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Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 277
I was reminded of a classic today... from Mirrored Future by Amazonian21

"He was Lord Sesshoumaru, TaiYoukai of the Western Lands. He hated humans. He was the destroyer of the West. He leapt tall buildings in a single bound. He ate bunnies for breakfast, raw."

I love this story - one of my frequent re-reads!!

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\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
- James Russell Lowell 1864

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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 15
Sorry, but when anyone is discussing unfogettable SessKag moments in fanfiction, one major one sticks out. As a huge HotM fan, I have MANY fave quuotes, but this one sticks out the most:

It was... no, this couldn't be right. There was no anger, no rage or insanity, nothing, he sounded exactly the same, exactly, as though no time at all had passed, and for a moment she thought she was dreaming this, that it couldn't be this way, that the fates would never let him be all right because that would be something good, and good things didn't happen, and it was never that easy, never never never -

And then he broke through her breathlessness, through her aching hopes and desperate denial, and said, very quietly:

"What are you doing here?"

What - ?
From far, far away, Kagome felt her mouth drop open.

Oh, she thought.

Oh, my god.

A damp, choked laugh, desperate and high in her throat, escaped from her. It didn't even sound like her voice. She was so far away, lost in this unreal dream that still felt real, but couldn't be but please oh please yes please -

And then she asked, "Have you - have you been planning to say that for four hundred years?"

God, that was not what she wanted to say, but she just could not open her mouth and pour out the thousand little words that she wanted to tell him. Kagome quaked at her cowardice, trembled with her need, and waited for him to tell her all the things she wanted to hear.

A quiet moment slipped between them. Then she heard him snort, familiar and sharp. It tweaked her heart.

And then, "More or less."
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 40
Because I'm an avid fan of Tally Mark:

“Stop making fun of me,” she said miserably, unable to keep the waver out of her voice.

Sesshoumaru stopped laughing at once.

“You misunderstand. This Sesshoumaru is not mocking you.”

“Then what?” she said, her knees feeling weak under his smoky gaze. “You knew exactly what it was the entire time but you went through that whole charade anyway!” And he kept giving her that look, the one she knew he couldn’t really be serious about. Not with lowly insect Kagome. “What else could you possibly be doing?”

He smiled a slow, dangerous smile. “I am helping you.”

He held up the vibrator again, at eye-level with her, gripping it lightly in his claws. He moved his fingers and for a second she thought he was turning it on, but instead of a buzz there was a…hissing noise.

The plastic smoked and sizzled, and Kagome watched, dumbfounded, as the vibrator melted away and puddled in the grass.

He brushed his claws off on his haori.

“I may not be a benevolent demon, but how could I not offer to aid a damsel in such distress? If you are truly in need of relief, I will happily assist. This Sesshoumaru does not believe a young lady such as you should have to service herself.” His lips tugged up at the corner, showing white fang. “I assure you, I provide an excellent massage.”

With that he turned away, his hair brushing past her as he spun on his heel. The silky touch of it made her shiver.

“And with this Sesshoumaru, maximum pleasure is a given,” he tossed over his shoulder. His voice dropped a delicious octave. “Always.”
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-Banner by the lovely, Priestess Skye

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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 14 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 1
This bit of dialog is from a one-shot written by one of my fav writers.

Could Be Raining by
Just A Starving Writer

"What did you say."

"I… I…"


"I might have said that at least I wasn't having a passionate affair with you!"

He stared at her for several long seconds before blinking.

"And why would you insult this Sesshoumaru in such a fashion."

"I didn't mean it like that!" she stated angrily, eyes flashing in defiance. "It was just that Inuyasha was so angry about Kouga-kun's visit. I was trying to make him feel better is all. Excuse me for trying to make regular groping by a wolf youkai a lesser evil."

He blinked again and still found himself feeling insulted.

"You find the affections of this Sesshoumaru less desirable than the perversions of a worthless wolf."

"Well, when you put it like that--"

"You cannot think to insult this Sesshoumaru without first experiencing my affections."


Sesshoumaru's reaction cracks me up every time I read it.
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 17
Here's one from Misconceptions and Misunderstandings:

If his energizer bunny wanted to keep on going, he would have to beat his own drum.

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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 2
It was a dream world in which an impossibly docile demon lord with silky, silver hair allowed the overly zealous miko to touch his holy head. She was probably mentally unstable for dreaming of something so stupid, but his hair was a gift to the world, dang it! Seriously, it looked like it was made of magic and happiness! And it was always right in front of her, just an arms reach away, tempting her to touch it, but she knew that if she did she would probably lose an arm.

