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"Will You Marry Me" - Sesshoumaru proposals
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TOPIC: "Will You Marry Me" - Sesshoumaru proposals
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Re:"Will You Marry Me" - Sesshoumaru proposals 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 10
"This Sesshomaru has held council with the monk. He has informed me that "Asking is the best way". Though I disagree and believe you should just accept me, I will try asking. If you say no, I will devise a way to seduce you. So, miko, you will be my mate." Pause. "Please."

"... I guess that's as close to 'will you marry me' as I'm going to get, huh?"


*sigh* "Okay."
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Re:"Will You Marry Me" - Sesshoumaru proposals 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 2
Sesshoumaru covers Kagome's mouth before she can say something back to him. His face leans into hers.

"Miko, this Sesshoumaru requests something of you. If you do not answer in three seconds, I will take your silence as a yes."

Kagome screams into his hand. He presses down harder so she can't make any more noises, but can still breathe through her nose.

"Miko, this Sesshoumaru wants you as his mate. What say you?"

Her eyes widens in shock, but before she can struggle or say anything, he smirks.

"Very well then. We are now mates. Now, let us consummate our joining."

Moving his hand away from her mouth, he throws a cursing Kagome over his shoulder and smirks as he almost breaks off into a run to his room in anticipation.
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Eos Sol
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Re:"Will You Marry Me" - Sesshoumaru proposals 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 1
"We're getting married in two weeks," Sesshomaru said while he and his girlfriend were sitting around the breakfast nook. Him reading the morning paper and she making her way through a light breakfast. Her head snapped up at his statement.

"Huh?! What?!" He slid a small card towards her. It contained the date, time, place, and a few other important facts.

"Make sure you wear something nice, and don't be late." Her eyes narrowed on the upward tilt of his lips as he folded up his newspaper, stood, and swaggered from the room.

"Thanks for the warning! Urgh, men!" She sat back in her chair with arms crossed, too annoyed to finish eating. Sango would definitely be receiving a lengthy phone call later, and maybe even his mother!
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:"Will You Marry Me" - Sesshoumaru proposals 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 216
"What are you doing!?!?!"

"The foolish halfbreed and wolf will not leave you alone. This one is only making it official that you belong to him!"

"So, we're getting married?"

"Hn. In all ways foolish miko. This Sesshoamru has no need to hear your dam whine about the fact that it was not done the human way."

"But if that's the case what about mating? isn't that the demon way?"

Scoffing the daiyoukai looked at his little miko. "The day is still young and you will not be sleeping until the sunrise tomorrow."

"Aren't you supposed to ask!!!"

"You were the one that started the challenge to this Sesshomaru. He is the one that accepted."

"Challenge??? WHAT CHALLENGE?!?!?!"

"When you pointed Tetsaiga at this Sesshomaru."

"But that was Years ago."

"This one finally admits you are worthy! No more talking. Time to wed, then mate!"

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Last Edit: 2010/09/07 16:51 By sugar0o.
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Re:"Will You Marry Me" - Sesshoumaru proposals 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0
Sesshoumaru drops Kagome on to his bed; with wide eyes Kagome nervously asks: “Sesshoumaru… what are you doing?”



“Hn,” Sesshoumaru replies with a raised eyebrow.

“Aren’t you supposed to ask me first…?”

“Miko, you have all of the qualities of a good mate, So this Sesshoumaru has decide for you.”
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Priestess Skye
Darth Skye
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"Will You Marry Me" - Sesshoumaru proposals 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 696975
So in chat today we were discussing ways Sesshoumaru would propose or even declare his love without him being OOC. So this is the place to share your thoughts!

First one up belongs to TangerineDream (I can't take credit for it)

"Woman marry me because you are too insufferable to be with anyone

Next up?
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I claimed Sesshoumaru\'s Mokomoko-sama at the Claiming Thread!
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Re:"Will You Marry Me" - Sesshoumaru proposals 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 10
"This Sesshomaru has decided that he is going to become your husband."

"Oh, really, now?"

"Yes. Of course, I will wait for you to say 'yes' before doing anything... strenuous."
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Priestess Skye
Darth Skye
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Re:"Will You Marry Me" - Sesshoumaru proposals 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 696975
you will marry this sesshoumaru because you are clearly too incompetant to be left to your own devices.
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I claimed Sesshoumaru\'s Mokomoko-sama at the Claiming Thread!
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Beautifully Wicked
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Re:"Will You Marry Me" - Sesshoumaru proposals 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 20
I think Sesshy would say something like this:

"Wench you will marry me for trouble follows you everywhere and I can keep my eye on you"
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Wicked knows all... watch her bounce

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Priestess Skye
Darth Skye
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Re:"Will You Marry Me" - Sesshoumaru proposals 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 696975
foolish miko. you are fortunate enough that i am willing to lower myself to you level and marry you so what happened today does not happen again
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I claimed Sesshoumaru\'s Mokomoko-sama at the Claiming Thread!
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Tangerine Dream
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Re:"Will You Marry Me" - Sesshoumaru proposals 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 8
"I could be romantic about this Miko but no matter waht I say are going to marry me. There is no point in putting up the pretense of you pretending to think about it, or that you may say no when obviously you will say yes for I will accept nothing less."

