Plot devices you are tired of. 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 6
Hello, I just wondering like myself, is there any plot devices you are tried of. Personally they don't keep me from reading any story, but some things are over done. I think personally myself Inuyasha cheats ect is one of the biggest. I swear on is a new one of those stories every day. Not that some if not most of these are wonderfully done stories. I have more, but I like to get a feel as to what other people have.
I claim Byakuya paper crane in the claim game.
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Re:Plot devices you are tired of. 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 39
(comment removed by poster. Because I can.
Last Edit: 2011/08/27 23:54 By Freya Ishtar.
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Re:Plot devices you are tired of. 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 2
I am personally tired of plots about Sessh and Kags having sex all the time. The plot would start great and then just descend and focus to that scene over and over again. I prefer stories with realistic story lines. adventure, great battle scenes of course with romance thrown in, that would make the story exciting and interesting.
As a writer, albeit a new one, I get a little insulted when a 'sex story' like that get more attention than well written ones.
Another peeve I have is about spellings and grammar usage. I do hope that some of the writers take the time to EDIT their work. Yeah, we don't get paid to write but that's no excuse to crank out sloppy work. (sigh)
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Re:Plot devices you are tired of. 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 6
I hear both of you really I don't understand the rape one working out, sometimes the author is really good and it makes sense. But most times not really. And the sex thing is the truth to, it seems so much like filler sometimes and has nothing to due with plot.
I claim Byakuya paper crane in the claim game.
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Re:Plot devices you are tired of. 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 39
Silver Moon Inuyoukai wrote:
I am personally tired of plots about Sessh and Kags having sex all the time. The plot would start great and then just descend and focus to that scene over and over again. I prefer stories with realistic story lines. adventure, great battle scenes of course with romance thrown in, that would make the story exciting and interesting.
As a writer, albeit a new one, I get a little insulted when a 'sex story' like that get more attention than well written ones.
I like to think I walk the fine line on this particular issue, lol. I do have stories that have quite a bit of citric material in them, but it's been the case that there is an actual plot line reason for it and I do my best to balance it out with the other main elements of the story- the drama, the humorous bits, the moments that showcase friendship. On the occassion that I do write a story that is, or at least is largely PwP, I'm upfront with my readers about it- I warn them in the first chapter's AN of what they can expect 'cause I'd rather have them skip it than sit through it and end up having dealt with something that they didn't enjoy because, say they gave the story the benefit of the doubt since they enjoy my other stories, that sort of thing. I let them know if a story is going to contain certain material, if it's strictly PwP, if it's functioning as PwP while the plot develops, if it will only have enough plot to tie the lemon scenes together. I feel like that's only fair. 'Adventure' and 'great battle scenes' I can't say I've ever been priviliged to write, I have only just begun to dabble in minor action sequences. There was a time I'd have rather chewed off my own leg than write an action scene, lol, but please understand it was because I was not confident in my ability to portray the scene in a well-paced fashion. I've started to do so now after a decade of writing 'cause I do understand that I have to push out of my comfort zones if I'm to grow as a writer, whether I like it or not
Edit @ 12:11 pm: removed section of comment that might be taken out of context.
Last Edit: 2011/08/28 00:12 By Freya Ishtar.
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Re:Plot devices you are tired of. 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 29
Lets be honest here. There hasn't been an original plot device sense Homer. Everything is either inspired by or pulls from something else, be it a song, art, movie, book, history, or life experiences. That is simply the way of things, whether intentionally done or not. The art of story telling isn't in necessarly coming up with something purely original - after all, a strictly original plot would most likely be a little too out there for most - but rather revitalizing and bringing interest and life to something relatable.
Dokuga is founded BY writers and artists FOR writers and artists and fans of this particular show/manga. The cornerstone of this site is team support and encouragement. We uplift eachother, we do NOT deride. Posts such as this one serve to do nothing but make others who might fit into this category, feel bad. That is flat out unacceptable. Its fine to share these opinions but do so with a diplomatic tone of respect, please. And remember that on the internet a lot is lost in translation so its likely whatever you say WILL be taken the wrong way. You must account for that in wording.
