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Re: How tall is Sesshomaru?
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TOPIC: Re: How tall is Sesshomaru?
Moonlight Silk
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Re: How tall is Sesshomaru? 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 37
I was just wondering about Sesshomaru's height in the series. I read somewhere recently that he is seven feet tall, but somehow he doesn't seem or appear to be that tall. And another question, can someone please tell me the episode number where Sesshomaru saved Kagome from the poison master from the band of seven? Thank you!
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Re: How tall is Sesshomaru? 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 16
Inuyasha Wiki gives the following:
Height: 178 cm (5'10")
Weight: 76 kg (167.6 lbs)
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Moonlight Silk
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Re: How tall is Sesshomaru? 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 37
Thank you, but I thought he would be taller than the 5'10". My guess would have been around 6ft.
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Re: How tall is Sesshomaru? 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 67
I would think so too. The only other character who's taller than him would be Naraku, who I would put as 6'6, which is REALLY tall for a Japanese man.
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Knight of Disorder
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Re: How tall is Sesshomaru? 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 76
I've always assumed 6'... That's still shorter then me but only by like an inch. I don't think the most intimidating character in Inuyasha should be three inches shorter then me... that's just... I don't know but it seems wrong.
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Moonlight Silk
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Re: How tall is Sesshomaru? 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 37
That is exactly what I thought. Sesshomaru seem pretty tall, maybe a little taller than the 6ft I guessed. I would like it very much if someone could give me the episode number for when Sesshomaru saved Kagome from the poison user from the band of seven.
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Knight of Disorder
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Re: How tall is Sesshomaru? 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 76
Season 5, episode 5 or 6 maybe both...
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Moonlight Silk
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Re: How tall is Sesshomaru? 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 37
Thank you! On a side note, if Sesshomaru is actually 5'10" then how short is Inuyasha, because he seem quite short.
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Re: How tall is Sesshomaru? 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 8
Inu Wiki places Inuyasha at 5'6". Seems ridiculously short for a male...
He looks much shorter in comparison to Sesshomaru in the anime and manga, but that could just be me too!
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Re: How tall is Sesshomaru? 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
I always thought he was about 6 but I guess not. I almost feel like rewriting some of my more recent work now to take that into account but since the scenes are already posted the horse has left the metaphorical barn.
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Moonlight Silk
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Re: How tall is Sesshomaru? 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 37
I agree with you because Sesshomaru has such an intimidating persona, it is only logical that he seems larger than life. I still find it hard to believe that he is less than 6ft. In the series he has such large hands, I am perplexed at how a 5'10" male could have such large hands, whether demon or human with such an average stature.
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Re: How tall is Sesshomaru? 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 16
According to wikipedia the average height for a Japanese man is 5' 7" where as the average height fo4 an American man is 5' 9.5" so Sesshomaru is tall for his nationality.
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Time Traveler
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Re: How tall is Sesshomaru? 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 156
Also another thing maybe to consider (though I don't know if Takahashi herself considered it) is that Inuyasha is set in Sengoku Jidai. People have started to grow taller especially in Japan only recently like during 19th and 20th century due to the changes to their diet and such. Or so I've heard.

In any case, I'm sure people were shorter on average back then, because life was rough, especially in that particular time period.
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Re: How tall is Sesshomaru? 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 8
Hmm, good points.
But as demons and being more 'superior' to humans, would dietary habits and the rough life style affect them as much? ...Am I thinking too much into this??
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Time Traveler
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Re: How tall is Sesshomaru? 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 156
Maybe they wouldn't, but it's not like that will make Sesshoumaru any taller.

I think the biggest problem for people is the cultural one. It somehow isn't enough that he is tall by the Japanese standards and the cultural and historical context of the story, because in our culture he would seem short. And that difference is hard to reconcile with.
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Last Edit: 2013/06/10 00:08 By Chie.
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Knight of Disorder
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Re: How tall is Sesshomaru? 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 76
There is also the fact that historically... everyone in the world was much shorter then they are today. It's been a few years since I looked it up but 500-900 years ago the average height was several inches shorter then it is now.

To put this in perspective, Napoleon for instance was around 5'7 and that was average height for his time. Though he's much more recent then Sesshoumaru would have been.
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Re: How tall is Sesshomaru? 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 92
Trust me, height has nothing to do with intimidation factor! My fiancee is 5'11" and he's plenty intimidating. Most avoid him because of that. To me, he's a big ol' teddy bear that is sweet, but most don't see him that way and tend to give him a wide berth nor do they mess with him. Intimidation has more to do with attitude than it does height or size.

However, as some have mentioned, in a historical context, he was actually quite tall, far more than the 'average' sized person and is taller than Kagome who, if you watch the anime, is taller than her mother and grandfather, not to mention some of her friends, so he's plenty tall when you take him in the context of where he is and the time period.

