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Reviewers - Thank you.
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TOPIC: Reviewers - Thank you.
Time Traveler
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Reviewers - Thank you. 9 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 57

I know peeps out there have received reviews for our fics that make us scratch our heads. This isn't one of those times. I received a review, anonymously, for a story I am writing outside of the Inuyasha-universe, in a different fandom.

So fanfic comes along.

Naturally ne?

I think my point is this review made me realise how much power we have author's to create a plot and have characters act out that plot. I mean 'we' know what's really happening or going to happen with the characters and said plot in whatever direction we take the fic.

Our readers don't.

They will often make very valid conclusions and assumptions based on what they have read about a character in the story we write.

My reviewer for example concluded that I was writing three characters in a complicated love-triangle(which I am) but that it was one-sided, and potentially unfair on the other characters in that love-triangle.

They were correct, but without knowing the underlying complications and personal issues beneath that relationship (which I haven't yet revealed) their perceptions are at present half-formed.

They don't know fully what's going on, which is for better or worse exactly what I intended.

But I mean for a reader to really get into a fic and think that much over it.

Wow, I'm actually really honoured, because for me as an author it means that I can write emotion and relationships between characters convincingly enough for someone to believe in them.

And I know it frustrates the heck out of some of my readers.


I know, I do, but that's the point of fanfiction ne?

To explore new untold adventures, through the power of being an author.

So thank you to all those that review stories for all of us aspiring authors.

You're brilliant.

~ Pyre
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Re:Reviewers - Thank you. 9 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 6
*claps for you!!*

100% agree with you Pyrie! I love getting new reviews on my stories, not for the idea of "oh I'm so famous" but because it really reminds me that I'm not the only one enjoying my fics and immersed in the fandom. I only write what I enjoy, and to see that others are enjoying my works as well really warms my heart.

The BEST is when you get those prediction reviews, when they think the plot will go one way, and you get to surprise them by going a complete different way! Again, it really just shows that others are as interested and intrigued in the story line as the author, and really brings that extra kick of inspiration to keep writing.

Very important post indeed!
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Re:Reviewers - Thank you. 9 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 56
Omyouji wrote:
*claps for you!!*

The BEST is when you get those prediction reviews, when they think the plot will go one way, and you get to surprise them by going a complete different way! Again, it really just shows that others are as interested and intrigued in the story line as the author, and really brings that extra kick of inspiration to keep writing.

Very important post indeed!

These are my favorite reviews too. I love seeing how closely someone was paying attention to the details and where the story takes their minds.
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Re:Reviewers - Thank you. 9 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 16
Reviews can literally make or break your story. Each review I receive, good or bad, gives me input on what readers are looking for, and it fills me with joy for each one I receive.

Thanks to all the reviewers out there! It's YOU that make us thrive to write!
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