The ONLY reason this thread isn't locked is because my predecessor took great pains to not censure the forums too much. She worked tirelessly to keep this place a free exchange of thoughts, ideas, information, while maintaining a balance of mutual regard for everyone in the forums. I endeavour to live up to that, but as I'm still new at this, I'll err on the side of caution and shut it down if this looks like its going to continue the path I see it taking.
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Re:Plot devices you are tired of. 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 39
Understood, boss!
I'm not inputting on this thread to try to trample on anyone's feelings or ideas. My hope, actually, would be that newer writers that view thread like this might actually be inspired to defy overused ideas and push their boundaries to try to come up with something that is more 'them', rather than something they think people want to read.
I don't think there are any 'original' or completely unused ideas out there, either- this is why you can't copyright ideas, only the expression of the idea- but we can help each other to strive to be ourselves in how it is we express these ideas.
Last Edit: 2011/08/27 23:23 By Freya Ishtar.
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Re:Plot devices you are tired of. 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 26
That's the thing, there is nothing new or original anymore. I can't see this actually doing anything but hurting feelings, really. Imagine a new author coming in here having already started (or thinking of) a story and see something that people 'hate' or are 'tired' of and it happens to tie into what they wanted to do. Insta-feelings hurt and possibly dissuading them from posting at all for fear that they might step on one of these invisible taboos.
We want to encourage people to post their works, do we not? Everyone has to start somewhere. Dokuga is about helping people grow and providing a supportive environment for people to start.
This thread is like telling them 'Don't do this because despite what original flare you might have added there's no way I'd ever give it a chance.'
As far as writing things they 'think' people want to read... this thread is just telling them what people 'don't' want to read which is just the other side of the same token. I think we should just let them write what they want and give them constructive feedback and let them carry on. Don't like it, don't read it. It's the beauty of opinion! Dokuga is a place meant to support, not berate.
After all, 4479 stories on this website are about the show Inuyasha. LOL. Some people might call that overused, but we love it.
I am the Master Procrastinator of Dokuga, and I wield a mighty game controller!
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Re:Plot devices you are tired of. 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 39
Fox wrote:
After all, 4479 stories on this website are about the show Inuyasha. LOL. Some people might call that overused, but we love it.
True enough, we'd certainly have a lot fewer stories to fall in love with, too 
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Re:Plot devices you are tired of. 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 14
I think the problem with this viewpoint is the assumption that all stories which use these plot devices are the same. They are not. Yes, there may be thousands of stories out there wherein InuYasha cheats on Kagome and this drives Kagome into Sesshomaru's all-to-willing arms - but each one of those stories has to be taken individually and given a chance on their own merit. No reader should deny a story a chance simply based on an "overused" plot device as they cannot possibly know how the writer may choose to use that plot device, no matter how "overused" it may be. (I myself, have used the above stated plot device.)
For writers: Don't take anything in this thread as a threat or negatively. Continue to write what you are moved to write. If anything, consider it a challenge to finish what you started. Don't stop writing simply because of some concept of a plot device being "overused" or not. Maybe those who have commented simply haven't seen your brilliant twist on the idea or perhaps they just never thought to see things in the light that you've displayed the plot device in... either way, keep going and dare them to deny that it is a good thing. I am pretty sure most would still read it.
For readers: If you find yourself discontent with a particular idea you can always throw up a challenge, request a story from a writer you like (many writers are happy to write borrowed/gifted plunnies for those who enjoy our works), or simply write what you would like to read! I know, I know... writing it yourself is not the same thing but, consider this... plots are like smiles and laughter - they are contagious. We see a lot of repetitive plot devices because we writers tend to read each other's works and then go "oh I love that" and then use something similar in our own works (sometimes this is not even conscious)... so if you want to read something it is best to write something, throw it out there, and let the magic take care of itself.
Of course... your desire will eventually become the next "overused" plot device... but I digress.
P.S. Freya - Congratulations on reawakening my Kikyo!love plunnie. 
