Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin'
Picture information
annnnd this is what happens when i listen to Journey lol, funny enough this was actually two separate drawings i had just sitting on my computer, and the one of Kikyo and Inuyasha i had drawn while listening to Journey's song Open arms lol, but anywhooo while i was listening to Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin' i did this picture, although i feel the background is totally cheesy (I was having way to much fun with the jungle vine brush lol) and Sesshomaru doesn't look as good as i wanted but its passable (i re drew him like 3 times -.-') i just don't have the patience for drawing with so much going on in them lol
but i hope you guys like it!!!
but i hope you guys like it!!!
09.06.2011 21:55:00
Kagome has just pulled back from seeing them and being hit by the realization of Inuyasha's stupidity and duplicity. And Sesshoumaru is wonderful, his expression shows concern and sorrow for Kagome's pain. It may not have turned out as you wanted it to, but it turned out as a beautiful work of art! Don't change a thing!
I completely agree! Great job