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The Golden Era and the New Classics
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TOPIC: The Golden Era and the New Classics
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Re:The Golden Era and the New Classics 15 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 40
There are a few that I still read and re-read until now.

"Promises" by Landlady of the Universe
"Tales from the House of the Moon" by Resmiranda
"Moonstruck" and "Landfall" by the same author i don't remember the name of
CiraArana stuff
and a few more that are on the tip of my tongue.
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Lady Shikibu
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Re:The Golden Era and the New Classics 15 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 4
I like the idea you've put forth about the Golden Era. But I'm wondering, is there an actual set time period for it? I've been with S/K since about 2002, and though I can't say exactly when I think it started, but I think it ended about a year after the last chapter of HotM came out, which would be about two years ago. I remember thinking that a lot of the stuff that was put up on SS or anywhere else really didn't catch my attention at all and I wondered what happened to all my old favorite authors.

There were a few authors who kept my interest during that time - RosieB and Miss Artemis, are the first that come to mind - but only recently have I seen any real big pick up in the originality and quality of fanfiction. I really think that Dokuga contributes a lot to that by providing such a close community of S/K-ers who are all willing to help out. I think somebody said on this thread that the reason for the decline is because all the plots have been fleshed out, but I think there's no way that could ever happen - if it were possible people would've stopped putting out music ages ago:P. I know fics that are even better than the Golden Age ones will be written and I can't wait to read them.

Also, a couple of Golden age fics and writers that I liked:

RosieB's The Broken Miko (and other stuff)
Any of CiraArana's stuff
Resmiranda obviously
Striking Falcon - though she's still putting stuff out
Suburban Thrills
Beautiful Silent Death
Yanaristocrat's Misery Loves Complany is one of my very favorite

I know I missed a lot, but SessyLove I hope that answers your question enough:laugh:
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Re:The Golden Era and the New Classics 15 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 5
Forgive the lenght, I have a tendency to go on until I feel I explained my point my best.
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Re:The Golden Era and the New Classics 15 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 5
I understand everyone's view...If looked at that way, The Golden Era can be fearful and somewhat uninspiring however I do not look at it that way myself. I've always thought of the great works of the older fandom to be something to be caught up with.

For example, The Golden Era's 'Tales From the House of the Moon' is an epic story and is probably the most referred to as uncomparable. But I think the main reason for that is not because it's a Golden Era classic but because it was a masterpiece, art in its truest forms. Now I wouldn't call my devotion daunting because compared to most I am somewhat new to the world of Sesshoumaru and Kagome and even newer to writing.

I recently read HoTM and it has become my favorite not because it is part of the Golden Era but because I've never had a story impact me so hard. And stories I've read before it, the ones I love regardless just because they trapped me in the fandom, had no effect of my respect and devotion for HoTM.

I don't believe writers should be discouraged in the face of the Golden Era classics only strive to catch up with what has made them so great. HoTM is one of the first I considered matchless but I am not saying that a new classic cannot become matchless in my eyes as well. It's hard for me to get it into words but all I'm saying is...although The Golden Era classics have devoted fans it doesn't mean they cannot accept a new classic for what it is.

Lady B I don't think you should be discouraged because like some others I see, your work is a new classic that I view as timeless and my love for SFFT is not effected in the least by other older fics I consider timeless as well. Now I don't know if my rant made sense but it was the best way I could put it.
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Minister of Silly Walks
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Re:The Golden Era and the New Classics 15 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 25
Kris is amazing. I've got a print from the Broadway series on my wall ^^
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October Rose
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Re:The Golden Era and the New Classics 15 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 3
wow if you like the lucky ones you should check out some of the fan art by Kriscynical on deviant art. she also has a website linked to her homepage with a lot more art that she can't post since they are a bit naughty.
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Minister of Silly Walks
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Re:The Golden Era and the New Classics 15 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 25
The Lucky Ones is by terri botta. Here is a link to MediaMiner if you are interested in reading it:

EDIT: Another fave of mine is by Fenikkusuken. Again, not a Sesshoumaru/Kagome, but I love her writing style: This is one I followed on from late 05 until she finished it last year.
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Last Edit: 2009/06/08 15:05 By MomoDesu.
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Re:The Golden Era and the New Classics 15 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 33
This is a really interesting thread. I am curious, as a sidebar, which stories do you guys consider golden agers? Also, Momodesu, who wrote the one you mentioned, The Lucky Ones?
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Minister of Silly Walks
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Re:The Golden Era and the New Classics 15 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 25
I think the reason I have such an attachment to some of the older stories are because they are the stories I read and kept up with religiously when I first got into the fandom. There are few stories that I enjoy to that degree anymore, to the point I get excited over updates or read from my iphone when I'm away from the computer.

