Elehanna Profile Page

About Me


Wow! So much has happened in six years! I have moved on from this pairing, but I still love this series. I am more than happy to beta stuff if needed! I've changed my username as well, and I have been writing for about three years now, and specifically crossovers. I've learned that I have Maladaptive Daydreams on top of my ADHD. I've hyperfocused on Kagome with others from Naruto, or them helping her in the past. I've been through so much and yet, I still create and write.


My stuff can be found on AO3 now, under the name Ithillokte. I also mod the Dokuga discord server. Feel free to give me a shout out on there, I use the same user as my AO3, and I'm also right into DND. Been playing for a long time now. I love it. Feel free to message me on discord if you need to contact me, it's the easiest way. There is a discord link somewhere in the forums started by Purity-san for the discord.


I still actively sprint, and write stuff. I'm also really good at helping with story issues, so feel free to ask for assistance if you need it!




User Status

15 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago


Please check out my AO3, The Dokuga Discord server, and feel free to drop a comment there, I don't check this place very often, usually years apart.






Thank you for your interest!


Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts65

Forum Posts
11/23/2016 21:57:55Re:Last Letter First. (revised)Forum Games836416
04/16/2011 14:25:57Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say.Forum Games639689
05/25/2011 17:38:55Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say.Forum Games639689
04/16/2011 02:00:19Re:Unforgettable Linens In FanfictionGeneral Discussion205145
04/15/2011 15:20:53Re:Q & AForum Games119603
04/18/2011 01:35:03Re:If you have a dog...Off-Topic Discussion91992
04/16/2011 14:51:47Re:Prompt me! Morning Misery needs your help!Self-Promotion80478
04/18/2011 01:38:22Re:Prompt me! Morning Misery needs your help!Self-Promotion80478
04/10/2011 17:38:43Re:Inuyasha fanart banned?!General Discussion62881
04/13/2011 03:18:25Re:Inuyasha fanart banned?!General Discussion62881
07/01/2018 21:42:45Re:2018 FUNDRAISING TIME!!Off-Topic Discussion52298
07/16/2018 22:46:27Re:2018 FUNDRAISING TIME!!Off-Topic Discussion52298
04/15/2011 15:36:18Re:What's your skill?Off-Topic Discussion47485
04/15/2011 15:14:12Re:Is it just me? Or....?Off-Topic Discussion45487
04/26/2017 20:14:52Re:It's Fundraising Time Again!Off-Topic Discussion31316
04/26/2017 22:19:38Re:It's Fundraising Time Again!Off-Topic Discussion31316
02/09/2016 10:29:54Re:ATTENTION, FFN POSTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Off-Topic Discussion23681
02/09/2016 10:30:38Re:ATTENTION, FFN POSTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Off-Topic Discussion23681
04/15/2015 12:15:42Re:Can't access site on my pc help plz?Bug Reports/Feature Requests19495
04/16/2015 11:15:21Re:Can't access site on my pc help plz?Bug Reports/Feature Requests19495

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  Stella Mira


Elehanna has 1 stories

Kagome can be really silly when it comes to anything fluffy. Rated T just to be safe
Rating: T  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 10 Apr 2011  -  Updated: 04 Aug 2011
Genre: Humor  -  Chapters: 4  -  Reviews: 3  -  Words: 1,629  -  Reads: 6,926


Total number of images: 1

Shrii's Il signore Sesshoumaru Colored!
  • Shrii's Il signore Sesshoumaru Colored!
  • Category: Fanart

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 2

Tumbling After
  • Tumbling After
  • Author: Rin
  • Category: Fanart


Name Entry

Created On: 03/31/2011 21:36:47

i tried giving karma, but there were no forum posts, so I'm loving your wall instead!!!


thanks again!
Feedback from Elehanna: aw thanks cake, i'll loves your wall too.

*loves and cuddles*

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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