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Re:Plot devices you are tired of. 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 26
That's a wonderful idea zandrellia! I friggin' looooooooooooooooove seeing challenge threads, and I think it would be really cool to have one that starts off with something cliche, but twisting it into something amazing.
I'm not sure how many authors are available for doing a story at a request, but it surely can't hurt to ask!
I am the Master Procrastinator of Dokuga, and I wield a mighty game controller!
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Re:Plot devices you are tired of. 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 29
as a writer, I can say I'm always open for taking requests so long as people understand I'll get to it as soon as I can. ESPECIALLY for our artists who always are kind about accepting requests or offering to art for the writers (either dokugasonas, banners, or fanarts from their stories)
just one more example of how we are a community of people who support and encourage eachother.
Last Edit: 2011/08/28 00:39 By MoxyMikki.
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Re:Plot devices you are tired of. 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 216
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Re:Plot devices you are tired of. 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 29
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Re:Plot devices you are tired of. 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 216
oh you have no idea! i have DQ stalking me over it! :3 actually i need to print it out on paper to get a better look at it, to try and read and update via online stuff is very overwhelming. I feel like i can finally get back into it, but i know i need to take a fine tooth comb and plan it out better.
When i started writing that fic, i was at the time a type by the seat of my pants type of gal. Now i have more structure, and b/c i didnt then i really havent got a clue where i'm wanting it to go now. So i need to re-read and revamp a bit. i think only a few things if any will really change, but i need to figure out what i want to happen past them getting together @_@ plus i'm sure there's load of grammah in there :3
but yus! chicken can be made over 1000x1000 ways so anyone can make something out of the same old same old. I mean if i can make a fic that has about 70k words, and about 500+ reviews combined from 3 different sites, then anyone can make chicken look, taste, and smell awesome. besides sometimes onces you get some good chicken it doesnt hafta change all that much just for you to like it.
O_O i'm hungry now! nom nom nom !!!
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Time Traveler
Posts: 708
Re:Plot devices you are tired of. 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 57
O.O I don't think I've ever really read 'overused' plots, really, I like a lot of ficlets that run along the same lines but are tweaked a little to suit the author's style. I think for me it's more along the lines of seeing undeveloped plots or ideas that could be fleshed out a little more here and there. It is nice however to be pleasantly surprised when an author takes an 'old' idea and puts a new spin on it XD.
Those ficlets that make you go 'WOW!' are simply amazing.
~ Pyre
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Re:Plot devices you are tired of. 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 2
Everyone should take this with a grain of salt and a good dose of constructive criticism. We all need that.
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Re:Plot devices you are tired of. 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 6
I really can see how this has become such a heated debate. But as reader can we not dicuss what we like to see and what we are tired of reading, is that not the whole world of creative arts anyways. And people who used over use plot decives need to take time, and say, how is mine differnt, how do I express the feeling. It good thing to hear cristism becasue to many stories have become cookie cutter. No one should ever not write, we all started somewhere, and you might have a twist on a story that no one has seen before, even using a plot decives that has been seen.
I claim Byakuya paper crane in the claim game.
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Re:Plot devices you are tired of. 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 14
The problem is that you aren't giving constructive criticism to a story itself but to just a singular part of a story and claiming it is bad. It's like saying "I hate the color red and can't understand why anyone would wear it!" and then turning around and saying "I'm entitled to my opinion and I'm just saying that red is so overdone and can't you do it differently?!" without ever even seeing if the other person has done it differently or not.
Being "tired of" something implies that you wish to no longer see it or experience it anymore. Perhaps, if you had approached this differently and said "Plot devices we would like to see done differently" or had even proposed a challenge "put a new twist on this!", then things would have been taken in a different light. I can understand where some of you may be coming from but your approach is lacking.
There is no debate. The fact of the matter is that this community will not tolerate negativity which may cause our artists and writers undue stress simply because someone may or may not want a place to complain. This is not the place for that.
Please, I urge you to consider that MoxyMikki has been quite generous to allow this thread to continue, despite the potential for causing discontent among our community members, and take that to heart before you respond again.
