Re:Pups! 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 40
Lady Sianna wrote:
I think my favorite scenario for pups came from the story A Sentinel Mother, by Demonlordlover. In that one, Kagome was specifically selected by the gods to have full blooded pups, but they did not have human forms. (If you haven't already, read the story. It's really good) The idea was so unique and I have yet to see it reproduced; and really I wouldn't want to.
Outside of that, I think my second favorite scenario for pups is hanyou pups with full demonic power who are immune to purification. I've never read a story with human offspring. As I am a soft, fluffy, happy-ending loving fangirl, I would hate for them to have human offspring. I always find a way to prolong Kagome's life in my stories so I'd happilly do the same for whatever pups she and Sesshoumaru might have.
oh yes, i loved that little quirk in Sentinel Mother. It was something I'd never heard anyone do before, so it was a nice break from all the full-blooded humanoid or hanyou munchkins running around.
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Re:Pups! 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 26
I think my favorite scenario for pups came from the story A Sentinel Mother, by Demonlordlover. In that one, Kagome was specifically selected by the gods to have full blooded pups, but they did not have human forms. (If you haven't already, read the story. It's really good) The idea was so unique and I have yet to see it reproduced; and really I wouldn't want to.
Outside of that, I think my second favorite scenario for pups is hanyou pups with full demonic power who are immune to purification.  I've never read a story with human offspring. As I am a soft, fluffy, happy-ending loving fangirl, I would hate for them to have human offspring. I always find a way to prolong Kagome's life in my stories so I'd happilly do the same for whatever pups she and Sesshoumaru might have.
Last Edit: 2009/05/16 15:33 By Lady Sianna.
Reason: Was distracted by dancing naked men.
Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Re:Pups! 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 696975
I haven't figured out my position on pups. Mostly I've gone with hanyou. I think I've only written two pieces that had pups in it.
The first one had a hanyou son. I think I killed him (For Her), I can't remember. I'll have to look it up lol. In that one I gave Kagome Sess's life span. In others she just has that of a human.
The other one that I had a child in was Table for Three and the child was sickly, the blood reacting against each other. After all, we have powerful demon and a miko. So the two sides in the blood spent her life fighting against each other, causing the child pain. It was an interesting concept that Snowfall brought up and intrigued me.
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Re:Pups! 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 40
Miss Kagura wrote:
I usually go with whatever the author has chosen, but in my own stories, I think I only gave them a kid in one, and it was a hanyou. I think I prefer hanyou outcomes, because that weird and taboo mixing of their species is part of what makes the miko/demon thing so interesting.
yes, i do agree with that. I find it irritating sometimes were the child ends up magically full-blooded youkai without any sort of decent explanation at all. o.o
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Re:Pups! 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 9
Hmm... that's a tough one. It all depends on the story and how the authors portrays it really....although would I be considered wierd if I was the only one that perfered full breed pups with Kagome's miko powers (because my OC's are like that lol)
PROUD Inupapa fangirl
"I wish for a heart. A heart of the man whom I'll never allow to forget me." (to Kagome) - Kikyo
"Go Naraku, gather the shards of the jewel, and once you found them all , then I will send you to hell." - Kikyo
I support Kikyo...got a problem with that?
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Re:Pups! 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 216
I think for me it depends on the story.
Honestly i dont like the idea that Sess and Kags are nearly immortal/and mortal. I hate that he could find such a love only to have time steal her.
Ive seen stories where she has full bloods, hanyou, even full humans, as wella s not being able to have any at all.
Honestly it just depends on the story, but mostly i think i favor fullbloods, b/c even if kagome dies, what would it be like to see your children die as well simply b/c you are immortal and they are only hanyou. No matter how long inuyasha lives, it will be something akin to half of what Sesshomaru will live. And thusly hanyou pups from Kagome would more then likely be the same. I'd hate to think what it would be like for Sess to see his mortal wife die in only 50 years or so, as well as his hanyou pups some hundred years or more in the future. I think he'd be a dark and broken demon at that point.
So i favor full.
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Re:Pups! 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 27
Don't mind this - My reply send twice and there's no delete button to get rid of this extra post
Last Edit: 2009/05/16 05:50 By angelic memories.
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Re:Pups! 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
For me it depends on the author. They have to convince me of whats going on and how it will turn out. Authors use the freedom to create possibilties!
Some examples!
In sesshou_lover's "Broken Promises" Kagome has a genetic mutation or disease that not only allows her to have full blooded Youkai but to go into heat as well.
In KogasAngel's "Close Encounters Of The Fluffy Kind" Kagome's power makes her a victim to the blood moons power (induces heat) and has the ability to produce youkai children.
"Baby Blues" I think the name is, unfortunatly I cant remember the authors name. Is where Tainted(cursed) jewel shards are inside of Kagomes body, by the touch of Sesshomaru's hand she becomes pregnant. I think they produced hanyou children...