Just for a little more fun?
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Banner made by the splendiferous Sugar0o
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Re:"Will You Marry Me" - Sesshoumaru proposals 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 10
"Where are we going?"

"A Shrine."

"For what?"

"Our wedding."

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It takes courage to kill, wit to avoid it and strength to never be tempted.
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Beautifully Wicked
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Re:"Will You Marry Me" - Sesshoumaru proposals 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 20
"Miko, for all the trouble you've put me through, I have decided we will be mated. That is all your dismissed"

Of Course Sesshoumaru would say that.
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Wicked knows all... watch her bounce

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Re:"Will You Marry Me" - Sesshoumaru proposals 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 10

He puts the ring on her finger. "You will become my fiance. I will marry you. And then we will mate and be happy. Or else."
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It takes courage to kill, wit to avoid it and strength to never be tempted.
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Beat Cop
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Re: 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 29
ItsyBitsySpider wrote:

He puts the ring on her finger. "You will become my fiance. I will marry you. And then we will mate and be happy. Or else."

ROFL I love that! "or else." lol very Sesshomaru.

Imagine a romantic scene, but tastefully understated. Sesshomaru slides a velvet box over to Kagome, who looks at him with confusion. Per usual her demon lord is about as readable as perscription note. She opens the box to findan eligant single stone ring.

"S-Sesshomaru? Is... this what I think it is?"


"SQUEE!!!" Kagome squeals and leaps at her fiance with her arms around his neck in a bear hug. Unseen to her, a slight curve of his aristocratic lips demolishes his carefully composed expression of indifference. Loosely he returns her embrace.

sorry for spelling and grammar.
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Last Edit: 2010/08/30 10:37 By MoxyMikki.
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Re: 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 10
MoxyMikki wrote:
ItsyBitsySpider wrote:

He puts the ring on her finger. "You will become my fiance. I will marry you. And then we will mate and be happy. Or else."

ROFL I love that! "or else." lol very Sesshomaru.

Imagine a romantic scene, but tastefully understated. Sesshomaru slides a velvet box over to Kagome, who looks at him with confusion. Per usual her demon lord is about as readable as perscription note. She opens the box to findan eligant single stone ring.

"S-Sesshomaru? Is... this what I think it is?"


"SQUEE!!!" Kagome squeals and leaps at her fiance with her arms around his neck in a bear hug. Unseen to her, a slight curve of his aristocratic lips demolishes his carefully composed expression of indifference. Loosely he returns her embrace.

sorry for spelling and grammar.

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It takes courage to kill, wit to avoid it and strength to never be tempted.
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:"Will You Marry Me" - Sesshoumaru proposals 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 216
Kagome looked at Sesshoamru as he held Miroku, wondering why she was in a white kimono, and why Miroku was sweating. She hadn't really been told what was going on but suddenly considering that Miroku was saying wedding vows the miko felt concerned. Looking at Sesshomaru she felt the need to clearify, after all, he supposedly didn't even like humans and she was just too confused to even fight the fact that APPARENTLY they were getting married. "Sesshomaru?" her voice was laced with confusion, and her brows knitted together as he huffed before explaining.

"You have belonged to this one since you managed not to melt to death in this one's Sire's tomb. This was is just taking precautions that you are taken in ever way possible." he gave off a lecherous glean.

"So we're getting married? You didn't even ask me!?!?!" >:l

Sniffing haughty the daiyoukai answered, "There was no need, you popped out alive then, so you have belonged to this one since, it was only a matter of time before you would in all ways anyhow. Do not fret miko, there is still a mating to occur."

Kagome turned beat red before some how managing an "i do."

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Last Edit: 2010/08/30 11:10 By sugar0o.
We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
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Re:"Will You Marry Me" - Sesshoumaru proposals 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0
"You will have this Sesshomaru heir and for this, you shall marry this Sesshoumaru."

I guess he will pull of a Miroku or worst...Kagome will just get pee on and over with,
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Re:"Will You Marry Me" - Sesshoumaru proposals 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 2
"Miko, as of now you are this Sesshoumaru's mate."
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Shikon Miko
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Re:"Will You Marry Me" - Sesshoumaru proposals 14 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 34
Kagome was in excruciating pain. She was stuck in the Feudal Era, in labour with her first child and had NO drugs of any kind to dull the pain. She was screaming and writhing on the bed with each contraction. Sweat beaded her forehead as she laboured to bring her child into the world.

