Catalina Profile Page

About Me

I am sick about half the month long usually, sometimes for most of the month. Silly body! This time 'round it was a severe sinus/eye/throat/chest infection that I probably should've been in the hospital for? But those places are expensive, so I just was lying about with my head basically telling me it hated me until I could no longer open my eye due to both the swelling and the pain light caused haha~

That being said I go through periods where I have no interest in fanfiction at all, and other periods where I can't get enough! So my attendance on this site may be somewhat sporadic. I'm also an asexual so my love of smut and dark fanfictions is incredibly strange, but doesn't change my real life sexual orientation (or lack thereof.) questions or comments about this are welcome, I don't mind having a bit of a chat about these things.

I spent about half a year as a Muslim but then it got hot outside and no Hijab for this girl! I still own them and like to go to places where I'll get shocked reactions, but otherwise I've given up on following the rules of a Muslim.

Most of my writing will be dark. Many of my fanfictions will involve rape. I'm sorry, okay? If you're really upset by that you don't have to read it, and you certainly don't have to tell me that you're one of the majority of people who disagree with it. I know.

So I think this profile is done?


Click Me!

User Status

12 years ago
3 years ago
10 years ago


Lookit! I learned how to put banners in my thinger mer bob! If you want this banner or another one that is equally awesome participate in this challenge:

This banner is for anyone who participates in my own challenge, but I actually don't have a story currently that qualifies for my own challenge! Oops! Challenge details here:



Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts16
This user has no forum posts.


  Ash-Lee Draper
  No Uta
  Desiree Nickels
  Miko Sayuri
  Dolly Black
  Tsuki Ai
<< Start < Prev [1] 2 Next > End >>


Catalina has 1 stories

Based loosely on the Disney movie, but darker and a bit twisted. Sesshoumaru is betrothed to a little human princess who is delivered a curse by the hanyou Naraku, Kikyo, Miroku, and Kaede agree to raise the child in safety. Smuts in final chapter.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 17 Jan 2014  -  Updated: 24 Jan 2014
Genre: Angst, Dark, Drama, Erotica, Romance  -  Chapters: 11  -  Reviews: 51  -  Words: 28,366  -  Reads: 52,879


Total number of images: 4

Girl! Shippou Hates
  • Girl! Shippou Hates
  • Category: Others
Principal Teaser
  • Principal Teaser
  • Category: Fanart
Elvish Kagome
  • Elvish Kagome
  • Category: Fanart
Darkness Visible Challenge
  • Darkness Visible Challenge
  • Category: Banners

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 48

Super Psycho Love Story
Yandere Prince Charming
Precious Weight - Sketch
  • Precious Weight - Sketch
  • Author: Rin
  • Category: Fanart
SessKag: Fireflies
Cute Hugs
[SessKag] Outfit Swap
What Could of Been
How animals eat their food
  • How animals eat their food
  • Author: Nini
  • Category: Fanart
No Dawn, No Day
Moon of the Western House
  • Moon of the Western House
  • Author: Nini
  • Category: Others
Fade Out
Carry You - Sketch
  • Carry You - Sketch
  • Author: Rin
  • Category: Fanart
Fox Fire...Ladehs?
My Muse Trystan
First Kiss
<< Start < Prev [1] 2 3 Next > End >>


Name Entry

Created On: 01/17/2016 21:32:51

I love your fanfiction!! Where has it been all my life!?

No Uta

Created On: 07/28/2015 21:02:05

Miss seeing ya on here, woman! Sending lots of Sesshy hugs your way.

No Uta

Created On: 05/31/2015 03:04:00
Edited By No Uta On: 05/31/2015 03:05:11

Thanks again for your review of Korekuta. I'm thrilled you found it to be
a homurously weird chapter tee hee.


Taylorsville Ut
Created On: 04/09/2015 21:55:38

Glad to see that you are back. Are you going to be continuing "Principal of Life"? That story is way to good to allow to die

No Uta

Created On: 04/08/2015 20:03:44

Thanks again for your reviews of, Korekuta. I am looking forward to your updates on Hell's Shadow.


Created On: 02/15/2014 23:25:38

Hey, Cat, how are you doing, girl?? I read on your profile that you're still not feeling sorry Just wanted to check in and tell you how much I love your stories and appreciate your fantastic reviews and enjoy our conversations - AND to give you an big ol' internet hug *hugs!*

Hope you feel better soon, dear friend! Love you!! *heart*

Stella Mira

Created On: 02/11/2014 03:32:06

Thank you for giving the sequel a chance. Glad to know you're enjoying it so far!

Stella Mira

Created On: 02/07/2014 00:08:20

Thank you for sticking with me to the very end of this story. Oh, there is a banner to claim for this? Lovely, thank you so much!

Stella Mira

Created On: 02/04/2014 00:24:05

Thank you for giving my story - Blood Moon - a chance. Glad it caught your interest.

This is actually a one-shot, but I split it into 10 parts to fit the prompts, heighten the suspense, and make readers hate me, basically. It is finished, though, so expect an update each day as I go through editing.


Created On: 12/29/2013 02:38:38
Edited By silentsoliloquy82 On: 12/29/2013 02:38:49

I have never seen a person update so frequently so quickly. You are an updating machine and I love your story. I figured I would show my appreciation in my reviews and on your profile book.


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