Gods if she didn't wonder if losing an arm would be worth it - after all, she had two.

This is from ToWriteLoveOnAPage's Of Gods and Demons. I busted out laughing reading this section! The 'magic and happiness' line kills me!
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 32
(He was definitely going to have to keep a very close eye on all three of them; and if worst came to worst he would ship her off to an all girl's private school, hidden high in the mountains, on some obscure island in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by man eating sharks, wild cannibals, and flesh eating monkeys.)

This is from the Sess/Kag story - Adoption - by Keva. This is a though that comes to Naraku, who is in the role of Kagome's adopted father.
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 10
This is from Shocking Situation

Why her? Why was it always her? Why didn't stuff like this happen to Sango? Oh, sure, Sango got the young, handsome princes . . . and a perverted monk, but that's beside the point. What did Kagome get? The crazed, overbearing hanyous and youkai, who are overprotective, or have a habit of kidnapping her. It seemed every day another mythical being decided she was the one for him . . . it . . . whatever
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INUYASHA\\\'S DOGGY EARS ARE MINE! I claimed them in The Claiming Game.
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 66
This is from 'Mokomoko versus Miko'

"Mokomoko wants grandpups! Give Mokomoko grandpups! She is hot! Pup her already, whelp!"
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Everyone has their addictions. Mine are fanfiction, Sesshomaru and KARMA!!!!!!!!!!

Bakusaiga is mine via the Claiming Game thread.
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 216
"Friends hug, stop growling at me!" She scolded, and he relaxed in her arms.

Avoiding him :3
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Last Edit: 2009/08/14 17:34 By sugar0o.
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 47
From Tally Mark's Frivolous Sentimentalities

“And all those mean looks you gave me…?”

At that one he drew back, looking vaguely offended and maybe a little hurt. “Sultry looks,” Sesshoumaru said. “Sultry.” And she understood then how very much they both had been at fault in all this hopeless blundering. Unable to even imagine it, she never saw that his don’t-touch-me glare was really a come-hither stare.
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I tagged . . . err, claimed Sesshoumaru's cute, elfin ears in the Dokuga Claiming Game
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tenchi no mai
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 60
Another one of Tally Mark's - one of my favorites:

It was impossible. Inconceivable. Unfathomable.

Just like the look in his eyes.

But as the hours slid by and she still sat there, staring at the place where he’d stood, Kagome came to a horrible realization: She’d gone insane. Completely nuts. Certifiable. The whole humiliating fiasco had finally pushed her right over the edge.
Because she didn’t have control over her own mind anymore.

The words he had delivered as a suggestion had entered her mind with all the force of a command, and her thoughts were tripping over themselves to obey.

Think about my offer, he had said.

And she was.

And she couldn’t stop.

“Oh lord,” Kagome whispered, trembling. “I’m doomed!”


From Utter Doom by Tally Mark

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Last Edit: 2009/08/14 19:00 By tenchi no mai. Reason: had to fix italics
Save the\\\'s the only planet with chocolate! (Seen on a bumpersticker)
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Mistress Sianna
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 26
This one is kinda long, plus it's a shameless self-promotion of my own story!

“Today I discovered something… about Rin.” Attempting to gage his response, the miko came up short when he merely raised a brow.

“Go on.” he said after a moment.

“She umm… she has miko powers.”

The demon lord stared at her.

Kagome stared back at him. Though he had not said a word, she felt as if he were waiting for her to elaborate. Feeling a bit nervous now she continued, “I think she can sense demonic auras, and today she shot a purification arrow into a tree. I told her that I could start training her, but I didn‘t want to umm… I mean if you don‘t want her to…. I mean…”

“As long as it is agreeable between Rin and yourself, you may do as you please.” he finally said.

The miko’s eyes widened, her mouth dropping open soundlessly. “You mean… you mean you don’t have a problem with it?”

“Should I?”

“N-no! I just… I just… Miko’s and demons don’t typically get along. There are a few exceptions, but I didn’t think you’d…”

“It is of no consequence.” he cut her off.

Kagome stared at him. He was such an enigmatic person. Any time she made the faintest of predictions as to what he might say or do, he would do something completely different. Before she could stop it, the question of her mind spilled from her lips. “Why?”

The daiyoukai looked away from her toward the door, but she could tell that it was not the straw panel that held his attention. “Because she is still Rin.” he said after a short pause.

I cut out of this a little, but I liked this little scene between Sesshoumaru and Kagome. I got some nice comments on it so I decided to share it... again.
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Last Edit: 2009/08/14 19:35 By Lady Sianna.

Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Beautifully Wicked
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 20
This is one of my favorite scenes of all time!! I love Sidhe I wish she'd come back...

"Haven't you heard, Inuyasha? Apparently I'm a..." The Inu paused, a long finger tapping his lower lip as if he were deep in thought. "Oh yes. A 'freaky, perverted youkai fish' is, I believe, how she phrased it." His smirk, if possible, grew even more wicked.

"-the hell..." Inuyasha turned wide eyes on Kagome. "You didn't-I mean he didn't-"

"Take a deep breath. Try again. I'm sure it will come." Once again, Sesshomaru with the sarcastic commentary.
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Wicked knows all... watch her bounce

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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 31
Innocent Until Proven Guilty by Sesshoumaru's Fiend

The entire crowd continued to stare at him with mixed emotions. How the hell did this looney toon become a judge?!

"Bailiff!" Miroku screeched, turning to the bored bailiff.

"Yes, Your Honor?"

"Can you go get me that drink I had earlier today?" Miroku asked with a hopeful voice.

"The strawberry daiquiri?"

"No! That's not it! It was red and had a little umbrella in it!"

"A strawberry daiquiri."

"No you giant ignoramus! There was a lime in it!"

"Damn it Miroku! That's a strawberry daiquiri!" Sesshoumaru's irritated voice rang out.
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Last Edit: 2009/08/18 22:17 By phishbon3s.
When he heard a sound which was bitter sound and a sweet sound all at once, which began like hello and ended like goodbye. ~ The Storyteller

“And then, Dave made an improvised megaphone by using a squirrel, some strings and a megaphone.”
- The Narrator from Dave the Barbarian

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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0
Oh my god...silliest thing I've ever read. [Other than ToWriteLoveOnAPage's post from Of Gods and Demons on the first page, that was funny as hell, I busted out laughing!]

From chapter one of Mokomoko Plus Miko by MissK:

Kagome's mood transformed to pure rage, and before Sesshoumaru could even interpret it, she swatted Mokomoko.

"You're a grown man. You should have more damn sense than to slither off in the middle of the night and scare girls, you know! Not only are you grown, you have grown sons that have better manners than you. Sesshoumaru is the rudest person I've ever met in my entire life, and somehow, he knows not to try and molest me. He obviously did not learn the one or two manners he actually has from you! Shame on you!" she yelled as she continued swatting Mokomoko.

I could just see Kagome going off on like that, lol.

And this one.....I totally lost it. I can't even repeat it to my sister with a straight face!

From chapter 7 of Innocent Until Proven Guilty by Sesshoumaru's Fiend

"I came to inform you that should you ever lay a single finger on Higurashi Kagome again I'll punch you in the mouth so fucking hard that your teeth will be coming out your ass like Chicklets. Do I make myself clear?" Sesshoumaru ground out, threateningly.
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Last Edit: 2009/08/15 08:06 By Kokuei.
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 66
This is from 'Do You Know How to Dance?'

“I know Kagome, and there is no way that she would just leave My Inuyasha, so that could only lead me to think that you are a home wrecker! I don’t know what you’ve got planned girl, but I will not allow my son to be mated to a scandalous succubus!” The elder woman stood from her table, towering at her short stature over the still seated miko, ready to leave before she turned and hissed at the younger woman.

“Kagome was much better for my boy, at least she knew who she was with and when.” with that she turned and left the younger woman fuming, having once again been told that Kagome was better then her by someone she didn’t even know, and unconsciously sending her ire to her mate through their still weak bond.
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Everyone has their addictions. Mine are fanfiction, Sesshomaru and KARMA!!!!!!!!!!

Bakusaiga is mine via the Claiming Game thread.
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Sesshoumaru's Fiend
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 5
My Pet by PegasusRider. PegasusRider was one of the authors who got me liking the SessxKag pairing. The other being StrikingFalcon.

Amarante held out the fan to stop Kagome's flood of questions. “I'll tell you tomorrow morning at breakfast." She said in her silken voice. "So how has the party been?" She asked, glancing at her relative who was acknowledging a comment from a panda demon farther down the table.

"Boring." Kagome frankly said.

"I'm not surprised." Amarante said, batting Jakken away, who was hovering near her elbow. "These parties always are stuffy." She said, rolling her eyes before kicking the retainer away from the table.

"What parties aren't?" Kagome complained.

"It depends where you go!" Amarante winked, slyly glancing at Sesshoumaru. "Up North we have some pretty wild parties, right Sesshoumaru?"

Sesshoumaru cast a frown at her. "I have no idea what you speak of." Sesshoumaru grumbled.