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Re:Plot devices you are tired of. 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 6
If I knew how to close something I would. I leave this to where it is. I sorry I have offended anyone it was never my purpose or intent.
I claim Byakuya paper crane in the claim game.
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Re:Plot devices you are tired of. 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 39
The best way to help writers is to read their stories, give them a chance based on their individual merit and review to offer constructive advice about what you feel they should work on as per the bulk of the story's content.
Last Edit: 2011/08/28 12:10 By Freya Ishtar.
Reason: comment was unnecessarily rambling
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Re:Plot devices you are tired of. 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 7
Plot Devices in Sess/Kag fics that are annoying.... oh man I'm about to name like 3 of my fics
The accidental marking thing so they are stuck together
I don't even know where the whole marking thing came from but we all use it, there have been a few fics I've loved where this works out (I remember one of them being where like once a year demons go crazy and seek someone to mate with and Sesshoumaru gets Kagome and he marks her) but I've seen it done a lot and it is kind of tiring. The marking is something that is like forever, unlike human marriage, and it would be nice to see them actually fall in love and the process of making such a decision.
Arranged Marriage- this is once again one of those things that is a great plot device, because when it comes to Sesshoumaru's character (not exactly the loving type) you need something over used like this to force them together almost. Only one of these I ever remember liking is Profiler120's (and the name escapes me) maybe because Sess and Kag hated each other through the story and it was a process to learn how to co-exist, but they did so out of responsibility. Maybe this one annoys me because in a lot of fics Kagome hates it and is just fighting all the way through, while Sesshoumaru is just way into it and happy with this arrangement. Idk.
Inuyasha and all Kagome's friends are murdered she has no where to turn to- Every single one of these I've disliked. There have been many good ones where Kagome grows after Inuyasha's death, but when you just kill off everyone she knows in the fuedal era forcing her to get along with Sesshoumaru it just doesn't work. Realistically in her character she'd just go home, probably not even wanting to come back because bad memories. If we throw in the plot device that the well doesn't work anymore and she's stuck there alone I still don't see her concerning herself with Sesshoumaru so much. I mean I guess it could work if it was something like Sesshoumaru goes to her for the Tetsugia since it is of no use to Inuyasha, and maybe she refuses to give it to him, but the "Everyone is dead Kagome is stuck here Sesshoumaru goes to help her" is just way too bleh.
"Bleh, Idk, yeah my critism is very detailed ;_; but I'm just rambling off on plot devices
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Re:Plot devices you are tired of. 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 14
I just would like to take the time to announce that I intend to write almost every single plot device I see listed in here - perhaps in one story, even. (Save for rape because I just don't do that for personal reasons.)

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Re:Plot devices you are tired of. 13 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 216
okay. I'm going to say that again...
Please keep from ranting and please stay positive.
While I get that you can be tired of how things are presented to you, there's always the option that no one's seemed to have mentioned.
Write something you would want to read... For yourself!
Being an author can be hard.
Finding a new idea for a character pairing, that has approximately 20,000 stories that have been written for the last 15 years, b/c yes, that is how old IY is, can be difficult. Add to this fact, like Moxy said, there are no real original ideas, and you get a lot of overlapping. It's a struggle to find a way to do something that's already done differently. The point is that people are trying, and that they love doing it, that they also want positive feed back saying that what THEY did was important, and wonderful in the eyes of others.
If you've never written that can be something that you don't get. I'm not trying to be mean but it's the same concept as trying to understand being a mother when your not one. Either way, the point is that this site was made to uplift it's authors, artists and members in general. If we can't keep this thread positive, then i will suggest to Moxy that we lock it simply b/c we don't want a rant-thread starting. I have personally started one of those like a year old. it got deleted b/c while i hadn't intended it to be a rant thread it turned into one. People's feelings got hurt, and it's still something that i'm not happy about.
Either way, I hope you take from this, that if your not pleased with what you read, then try writing. I often get started on fiction b/c i don't see what i want to read, so i write it. surprisingly, sometimes others want to read it too. :3
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