Fanart
Hold me close.
  • Hold me close.
  • Category: Fanart
Need a lift?
  • Need a lift?
  • Category: Fanart
Hot Spring Interlude - Sketch
  • Hot Spring Interlude - Sketch
  • Category: Fanart
Rest - Colored
  • Rest - Colored
  • Category: Fanart
Tummy kisses
  • Tummy kisses
  • Category: Fanart
Trust Jump.
  • Trust Jump.
  • Category: Fanart
Hot n Bothered
  • Hot n Bothered
  • Category: Fanart
SK week 2k17 day 2-Obon
  • SK week 2k17 day 2-Obon
  • Category: Fanart
SK week 2k17 day 1-Tanabata
  • SK week 2k17 day 1-Tanabata
  • Category: Fanart
Sometimes you just gotta nap
  • Sometimes you just gotta nap
  • Category: Fanart
Stargazing - sketch
  • Stargazing - sketch
  • Category: Fanart
Just another smut sketch
  • Just another smut sketch
  • Category: Fanart
Jump Kiss!
<< Start < Prev [1] 2 3 4 Next > End >>

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 19

Fraction of a Moment
Shatter Me
Stealing a Kiss
Crystal Ball
So Show Me
Cosmic Love
ButterFly - Finished
ButterFly - Lineart
waking up in vegas
DDN 11-21-10: Crave
Gone with the Wind: SK Finish
tension (Cherry on Top Challenge)
  • tension (Cherry on Top Challenge)
  • Author: aiko
  • Category: Fanart
I'm Sorry...
Sweet Dreams
 SessKag  Obon by YoukaiYume
...Her Inner Beast?
His Inner Beast


Name Entry
DN Silence

Created On: 05/28/2013 22:00:41

Thank you for your lovely comments on my works. Reviews always help motivating and making me happy.So I really appreciate it *off to stalk your profile*


Created On: 05/12/2012 19:18:31

Hi Rin,

Thanks for reading and reviewing my fanfic Fateful Meetings. It's great to have a regular reviewer, especially since you were there since the beginning. I'm still crazy busy but I'll keep writing. Thanks again!

~ Jessica


Created On: 11/24/2011 14:08:17

Thank you for reviewing Chain once again!

You mentioned the vision Kagome saw in one of the earlier chapters. I'm actually planning to broach the subject again in the epilogue, so I don't want to give too detailed an explanation, but basically while teenager Kags was with Sess at the park, in some undetermined point of the future older Kags visited that very same park with her family. So the vision was more like the "curtain" separating the two different times was lifted momentarily, to allow the barest of glimpses.

I'm glad to know you enjoyed the chapter! ^_^

- Chie


Created On: 10/11/2011 15:47:52

Thank you, for yet another review to Chain.

The chapter was bittersweet, true. I'm happy to hear, though, that you were not upset by it.

Thank you for your support!

- Chie


Created On: 09/21/2011 04:02:48

Thank you for reviwing Chain once again. ^_^

The aftermath of the battle against Naraku as well as what will the Inutachi do now their quest has ended will be revealed in the story.

Even though Kagome is a mommy-type of character as you said, she is still only just turned 18 in this story. It is a heartbreaking decision to make, for sure. I hope I can handle it all well enough.. ^^;

Thank you, though, for yet another lovely review, it was greast to hear your thoughts on the chapter. :3

And if you feel like doing fanart, go for it! And good luck! ^_^ My poor attempts at drawing never turn out the way I want them to... Which is why I never draw. ^^;

- Chie


Created On: 08/22/2011 05:53:18

Thank you for another review to Chain!

The turning point of the story is looming ahead, so I felt the need to pick up the pace somewhat. Also, I thought not to go too much into detail with the pregnancy, as I do not feel confident in describing it as realistically as I would like to, having never experienced it myself. ^^;

There was not much of Sesshoumaru in this chapter, and there will be little of him in the next chapter too, because for the plot to reach the turning point I have been plotting for ages, I need to focus on Kagome and her changing feelings. However, Sesshoumaru's appearance in this chapter was not just to give the readers what they want, but the scene that featured Sesshoumaru with Kagome were also important for the plotline and for Kagome's changing feelings. That, and I do not want to turn the story to be TOO one-sided, even if the main focus is currently on Kagome.

In any case, thank you for your lovely review and your support, I really do appreciate it! ^_^

- Chie


Created On: 05/27/2011 06:23:51
Edited By Kjpanny On: 05/27/2011 06:24:41

Hey! Thanks for your review on Remembering. First off, to be clear...I have no idea what you meant by 'filler', so...

On the other hand, I know you want me to get into the future already, but I have to set the basis for certain events in the future, (OF WHICH I MYSELF HAVE NO IDEA...LOL) Once again, this story is unplanned, but I have to introduce a few characters before jumping forward...So hold on to your hat, we'll get there. And dont stop reviewing. I look forward to your reviews.

Thanks again!


Created On: 05/04/2011 14:31:30

Thank you for reviewing Chain. :3

This chapter was admittedly a bit heavier than what I originally even intended, but I hope you enjoyed it still.

The misunderstandings have been there just so that the grande finale will be more spectacular. A happy ending is much more appreciated, if there have been hardships in the way.

I'm glad to hear that you're liking the story - even if it has some things that go against your personal preferences.

- Chie
Feedback from Rin: I enjoyed it quite a bit, I was just not expecting so much at once.

I'm very glad you have stuff they need to work through, because happy endings that aren't worked for are eh at best. It makes it more realistic and easier to relate to the story the way you write it.

Eh, they're not major things, and as I said you made it work where many others just make it silly or make me sad.


Created On: 04/26/2011 04:55:29

Thank you for reviewing Completely Innocent Encounters!

I'm happy you like it, and even happier to know it made you laugh. I'm actually rather proud of that oneshot myself. ^_^

- Chie


Created On: 03/19/2011 18:35:50

Thanks for your reviews, it was a random idiot in general who wanted kagome though i can understand why you thought it was kouga, initially in the story it was going to be inuyasha who would choose the bride with the most stuff but i felt a little guilty making inuyasha the bad guy like that when kouga was more after kagome for the shards than he was after her for her sake
glad you liked the adaptation and yay for a fellow person who is distracted by shiny things!

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