In her mind she was thinking that it couldn't possibly be a child. No child would ever hurt its mother as much as this one was. It was a thing. A thing implanted inside her by him.

Kagome was barely aware of what was going on around her. The contractions were getting stronger and stronger. She heard her name called and managed to pull her attention away from the child pushing out of her body and saw Sesshomaru (the whole reason she was in the middle of labour without an epidural or massive amounts of drugs), he was standing with a little old man she had never seen before.

"What is it?" she demanded on a screech.

"Say I do."

"Why would i say that?" she screamed loudly.

"Because we are getting married."

"Since when?"

"Since i realized that you are having the pup in a moment."
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I OWN SESSHOMARUS ARMOUR!! Nah nah nah nah nah nah!!

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Shrine Girl
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Re:"Will You Marry Me" - Sesshoumaru proposals 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 17
The classroom door bangs open causing Kagome to looks up from her test paper. She stares in shock.

" Sesshomaru what are you doing here!" She yelled Sesshomaru crossed the room and grabbed kagome.

" Woman you now belong to this Sesshomaru." He told her before tossing her over his shoulder and leaving the class room.
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Last Edit: 2010/10/24 11:59 By nigh.

I claim Sangos Demon Cat Kirara!
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Re:"Will You Marry Me" - Sesshoumaru proposals 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: -4
(this is form my own story, a tale of two swords. T_T if you hate it, i don't care)
Tonight is a full moon, which is why I asked you to come with me tonight”, he said suddenly. She looked up at him, “what do you mean.” “Well on the night of the full moon I can test you………….. To see if you’re my mate.”

Kagome blushed. She looked away to the moon, her black hair gleaming in the moon light, when sesshoumaru looked back he felt his heart punding, beating faster every second.

“How?” she muttered so softly he could barely hear her, even with his sensitive ears.

“You asked about my sword, well it is a sword of healing, but the thing about are both mine, and my brothers sword is we can test mates with them. But there is even a difference in them there…….. He can test a mate anytime, I, cannot.”

“Mine can only test under the full moon, please take this test, I beg.” He looked seriously into her eyes. She did not have to think twice about the answer to that question.

“Yes”, she announced. “Good”, he said, and pulled his sword out, “show me my mate”, he muttered. Then he pointed the blade at her, “hold the end of the sword”, she did, and as soon as she held the sword it glowed as bright as the moon itself.

Sesshoumaru smiled, “you are my mate, tonight we celebrate here, as long as you want.”

He pulled her close, and before he kissed her, he muttered, “I’m glad you’re my mate.” Their kiss was long and sweet, when they finally pulled away they were on the ground. “You ready” he said.

“Yes” she muttered.


“Told you, I knew they were a couple.” Miroku said sitting next to sango, behind the bushes, about 50 yards away (with binoculars). “WOW, kagome is amazing”.

Sango slapped him, “why are we watching this, again.”

“Because it’s interesting, and my brother has guts, that’s why”. Said a voice behind them, making sango jump.

Miroku looked up the nearest tree, “why are you here, inuyasha”. Inuyasha jumped down, “same as you………….. To watch and dang……………. This is a…. good…… sight. WOW, kagome can bend that way, wow.”
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Last Edit: 2010/10/24 19:20 By narubleach.
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Lady Shikibu
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Re:"Will You Marry Me" - Sesshoumaru proposals 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 4
(In the midst of a fight between Kagome and Sesshoumaru:)

"If you aren't going to let me do what I want, then maybe I'll go find some other hot, hunk of a man who will!" Kagome screamed.

Sesshoumaru, unaffected by her words, replied, "That is impossible."

"Yeah? Why's that?"

"Because we are already married."

"What!? When did we get married!?"

"Last month."


"And also, there is no "hot, hunk of a man" better than this Sesshoumaru."
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Re:"Will You Marry Me" - Sesshoumaru proposals 14 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 10
(roflmao, Lady Shikibu. That's awesome. XD)

"You wanted to see me, Lord Sesshomaru?"


"..." She looked at the paper in her hand. "... It's... um... a wedding certificate... for you... and ME?!"

She looked up to start shouting... but he was already gone. On his immaculate desk was a note and a pen.

So you can sign it; I have a meeting to attend that cannot be delayed by your theatrics.

Oooh, she was going to murder him...
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It takes courage to kill, wit to avoid it and strength to never be tempted.
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Lady Lyris
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Re:"Will You Marry Me" - Sesshoumaru proposals 14 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 2
*Laying in bed together. It's the middle of the night*...
"So... I was thinking."


"We should probably get married."


"Is that a yes?"

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