One of the things that factor in here is that we, from the West, are generally quite a bit taller than those from the Far East and tend to look at it from that perspective as what is average or intimidating. People being over six foot here is normal. That's not the case in Japan.
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Re: How tall is Sesshomaru? 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 59
Being from Hawaii, the Japanese influence is very big here. Whereas in most states a heavy Mexican/Spanish influence could be argued; here in Hawaii, Japanese is our Spanish. More to the point, however, after working with, knowing, dating, socializing, bumping into and/or seeing all manner of Japanese people and culture, the tallest Japanese man I have come across is actually my coworkers son, who I believe stands at 6'. He is very tall (especially compared to my whopping 5'0"; I'm the average Asian girl =( ). . . most especially for a Japanese man. Most of the Asian men I've come across average 5'10" or shorter, with the exception of Korean men (there are a few that are very tall, surprisingly). So while it is unlikely that the average Japanese man could be that tall, there is a possibility. That being said, Sesshoumaru is far above the average man (although unfortunately fictional). I keep hoping upon hope that he comes to Hawaii for a vacation, like every other Japanese tourist during Golden Week. But I don't want him to mess up that pretty exterior of his in the sun. Yes, yes, I realize he's just a fictional character. But so was Edward Cullen, but everyone still goes to Forks! ;P

<3 L
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Duchess Of Darkness
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Re: How tall is Sesshomaru? 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 7
I like to think that Sesshoumaru is 7ft myself. I like to use Exaggerated Standards when describing Sesshoumaru, he already defies the law of life itself, so why not bend a few statistics. But if you wanna stick to the facts...uh...fictional facts, then by all means go right ahead.

In japan he's 5'10 and a dainty 167lb, in america he's 6 ft a solid 200-230lb, in MY world hes this 7ft 250 to 280 lb beefcake. He's a demon of powerful stature for crying out loud, and I like to hype up the intimidation and awe factors in all bad ass characters. Big Tall Gorgeous and deliciously mean. I'm nearly 6ft myself, a friggin amazon and cant imagine looking down to the demon lord. I'd feel he would kill me on the principal alone lol

Kagome I make 5'6 to 5'8
Inuyasha 6ft and everyone else in respect to these measurements. This is the world of fiction people, have fun in it as you write. Fanfiction lets us add those "what if's" factors that bug us as we stalk the series so why limit yourself in a place that allows you to release your imagination?
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Shikon Miko
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Re: How tall is Sesshomaru? 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 60
You know even though Japanese people aren't that tall especially in that time period; however, Sesshomaru is a demon. You;d think he would at least be 6ft tall. Me? I'd like to think of him as 6'5 or 6'6, but that's just my preference. I am a VERY short girl, only 5'2, and yes there are shorter women than me, but I like my men really tall for some reason lol.
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Re: How tall is Sesshomaru? 11 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 1

We are here because we are ridiculously, otaku-ly in love with a fictional character.

I'm 5'9" and your standard semi-tall white girl and when I fantasize--and let's face it, that's what we're doing here--I prefer to imagine a tall, yummy, creamy skinned slab of chiseled deliciousness.

In my first story, I specified him at 6'9" because I wanted him a good foot taller than me. In the subsequent ones, I left it to the mind of the reader, merely describing him as tall, because I wanted everyone to sigh to their own vision of him. I see Kagome as 5'8"-5-9" as she's taller than oodles of people on the show and she's still only a high school student. But, you know, that's just me.

I vote we each live by our own fantasies, but if you're into strict accuracy, go for the wiki. Either way, remember the goal here is to have fun with your fictional fandom!

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Re: How tall is Sesshomaru? 11 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 0
I didn't see official data.
But Kagome's height is about 1.5~1.6m.(according to 158.8?)
Her head reach his chest.
Therefore he is taller than her at least a feet.
Actually I think he is taller than her over 40cm.
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Last Edit: 2013/08/11 08:50 By Albireo.
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re: How tall is Sesshomaru? 11 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 216
Rumiko T. actually put him at 5'10" - 5'11" This is TOWERING in Japan

but short here in the USA. Kagome's like 5' - 5'2" and Naraku is over 6' according to the profile book.

I think we in this hemisphere make him more 'beefcake' to show how we see him.

Personally, I'm usually making Kagome 5'7ish, and Inuyasha (b/c i don't like him all that much) is only about 5'9", while i make Sesshomaru about 6'4"
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Last Edit: 2013/08/11 11:08 By sugar0o.
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Re: How tall is Sesshomaru? 11 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 67
sugar0o wrote:
Rumiko T. actually put him at 5'10" - 5'11" This is TOWERING in Japan

but short here in the USA. Kagome's like 5' - 5'2" and Naraku is over 6' according to the profile book.

I think we in this hemisphere make him more 'beefcake' to show how we see him.

Personally, I'm usually making Kagome 5'7ish, and Inuyasha (b/c i don't like him all that much) is only about 5'9", while i make Sesshomaru about 6'4"

For someone who isn't too keen on Yusha, that's being generous. Some websites, like the Inuyasha Wikipedia, have him at my height, which is 5'6. LOL. But then again, being a hanyou would have him as the runt of the family regardless of height. But I would definitely have Sesshomaru as over 6 feet, close to his father's height.
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re: How tall is Sesshomaru? 11 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 216
DemonQueen17 wrote:
sugar0o wrote:
Rumiko T. actually put him at 5'10" - 5'11" This is TOWERING in Japan but short here in the USA. Kagome's like 5' - 5'2" and Naraku is over 6' according to the profile book. I think we in this hemisphere make him more 'beefcake' to show how we see him.
Personally, I'm usually making Kagome 5'7ish, and Inuyasha (b/c i don't like him all that much) is only about 5'9", while i make Sesshomaru about 6'4"
For someone who isn't too keen on Yusha, that's being generous. Some websites, like the Inuyasha Wikipedia, have him at my height, which is 5'6. LOL. But then again, being a hanyou would have him as the runt of the family regardless of height. But I would definitely have Sesshomaru as over 6 feet, close to his father's height.
I'm actually more fond of the idea of Kagome growing up to match his height, making him feel like a little boy, at least in my most recent plunnies for it! while Sess still manages if nothing else to tower over our dear miko,, inuyasha ends up feeling like he's not man enough for her... I'm such a mean r0o for that too! oh well :3333
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