I cant remember the title nor the name of the author of the story. Its where Sesshomaru and Kagome could not have offspring due to their polar opposite powers. Sesshomaru's seed was poision to Kagome and damaged her health.
So convince me and you've got yourself one pup of a reader... *looks at last sentence, crunches it up and throws it away.*
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Re:Pups! 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 27
I don't have a preferance. I have written it multiple ways (or have plans to for when certain stories reach that part). Hanyou, full youkai, and miko youkai, actually I don't think I have a full blooded human version...
I can see pups being any outcome and so long as it fits the story and makes sense I really don't mind which way an author writes the outcome of a pup
Last Edit: 2009/05/16 05:49 By angelic memories.
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Re:Pups! 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 51
I usually go with whatever the author has chosen, but in my own stories, I think I only gave them a kid in one, and it was a hanyou. I think I prefer hanyou outcomes, because that weird and taboo mixing of their species is part of what makes the miko/demon thing so interesting.
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Pups! 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 40
There's always been alot of controversy about the offspring of out beloved taiyoukai and miko.
I've seen stories that make the pup(s) full youkai, despite kagome's human blood and miko powers.
There are hanyou outcomes, but there are also full-blooded human outcomes.
What is your take on this?
Personally, I don't know which one I prefer. It would depend on the story and how the author is able to efficiently present it. If it sounds convincing and possible, then I'll go with whichever. 
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:Pups! 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 34
never thought about this much... i don't think that it bothers me unless it is like completely out of context with how the story is going, but anyway as far as i care as long as they look like Sesshomaru, any pup is a good one, human hanyou or youkai or any combination of the above. *nods head for emphasis*
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Re:Pups! 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 2
A Sentinel Mother was an amazing story! That birthing scenario and the whole idea was so original..
I've never read a story involving Sess and Kags where she's pregnant with a full human baby, but I think the outcome really depends on the author and how they sell their idea. I like the full demon idea, but I usually find it hard to believe, so I guess that makes my favorite offspring a hanyou. It always makes the most sense, and the whole "Sesshoumaru accepting a hanyou offspring" concept is just so heart-warming.
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Time Traveler
Posts: 789
Re:Pups! 15 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 156
I've only done one story (so far) where I've kept Sess as a demon and had him have offspring with Kagome.
Oddly enough, their pups were both full-blooded and hanyou.  In that story Kagome had the completed Shikon no tama inside of her, which allowed their first-born and heir become a full youkai, but later on they did have hanyou-twins. ^^
I'll go with any version as well, as long as the choice is justified and makes sense in the frame of the story in question.
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Re:Pups! 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 9
hm i don't mind the hanyou because it shows that Sesshomaru doesn't hate hanyous (just inuyasha) and full youkai i don't mind either it is the full human that i mind, i don't know but Sesshomaru doesn't disserve to out live his pups
but in my story i have yet to work around it but i do belive that the pups will be full youkai.
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Re:Pups! 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 2
I really just go with whatever flow the author has chosen but must confess a love for the full-blooded demon turnout and the miko youkai because I can't resist the cuteness of a mini sesshoumaru with it's own little mokomoko ^_^
I could not love thee, Dear, so much,
Loved I not honour more.
To Lucasta, On Going to the Wars
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Re:Pups! 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 67
This is a bit tricky. I say this because their pups could come out either way, be it hanyou, youkai or the minute possibility human. They could be human but be able to retain their father's lifespan with their mother's powers. They could be hanyou with their mother's powers. Or, they could be completely youkai with either parent's coloring. Another possibility is that they come out human at first and by the time their puberty hits, they become youkai. I guess they come out according to what the author has in mind when writing.
I personally haven't written a story where they have any pups yet. I don't let them get to that point. ^_^
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Re:Pups! 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 58
The mix factor never bothers me in fics, it's usually how quickly Kagome jumps to referring to her unborn child as a pup. I don't care what species the father is, it is just so ingrained into humans that we have babies that that would be what she would naturally refer to her own as. Not to mention baby is a generic term that's cross-species in both connotation and denotation. If youkai like to refer to their children by specific species, that's one thing, but to a human, they're all just babies. A pup would have four paws, a snout, a tail, floppy ears and fur.
And that is Inali's Fandom Pet Peeve of the Day.
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Re:Pups! 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 40
inali wrote:
The mix factor never bothers me in fics, it's usually how quickly Kagome jumps to referring to her unborn child as a pup. I don't care what species the father is, it is just so ingrained into humans that we have babies that that would be what she would naturally refer to her own as. Not to mention baby is a generic term that's cross-species in both connotation and denotation. If youkai like to refer to their children by specific species, that's one thing, but to a human, they're all just babies. A pup would have four paws, a snout, a tail, floppy ears and fur.
And that is Inali's Fandom Pet Peeve of the Day.
i agree. i don't really like it when she refers to her child as a pup. its more something that i see sesshoumaru call him/her, but i've always thought that kagome would always stick with "baby".
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