As far as Golden Era stories, most of my faves aren't Sesshoumaru/Kagome, only because that wasn't my favorite pairing when I first started reading back in 2003. My all time favorite I would have to say is The Lucky Ones, only because that was the first story that actually made me sick to my stomach in some places, and cry in others. I'm not a person who cries, so that left a really big impression on me.
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Re:The Golden Era and the New Classics 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 33
I have not read a whole bunch of the golden agers, but I do know that your Seven Feudal Fairy Tales is bound to become one of the new Classics. That is pretty obvious.

There are a lot of authors here that would make it onto a New Classics list. I don't know if it is really fair to point some out, at the expense of others, but seeing as you put this forward, I thought it was more than fair to add your name to the list that will surely grow as this thread does.
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Re:The Golden Era and the New Classics 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 40
I like the idea.

There are a few fanfics that come to mind when I think about the early fandom. And in my opinion, it really started to boom after Resmiranda's "Tales from the House of the Moon" came out.

And regarding new classics, I've read a few out there that really catch me. Aside from attention to detail, the stories are unique in their own way but at the same time, appropriately capture the character's personalities.

Three of my personal favorites right now, are Letters to an Admiral, Seven Feudal Fairytales, and Wisteria.
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Last Edit: 2009/06/08 00:09 By Rikayu.

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Re:The Golden Era and the New Classics 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 16
I agree that it is daunting as a writer to attempt to stand up to the Golden Age of Sess/Kag fics. I find the main problem with most fics that I've read recently are quite stagnant in plot and writing form. To me, at least, newer fics follow a formula and do not intellectually engage the reader. Maybe this is because so many fics have already been written. I've been following the Sess/Kag community since about 2004 or so.

But, as I said in my review Lady B, 7FFT belongs in the same rankings as the Golden Age of Sess/Kag. It holds the same "stickiness" that golden age fics have that makes people reread the. It is intellectually and emotionally stimulating for the reader.

Anyway, an this interesting and engaging topic.
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Beat Cop
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The Golden Era and the New Classics 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: -666
With thousands of works of fanfiction penned and an even more vast following of readers, this fandom is amazing in not only its enormity, but in its diversity as well. People of all ages and nationalities come together at Dokuga as well as other sites to indulge in and socialize over one of their favorite pairings that has been growing strong since Takahashi first published Inuyasha.

That being said, I've noticed a vigorous devotion to works written in the earlier days of this fandom. I like to equate them as fics belonging to the Golden Era as they seem not only timeless in the minds of those who continue to read them, but their seemingly universal adoration by a multitude of members is amazing to behold.

To be honest, I find their unwavering appeal to so many to be quite daunting to me as a writer. How can one compete when others so willingly describe them and their authors as "unparalleled" or "matchless"? Can one hope to be remembered or valued when faced with such unrivaled devotion? And what if you don't agree?

There are many new classics now, works of fiction that have sprouted up over the past couple years that are as good in my opinion and perhaps some that even best these older, iconic fics. Does anyone feel the same or am I alone in this?
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Beat Cop
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Re:The Golden Era and the New Classics 15 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: -666
I think it's a misconception that there are more poorer quality stories now or even more overused plot lines over the fiction written a few years ago. What has really changed in my opinion, are the numbers of stories being written as a whole.

One has to wonder if some of these stories reached iconic status, just because they stood out in a sparse field of grass. But now, it seems that field has become a jungle with just over 1700 fics on this site alone, never mind the multitude of other websites who host even more.

That's not to say that any of these Golden Era stories wouldn't be adored now if they were posted, but you have to think about all of the quality stories that get hardly any notice as they drift under our radars. What if they had been penned a few years ago when the field was less full?

Terms such as matchless and incomparable must be carefully used if at all. It does set an unattainable standard for anyone who writes. That's why "one of the greatest" works so much better. At least it seems like there is some room at the top for all of who are striving to get there.

And while I am very flattered that some of you think of my story as highly as you do (believe me, I blush every time), I didn't start this thread for comfort and I don't want 7FFT to be thought of in the same fashion as these older fics. Not to mention, it almost implies that this is the best that I can do and I should hope that this one story is not the pinnacle of my writing achievements.
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Priestess Skye
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Re:The Golden Era and the New Classics 15 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 696975
I definitely think we'll see some new classics. What I'd like to see is some of these new fics make the limelight, even for fifteen minutes lol. We all comment on how we read some of these older fics over and over again, but we have some new brilliant writing that isn't getting very much attention. I'd like ot see that attention shift toward them. We should always remember where sess/kag came from and the fics that made today, but we should be looking ahead as well.

or some sort of baloney like that. It's 6am, i'm still too sleepy to sound remotely intelligent
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