Amarante let out a purr before leaning in. "Don't let him fool you. When we were kids he would always come to my birthday parties, which were a lot more fun then this!"

"I did miss one!" Sesshoumaru stubbornly resisted.

Amarante frowned. "That's right. He refused to come to my 94th birthday party. I was so depressed I went out and bought twenty ponies." Amarante told Kagome, tapping her lips.

Kagome's eyes bulged. "Do you still have them?"

"Do you want a pony?" Amarante countered.
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 18
From Kagome357's story Utopia(even though this a new story i just had to share this part)

Sesshomaru gently grabbed her hand and led it to his left ear. “Run your fingers along the edge in the way you would with your own.”

Kagome ran her fingers along his ear quickly, trembling slightly.

“Do not be nervous!” he snapped. “Take your time! My ear is not a magic lamp!”

“Your shitty tone isn’t helping,” Kagome gulped as she traced his ear with her fingertips, going slower this time. She marveled at how smooth it was. For some reason, she thought it would be hairy or horned even but it was soft and pliable like her own. She absently wondered what would happen if she ran her tongue across it.

Sesshomaru hissed slightly, so slightly that Kagome nearly missed it. He closed his eyes as she traced her fingers from the top and then curled her fingers underneath the back edge, going down the top to the bottom inside until she reached the bottom of his lobe.

Fascinated, she watched his aura glow a faint reddish-purple. He was turned on by this, she realized. She traced his inner lobe, her breathing turning shallow.

“You’re genuinely worried about all of this, aren’t you?” she asked absently.

Suddenly Sesshomaru tensed and stared at her. This was something that would have been said by a mate to her male after a long hard day at the office. He had been enjoying this, he realized. Too much, in fact. Somehow during this exercise their moods had shifted. There was something very personal and sensuous going on between them. He knew he was attracted to her but was she attracted to him?

He narrowed his eyes carefully. Had she sensed something, perhaps his acceptance of the gesture? Could she see his aura? He looked deeply into her eyes. “What are you thinking right now, Kagome?”

Kagome eyes widened as she leaned back. He was on to her. She needed to think of something.

“Look at you, thinking that someone wants you,” she smirked. “You’re so vain. You probably think this ear rub's about you.”

Sesshomaru sat back, eyeing her carefully. He had seen something. There was no mistaking it. She was...what was the word he was looking for?

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Last Edit: 2009/08/18 22:36 By Akay.
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Shrine Girl
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 31
you spin me right round by gypsiewine is chock full of funny bits! Carlos Man of Love almost made me choke on my tongue. The penguin arc is stuck in my mind at the moment. So enjoy an excerpt from chapter 31:

"Alright, Ayame, take notes!"

"Aye-aye, captain!" Ayame said whilst posing with a fluffy, yellow, smilely-face light up pen and a pink pad of paper with bunnies on it.

"What the bloody hell? Where did those come from?... Meh, never mind, it doesn't really matter. Ladies, we are going to need to order a ridiculous amount of little straw hats, you know, the kind with the chin elastic, one mini velour suit, preferably dark purple with gold trim, some small funky ass sunglasses, one mini ornate kimono and one samurai costume, a large pile of pink and blue ribbons, oh, and, did I mention the hats?"

"You did. But where the heck are we supposed to find little costumes?"

"Tori, I have not figured that out yet, but rest assured, I will think of something! I am, after all, your brave and fearless leader! Now, Ayame, I am making you the official Penguin Concierge."

"The what?"

"The Concierge. You know, that hotel dude, usually wears a nice suit, always seems to have a British accent, yadda-yadda-yadda?"


"The man who quietly makes sure that the guests have what they need, handles the doormen, maids, and bellboys, and generally takes care of everything concerning the inner-workings of a hotel." Tori stage-whispered. Loudly. Naturally, Mateo was completely oblivious, her mind on more important things.

"Ah, gotcha."

"Right then ladies! Break!"

They did.

"Now, let's take five and discuss Johnny Depp's gorgeous ass over tempura!"

"No tempura for you! Here, have some Gatorade."

"God dammit, enough with the bloody Gatorade!"
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When he heard a sound which was bitter sound and a sweet sound all at once, which began like hello and ended like goodbye. ~ The Storyteller

“And then, Dave made an improvised megaphone by using a squirrel, some strings and a megaphone.”
- The Narrator from Dave the Barbarian

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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 8
This just keeps popping into my head for some reason... From forthright's 'Impeccable':

"Oh." Feeling ignorant and ill-at-ease, she ventured, "What about you? Don't you eat?"

"Yes, miss. I'll dine later."

"Miss, miss, miss," Kagome muttered glumly. "I have a name... and I don't even like asparagus."

He appeared so suddenly at her elbow, Kagome jumped. "Allow me, miss," Commandeering the tongs, he expertly deposited a generous serving on her plate.

Makes me giggle each time.
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 15
Her patiences was running thin. She really, truly felt bad because she could only imagine Sesshomaru was feeling much worse than she was, but it wasn't as if she were jumping for joy after being locked out of the world in which she practically lived. She realized it could take years for Inuyasha and the others to retrieve the jewel from Naraku without her help in sensing it's power. This left her, along with Sesshomaru, the ruthless, human hating demon, trapped in a world where mortals reigned supreme. This really couldn't end very well, but Kagome would do everything in her power to keep her home and family safe. Even if she had to fight Sesshomaru all on her own. How would she go about doing something like that? Well, she'd just wing it.

She assumed Sesshomaru saw her pass through the well, his curiosity got the better of him and somehow the well allowed him to pass through as well. It didn't make much sense to her. Up until now only she and Inuyasha had the power to do so. Perhaps Sesshomaru was mistaken for Inuyasha, being his brother and all. That didn't make much sense either. Although, really, nothing made sense anymore. Not after she had been transported to a different world via well. After something like that happens one tends to lose their grip on reality, ya know?

Kagome shook her head, which seemed to baffle the demon who had been watching her intently as her mind wandered further.

"Are you not aware of what I'm capable of, priestess?" Sesshomaru's tone was threatening but it didn't phase Kagome for some reason. Perhaps because she knew, and he knew, that he'd never get back without her help. In fact, he'd never survive here period, happily that is, without her help. There's no way he would travel the world just to kill every human he came across. He'd just have to learn to coexist until they found a way to pass onto the other side again.

"I'm aware." Kagome hissed, losing her patience, "Right now is not a time to be threatening the only person who can help you, lord bitchy pants!" She saw his eyes darken at the insult, "Just do me a favor and stop complaining for a second. I'm trying to think! You wanna go back to the well, fine! I'll take you there, but it'll only prove me right and you wrong! I know how the well works by now. It might have let you in which is... really confusing to me, but either way it won't let you back through without the power of the shikon no tama! Do you understand now?"

"You try my patience!" Sesshomaru all but hissed.

"You try mine!" Kagome blurted out. She grabbed her spring jacket and marched to the door, "Let's go, I'll take you to the stupid well."

Sadly, it's only got two chapters and I fear it may not be continued...
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Last Edit: 2009/08/27 08:02 By AmEva.
I would like some critical feedback on my pseudo-fic, Catch and Keep
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 14 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 6
Of course it's a HOTM quote, but really, it's just too good...

"Look, you've been demolishing your pillows again in your sleep. You need this."

"...You know about that?"

"Of course. You think I don't know that you replace them on the sly? The down gets everywhere. And I do mean everywhere."


"Look. Just get out of here. Go kill something. You'll feel better, and I won't wake up with feathers in my crotch. Everyone wins."

"...What if I want you to have feathers in your- "


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\\\"Godlike\\\" -
\\\"Cell Block Tango\\\" -
\\\"After All\\\" -
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Shrine Girl
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years ago Karma: 31
She Who the Prophecy Foretold by Sunset Miko
Chapter 37 - A Miko Belt or 'Damn it! Put Me Down!'

"Sesshoumaru?" she whispered.

"Yes, Kagome?"

"Are we still in the tree?"

"Yes, Kagome."

This always tickled the hell out of me.
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When he heard a sound which was bitter sound and a sweet sound all at once, which began like hello and ended like goodbye. ~ The Storyteller

“And then, Dave made an improvised megaphone by using a squirrel, some strings and a megaphone.”
- The Narrator from Dave the Barbarian

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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years ago Karma: 2
This one line (and other lines in the same story) had me falling out of my chair. Laughing. Which LC is really good at doing to me, plus causing my monitor to become covered in whatever I might be drinking at that moment as well.

LC Rose's story, Dirty Dog

Her mind raced, trying to find her a way out of this latest predicament, and Kagome cursed to herself when her mind came up empty. Deciding maybe polite diplomacy would aid her, she cleared her throat as she stared up at the smoldering eyes of the daiyoukai before her. “Um, Sesshoumaru-sama,” she began, lending an extra edge to his title as if to remind the seemingly insane daiyoukai of who he actually was. “I think--”

“Too much,” he interrupted. “Why are you going when you could be cumming?”
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~Over at the Claim Game~

I am soooo a FIREMENS!!!! fangirl!!! You should become one too!

Yes! Watch the new eps of IY every Saturday, here!!
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